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- Apartment Name: Transpark Juanda Bekasi
- Location: Jl. Ir. H. Juanda, Margahayu, Kec. Bekasi Timur, Bekasi Jawa Barat 17113
- Tower/Floor/View: A/5/27 (WaterPark View)
- Size: 20 m2
- Bedroom: Studio (Mezanin Bed and Sofabed)
- Bathroom: 1
- Study Room: yes
- Condition:
- * NEW
- * Waterpark View
- * FULL Furnished (Siap Pakai)
- * Mezanin Bed (100*200cm)
- * Sofa Bed (Big Size)
- * Water Heater (1-2org)
- * Full Wifi & Smart Television
- * Wardrobe + full cermin
- * Full kabinet/lemari (untuk barang, sepatu, dll)
- * Kursi kerja/belajar + Meja panjang
- * Kitchen Set + piring, mangkok, dll
- * 2 Set sprei + sarung bantal guling
- * 1pc bantal + 1pc guling
- * Peralatan bersih-bersih, jemuran, dll
- Notes :
- * Diutamakan tdk untuk perokok
- * Diutamakan penyewa yang bersih+rapi
- Facility:
- * Transpark Mall
- * London School of Public Relation (International School)
- * Trans Snow World
- * Transmart
- * Bioskop XXI
- * Hotel Swissbell
- * Shop House
- * 5 Tower Apartemen Berkelas
- * Private Waterpark
- * Waterplay
- * Lazy Pool
- * Lagoon Pool
- * Semi Olympic Pool
- * Kids Pool
- * Garden Area
- * Sport Centre (Lapangan Olahraga)
- Additional Info:
- * 0m Halte TransJakarta
- * 80m Stasiun CommuterLine (Bis antar kota)
- * 80m Stasiun Bekasi Timur
- * 1,5km Tol Bekasi Timur
- * 2km Stasiun LRT Bekasi Timur
- * 5km Kawasan Industri
- * Tol Double Track Jkt-Cikampek
- Selling Price: Rp 450.000.000,-
- Rental Price: Biaya Sewa Apartemen TransPark
- Rp 10.000.000 / 3 months
- -> Pot 1jt mjd -> 9jt
- Rp 19.000.000 / 6 months
- -> Pot 2jt mjd -> 17jt
- Rp 36.000.000 / 12 months
- -> Pot 6jt mjd -> 30jt
- Security deposit Rp 3.000.000 (refundable), Copy of ID/ KTP is required.
- Rent charge exclude : IPL, Electricity, Water, Parking, LPG gas and drinking water refill
- Contact: Lia 08569922110
- WhatsApp: 08569922110