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- Apartment Name: The Springlake Summarecon Bekasi
- Location: Bekasi
- Tower/Floor/View: 26
- Size: 25 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full furnished. Kelengkapan kamarnya :
- AC
- TV
- Kulkas
- Kompor kecil
- Dispenser minum hot/cold
- Springbed
- Sofa
- Meja
- Lemari baju kayu
- Water heater mandi air panas
- Uda ada channel hbo dll
- Facility:
- Lift kartu akses per lantai
- Gym
- Swimming pool
- Taman bermain anak
- Shopping mall
- Shuttle bus
- Additional Info: Unit komplit, siap tinggal. Harga sudah termasuk IPL /maintenance fee bulanan.
- Selling Price: Rp 350.000.000
- Rental Price: Rp 2.500.000
- Contact: 081381594070
- WhatsApp: 081381594070
- E-mail: