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- Apartment Name: Pakubuwono Terrace
- Location: Jl. Ciledug Raya No. 99, Cipulir, Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta Selatan 12230
- Tower/Floor/View: North / Lt. 18 / City View
- Size: 22,90 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full Furnished Good Furnished
- Facility:
- Lift with Acces Card
- Kolam renang
- Gym
- Children playground
- Alfamart, Indomaret
- Parkiran basement 2 lantai
- Security 24 jam
- Laundry
- Salon
- Cafe & Coffee Shop
- Tempat makan
- Additional Info:
- Sangat dekat dengan Halte Busway Seskoal
- Akses Tol JORR dan TB Simatupang
- Dekat mall Gandaria City, Plaza Senayan, Senayan City, PIM 1-2-3, Blok M
- Dekat Sekolah National & International, Universities (Moestopo, Binus)
- Dekat RS Pertamina, Siloam & Pondok Indah
- Rental Price:
- Bulanan : Rp 3.500.000 / bulan
- Tahunan : Rp 40.000.000 / tahun
- Harga sudah termasuk IPL / Maintenance Fee
- Deposit sebesar Rp 3.500.000
- Minimal sewa 3 bulan, bisa di bayar bulanan.
- Contact: Whatsapp 081905222006 (Rifky – Owner)
- WhatsApp: 081905222006
- E-mail: