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- Apartment Name: Holland Village
- Location: Jl. Letjen Suprapto No.1, RW.7, Cemp. Putih Tim., Kec. Cemp. Putih, Kota Jakarta Pusat
- Tower/Floor/View: south
- Size: 175 (SGA) m2
- Bedroom: 3
- Bathroom: 4
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Baru
- Facility: Swimming pool, Gym, Indoor Children playground
- Additional Info:
- Unit Ready
Apartemen Holland Village Jakarta
- The New Down Town in Central Jakarta 8in1
- Apartemen Exclusive
- Office Tower
- Livestyle Mall
- School Hope Academy
- Siloam Hospital
- Green Lush Garden dll
- Unit yang tersedia
- Tower One
- Type :
- 2BR Luas 91m2-100 m2
- 3+1BR Luas 109m2 – 131 m2
- Tower Two (private lift)
- Type :
- 2BR+1Luas 109m2, 118 m2
- 3BR+1 Luas 122m2, 131m2
- 4+1 BR Luas 162m2,175m2
- Sistem cara bayar flexible :
- Hard cash
- Installment 12x
- KPA minimal dp 5%(untuk kpr pertama)
- Harga diatas adalah cara bayar cash
- Dapatkan promo :
- Rental Guarantee 150 Juta per tahun *
- Free Furnished 200Juta*
(By Toto)
- Note
- Term & condition Apply
- Gambar diatas merupakan contoh Show unit,Setiap unit design bisa berbeda
- Selling Price: Rp 3,500,000,000
- Contact: 085211969800
- WhatsApp: 085211969800