5-minutes walk to Business Districts (Indonesia Stock Exchange, Sentra Senayan, Mega Kuningan, Thamrin), Malls (Pacific Place, Plaza Senayan, Senayan City, FX mall) and lifestyle centers (resto, cafe, bar, lounge, etc)
Part of superblock District 8 Lot 28 SCBD, each tower is connected through mall District 8 Market Place (opening soon Feb 2020)
Terima jasa design & build unit apartemen dan office, waktu pengerjaan dan kualitas yang dapat diandalkan
Untung 081807005758/ 081277555758
Please also whatsapp/ call for other type
1 BR 70 m2 4M
2 BR 105 m2 6,4 – 7M
2 BR 153 m2 7,5 – 8,5M
3 BR 179 m2 10,5M
3 BR 228 m2 12,5M
4 BR 249m2 13.5 – 14,5M
Selling Price: Rp 6,4 M for 105 Sqm east
Rental Price: Please call or whatsApp for unit rental
Contact: Mely 087878507810
E-mail: faradillanovy@gmail.com atau mely@southproperty.co.id