- Apartment Name: Saumata
- Location: Alam Sutera
- Tower/Floor/View: Lantai 31
- Size: 192 m2
- Bedroom: 3
- Bathroom: 2
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Furnished with marble floor
- LED lamp
- Air conditioner
- High ceilling
- Facility:
- Private lift
- Gym
- Dedicated parking (2 Lot)
- Swimming pool
- Yoga room & Aerobic room
- Sauna
- Library
- Children playground
- Additional Info:
- Around facility in Alam Sutera
- Jogging Track
- Sutera Loop
- Access Toll Direct To West Jakarta
- Access Toll Direct To Airport
- Cycling
- Office Tower (Prominence, Alfa Tower, Kino Tower, And Deltomed)
- Campus (Binus, UBM and SGU)
- School (St. Laurensia)
- Selling Price: Rp,- negotiable
- Contact: 0817 9098 800
- WhatsApp: 081295952298
Jual Apartemen Asatti Vanya Park Tangerang – 1BR / 2BR / 3BR – PROMO DP 0%
- Apartment Name: Asatti Apartemen Low Rise
- Location: Vanya Park BSD
- Tower/Floor/View: Aventurin & Chalnedony
- Size: Studio 31.91m² 2BR 50.92m² Dan 3BR 61.34m²
- Bedroom: 1BR / 2BR / 3BR
- Bathroom: 1 / 2
- Condition:
- 1 BR Dan 3BR furnish standar
- 2 BR Unfurnish
- Facility:
- Gym, Swimming Pool & Free Parking
- Dedicated Parking 2BR Dan 3BR
- Additional Info: Free PPN 100%
- Hanya berlaku 2 unit saja
• Unit Normal
• Show Unit - Lainnya tidak bisa Free PPN
- Hanya berlaku 2 unit saja
- Selling Price:
- Cara Bayar :
• Hardcash
• KPA Bank
• KPA Bank DP 0% - Harga :
(Hanya berlaku sampai Feb 2025 saja)
(Promo Developer)
• 1BR start 570juta-an
• 2BR Chalnedony view Pool start 950juta-an
• 3BR start 1,01 M an (free PPN)
• 3BR start 1.11M an (show unit dan unit non free PPN)
- Cara Bayar :
- Contact: Contact Person :
- Michael
- 0812 8200 0041
- Spesialist
- Rumah, Apartemen, Ruko, Kavling
- Area BSD & Gading Serpong
- WhatsApp: 081282000041
Jual Murah!! Apartemen Sky House BSD Samping AEON Mall Tangerang – 2BR / 3BR / 3+1BR
- Apartment Name: Sky House BSD
- Location: BSD (samping AEON mall)
- Tower/Floor/View: Jervois, Duxton, Claymore / 2-35 / AEON. City
- Size: 48sqm / 68sqm / 86sqm m2
- Bedroom: 2BR / 3BR / 3+1BR / Shophouse Kios
- Bathroom: 1 / 2+1
- Condition: Kondisi Unit :
- 2 BR Jervois : Full Furnish + AC
- 2 BR Jervois : Full Furnish + Elektronik
- 3+1 BR Claymore : Semi Furnish Standar developer + 4 AC
- 3 BR Duxton : Semi Furnish Standar Developer + 2 AC
- Kios Shophouse : Unfurnish
- Facility:
- Fasilitas & IPL Tower J, K, L :
• Swimming Pool. Gym & Jogging track
• IPL 24.420/m²
• Insurance tahunan - Fasilitas & IPL Tower B. C, D :
• Swimming Pool. Gym & Jogging track
• Jacuzzi, Sauna, Yogaroom. Library, Childrenplayground
• IPL 27.830/m²
• Insurance tahunan
- Fasilitas & IPL Tower J, K, L :
- Additional Info:
• Tower L : 1 motor or 1 mobil
• Tower lainnya : 1 motor & 1 mobil
• Parking Rate : 1:5 (outdoor dan indoor) kecuali Tower B rasio 1:1
• Motor 100rb/bln, Mobil 200rb/bln - KELEBIHAN :
• Jalan Kaki Menuju AEON Mall
- Selling Price:
- Harga Jual :
• 2 BR Jervois 48.5m² (FF+AC) : Rp 890juta (nego)
• 2 BR Jervois 48.5m² (FF+Elektronik) : Rp 890juta (nego)
• 3+1 BR Claymore 85.9m² (SF + 4 AC) :
Rp 1.8M (nego)
• 3 BR Duxton 68.5m² (SF+2AC) :
Rp (NET)
• Kios Shophouse 89.12m² (UF) :
Rp 2.3 M (nego)
hadap AEON persis - Keterangan :
FF : Full Furnish, SF : Semi Furnish standar developer dan UF : Unfurnish
Tower B : Bristol, C : Claymore. D : Duxton, J : Jervois, L : Leonie dan K : Keshington
- Harga Jual :
- Rental Price: Untuk video / foto unit, lantai berapa bisa hubungi saya
- Contact: Contact Person :
0812 3222 7770
spesialist BSD & Gading Serpong - WhatsApp: 081232227770
Jual BU !! Apartemen Sky House BSD Samping AEON Mall Tangerang – Studio / 2BR / 3BR / 3+1BR
- Apartment Name: Sky House BSD
- Location: BSD (samping AEON)
- Tower/Floor/View: 5 tower / 2-35+shop/City, gardenpool, aeon
- Size: 20m² / 49m² / 68m² / 85m² / 89m² / 120 m2
- Bedroom: Studio / 2BR / 3BR / 3+1BR / Shophouse
- Bathroom: 1 / 2+1
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Standar Furnish
• (Fase 1 +2) Kitchen Set
• Fase 2 extra Meja
• Lantai 80×80 kamar parkit
• AC (Leonie & Jervois)
• Shower Screen, Kabinet Toilet, Water Heater
• Intercom & Smartlockdoor - Kios Shophouse :
• Kosongan
- Standar Furnish
- Facility: Berbeda tiap tower
- Khusus Jervois & Leonie Tower
- Swimming Pool & Gym only
- Khusus Duxton. Claymore & Bristol
- Swimming Pool & Gym, Garden 1 ha, indoor & outdoor children playground. jacuzzi, sauna, yoga room, meeting room, audiovisual room
- Khusus Jervois & Leonie Tower
- Additional Info:
- Ketentuan Parkir & Biaya lain-lain :
• Maintenance Fee Leonie & Jervois Rp 24.420/m² dari luas semigross. dan Tower Duxton, Claymomore dan Bristol Rp 27.830/m²)
• Insurance tahunan (Studio sekitar 250rban/tahun)
• Listrik, Air, Parkir
• Rasio Parking 1:5 (outdoor+indoor) kecuali tower Bristol only (1:1) - Tower Leonie maksimal 1 motor atau 1 mobil
- Tower Lainnya maksimal 1 motor & 1 mobil
- Developer by Risland Indonesia, anak perusahaan dari Country Garden China …
- Kerjasama Bank : Maybank & Woori bersaudara Bank
- Ketentuan Parkir & Biaya lain-lain :
- Selling Price: Harga unit Murah Only (unit lainnya Standar Price silahkan chat) :
- Studio Lt 33 (NET) Rp 396.000.000
- 2BR Lt 7 (NET) Rp 795.000.000
- 2BR Lt 6 (NET) Rp 875.000.000
- 3BR Lt 30 (NET) Rp
- Kios Shophouse 89,12m² harga Rp 2.3M (nego tipis)
- (jika menginginkan unit developer, bisa langsung bertanya sesuai kebutuhan dengan subsidi 100% PPN)
- Contact: Contact Person : MICHAEL
0812 3221 7770
https://apartemen-bsd.com - WhatsApp: 081232227770
Dijual MURAH UNIT CANCEL-AN Apartemen SKY HOUSE BSD Tangerang – Studio / 1 BR / 2BR / 3BR / 3+1BR Kecil / 3+1BR Besar
- Apartment Name: Sky House BSD+
- Location: Lokasi di sebelah Aeon mall BSD
- Tower/Floor/View: Leonie & Jervois
- Size: 23 m2, 35 m2, 51 m2 ,68 m2, 85 m2, 120 m2
- Bedroom: Studio / 1 BR / 2BR / 3BR / 3+1BR kecil / 3+1BR besar
- Bathroom: 1 / 2
- Condition: Semi Furnish & Limited unit buat yang SIAP HUNI
- Facility:
- Green Garden 41.600m2 & Sky garden 17.000m2, jogging track
- Swimming pool, jacuzzi, sauna
- Audioroom, videoroom, readingroom
- Gym oudoor & indoor
- Yoga room, gazebo, lapangan,
- Outdoor & indoor taman bermain anak
- Club House : Billiard, VIP room
- Finger Print, passcode, card Key, Pintu balkon Full Glass, Portal Otomatis, CCTV & Security
- Additional Info:
- Booking 25 juta langsung bisa pilih unit
- Sukses Terjual 98% FASE 1 (Leonie & Jervois) dan telah Serah Terima Unit.
- Siap Huni
- Studio Luas 20m2
- 2BR Luas 48m2
- 3BR Luas 68m,3
- 3+1BR Kecil luas 85m2
- 3+1BR Besar luas 120m2
- Kini Sky House menghadirkan Tipe dan Unit dengan luasan baru & design baru
- Studio+ Luas 23 m2
- 1BR Luas 35 m2
- 2BR Luas 51 m2
- Harga Perdana Start Froom 400 juta-an
- Free Semi Furnished!!
- Free Smart Home System!!
- Free BOOKING & DP* khusus KPA
- Cicilan Developer Up To 120bulan Flat Tanpa Bi Checking
- Surat Aman & Kerjasama Bank :
- Suratnya Strata Title (Tanahnya HGB Murni dengan kepemilikan unit SHM-SRS) merupakan sertifikat tertinggi apartment didukung 4 bank OCBC NISP, WORRI, MayBank, Mandiri) serta serah terima ontime
- Cicilan Flat hingga 10 Tahun (tidak floating bunga bank) tanpa BI Checking100% Approve (KTP + NPWP bisa langsung beli) karena Cccilan developer up to 120x yang tidak perlu BI Checking, cicilan tetap selama 100 bulan
- Hardcash
- Cicilan Developer
- Studio dan 1BR max 72× dan 88x, 2BR 50m2 max 100bulan, 3BR dan 3+1 BR 100bulan
KPA Bank (rekanan WORI, Mandiri, OCBC NISP, Maybank) - Hadiah DP Ontime : Emas Antam + Vacuum + Oven (sesuai cara bayar & tipe unit)
- Harga Termasuk PPN 11%
- Harga termurah per Desember 2022
- Harga & promo dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu
- Harga flexible sesuai pilihan cara bayar, promo, lantai, view & posisi
- Cicilan Developer No Bi Checking 100% Approve (syarat hanya KTP & NPWP)
- Selling Price: Harga net no nego
Hardcash harga mulai :- Studio 23m2 = 500 juta-an
- 1 BR 35m2 = 800 juta-an
- 2 BR 51m2 = 900 juta-an
- 3 BR 68m2 = 1,3 M-an
- 3+1 BR 85 m2 = 1,9 M-an
- 3+1 BR 120 m2 = 2,4 M-an
- 2 BR Jervois 48m2 = 900 juta-an
- Contact: Info & RSVP :
AMSY (Marketing Executive Sky House BSD+)
https://wa.link/9kux0z - WhatsApp: 082249799223
Disewakan / Dijual Apartemen 3BR Sky House BSD Tangerang – Fully Furnished
- Apartment Name: Sky House BSD
- Location: BSD City – Tangerang
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower Bristol / 21th floor
- Size: 120 m2
- Bedroom: 3
- Bathroom: 2
- Maid Room: 1 (storage)
- Condition: Fully furnished
- Facility:
- Laundry
- Minimart
- Swimming Pool
- Jogging track
- Garden
- Gym
- Additional Info:
- Strategic location in CBD BSD City, right in front of future Digital Hub, fast & easy access to BSD Commercial Area, Offices & Education Centres
- 5 min walking distance to Unilever HQ, BSD Green Office Park, The Breeze, Ranch market, AEON Mall
- 10 minute driving to Indonesia Convention Centre (ICE), Prasetya Mulya Campus
- 10 minute driving to Q-BIG, Foresta Business loft, Nanyang International School
- 10 minute driving to Atmajaya University, Intermoda modern market BSD & Cisauk Train Station
- 5 minutes to Serbaraja tollgate
- Selling Price:
- 3.2 Bio
- Prices are negotiable
- Rental Price:
- 160 Mio / year
- Prices are negotiable
- Contact: Anna Reni 089624302719
- WhatsApp: 089624302719
JUAL BU!! Apartemen SKY HOUSE BSD Tangerang – Studio / 2BR / 3BR / 3+1BR / 3+1 BR Special
- Apartment Name: Sky House BSD
- Location: BSD (samping AEON MALL)
- Tower/Floor/View: All tower / 2-35 + Ruko / City, Pool, Garden
- Size: 20.49 m2
- Bedroom: Studio / 2BR / 3BR / 3+1BR / 3+1 BR Special
- Bathroom: 1 / 2+1
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Kondisi Standar Developer ditambah Furnish / Interior dari Owner (jika ada)
- Tower Leonie + Jervois mendapatkan AC
- Tower lainnya tidak dapat AC
- Facility: FOR
- Tower Leonie & Jervois
Gym, Pool dan Jogging Track - Tower Duxton, Claymore dan Bristol
- Gym, Pool dan Jogging Track
- Special : Children playground, Garden, Jacuzzi, Sauna, Movie room, Yogaroom, Library, Meetingroom, Children Playgrond outdoor+indoor
- Tower Leonie & Jervois
- Additional Info: PARKING & IPL
• setelah gedung parkir jadi
(include outdoor + indoor 1:5 kecuali Bristol 120sqm dedicated 1:1)
• Maximum 1 Mobil dan 1 Motor kecuali Leonie tower maximum 1 Mobil atau 1 Motor
• Leonie+Jervois 24.420/sqm dan Duxton+Claymore+Bristol 27.830/sqm
• Insurance Leonie 200rb-an/tahun & Jervois 400rb-an/tahun
- Selling Price:
- Harga BU dan UNIT Special yang saya cantumkan
Special artinya : unit ini langka dan hampir tidak ada penggantinya - Hanya Bisa CASH ONLY (belum pecah sertifikat)
- Studio Leonie BU (SF+) start 399juta (NET)
- 2BR Jervois BU (SF+) start 830 juta (NET)
- 3BR Duxton 68sqm start 1.25M
- 3+1BR Claymore 86sqm start 1.8M
- Special Shophouse 89sqm tower Duxton Rp 2.4M
- Take Over Special 3+1BR Bristol 122sqm + Balcony around 78sqm (tidak dihitung IPL)
- (Buat yang SF+ bisa hubungi langsung untuk Furnish yang didapatkan)
- Harga BU dan UNIT Special yang saya cantumkan
- Rental Price:
- Jika mau membeli dengan KPA /Cicilan Developer bisa langsung beli dengan memilih pembelian langsung developer dengan PROMO FREE PPN & Diskon Special khusus Tower Jervois dan Bristol ONLY (Special Price setara harga Lauching 2018)
- Keshington Promo hanya khusus 2BR ONLY dan tidak mendapat promo FREE PPN (Indent akhir 2025)
- Untuk pembelian dengan Cicilan developer, bisa siap huni dengan pembayaran minimal uang masuk 30% dari harga beli.
- Contact: Info Lebih Lanjut :
http://www.apartemen-bsd.com - WhatsApp: 081232227770
Jual / Sewa Apartemen Exclusive Area Bebas Banjir di Serpong M-Town @Gading Serpong Tangerang – Semi Furnished / Fully Furnished – Studio, 1 BR, 2BR, and 3BR
- Apartment Name: M-Town Residence
- Location: Jl. Gading Serpong Boulevard Blok M5 No.3, Pakulonan Bar., Kec. Klp. Dua, Kabupaten Tangerang, Banten 15810
- Tower/Floor/View: Any Floor / City – Pool View
- Size: 21, 30, 38, 46, 36, 56, 63, 80 m2
- Bedroom: studio, 1 / 2 / 3
- Bathroom: 1 / 2
- Study Room: Depend On Size
- Maid Room: Depend On Size
- Maid Bathroom: Depend On Size
- Condition: Semi Furnished / Fully Furnished with Excellent Condition
- Facility:
- Swimming Pool
- Children Pool
- Children Playground
- Jacuzzi
- Jogging Track
- Fitnes & Gym
- Yoga platform
- Reflexology path
- Multi purpose room
- Mini market
- Restaurant
- Coffee shop
- CCTV 24 Hour
- Additional Info:
- Residential Premium with “Living Beyond green” concept, bebas banjir.
- Dikembangkan oleh Developer Real Estate Ternama PT. Summarecon Serpong.
- Serpong M-Town Signature dan M-Residence dengan pemandangan kota, keamanan yang terjamin, area parkir yang luas, dan akses yg mudah.
- Memiliki Fasilitas yang sangat lengkap seperty Swimming Pool, Children Playground, Jogging Track, Gym, dan dekat dengan mall beserta pusat kuliner.
- Dapatkan Promo Istimewa Sekarang !
- Selling Price: Rp 750.000.000 – Rp 2.600.000.000 (Cash keras / KPR)
- Rental Price: Hubungi langsung ke Ane
- Contact: Untuk informasi lebih lanjut / butuh informasi property lainnya silakan hubungi : Aneke Marketing Executive Summarecon Serpong 081511026649
- WhatsApp: 081511026649
- E-mail: aneke.gunawan@gmail.com
Jual Elevee Penthouses & Residences – Apartemen Premium Alam Sutera Tangerang – 2BR,3BR – 4BR Hub Heny Wati 0818710053 or Suherlan 0811879002
- Apartment Name: Elevee Penthouses & Residences
- Location: Jl. Jalur Sutera Barat no kav 20 ( Alam Sutera )
- Tower/Floor/View: South 1 & South 2/32 Floors/Pool Facility, Forest Park
- Size: 87,8 sqm | 109,2 sqm |138 sqm | 149 sqm |156 sqm | 228 sqm | 243 sqm |294 sqm m2
- Bedroom: 2-4
- Bathroom: 2
- Study Room: 1
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Semi furnished
- Parking Lot (1 : 1,2) Free untuk 1 mobil pertama
- 1 lantai hanya 8 – 10 unit | 5 Lift
- Floor to Ceiling 3,1 sqm
- 24 Jam Sistem Security Building
- Service Charges Start Rp 12.500/m2*
- All unit have balcony , utility area and study room
- Flooring homogenous Tile 1×1 m
- Facility:
- Gym
- Infinity Pool
- Sky Garden
- Pet Friendly
- Another 40 facility in this location
- Additional Info:
- Apartemen Rasa Rumah
- A Masterpiece by Alam Sutera
- Dikembangkan langsung oleh *Alam Sutera Group*
- Desain kelas dunia oleh *Broadway Malyan dari U.K
- berlokasi di CBD Alam Sutera yang sangat rindang & strategis
- 2 menit ke Jakarta – Tangerang Toll Gate
- 15 menit ke Bandara Soekarno Hatta (upcoming toll Jorr 2)
- 1 menit ke Universitas Bunda Mulia, Swiss German University, Universitas Binus
- 5 menit Omni Hospital, Mercure Hotel, Pasar 8 Delapan
- Satu-satunya hunian di Alam Sutera yang terhubung dengan *Forest Park* seluas 4ha
- Dibangun diatas lahan 4Ha didalam Area CBD seluas 19ha
- Selling Price: TIPE YANG TERSEDIA:
*87,8M2* : 2 KT + 1 KM + Study Room
Starting Price : Rp 2,4M*109,2M2* : 2 KT + 2 KM + Study Room
Starting Price : Rp 2,9M*138M2* : 3 KT + 2 KM + Study Room
Starting Price : Rp 3,5M*149M2* : 3+1 KT + 2+1 KM + Study Room
Starting Price : Rp 3,8M*156M2* : 3+1 KT + 2+1 KM + Study Room + 2 View
Starting Price : Rp 4M - Rental Price:
- Belum tersedia saat ini
- Jadwal serah terima unit April 2025
- Contact:
- hws.property@gmail.com
- Heny Wati: 0818710053 (call and WA) / 089635731717 (call only)
- henywati.sunarto @gmail.com
- Suherlan 0811879002 (call and WA)
- suherlan88@gmail.com
- WhatsApp: 0818710053
- E-mail: hws.property@gmail.com
Jual Apartemen Sky House BSD+ Tangerang – Studio / 1 BR / 2BR / 3BR / 3+1BR Kecil / 3+1BR Besar Semi Furnish SIAP HUNI
- Apartment Name: Sky House BSD+
- Location: Lokasi di sebelah Aeon mall BSD
- Tower/Floor/View: Leonie & Jervois
- Size: 23 m2, 35 m2, 51 m2, 68 m2, 85 m2, 120 m2
- Bedroom: Studio / 1 BR / 2BR / 3BR / 3+1BR kecil / 3+1BR besar
- Bathroom: 1 / 2
- Condition: Semi Furnish & Limited unit buat yang SIAP HUNI
- Facility:
- Green Garden 41.600m2 & Sky garden 17.000m2, jogging track
- Swimming pool, jacuzzi, sauna
- Audioroom, videoroom, readingroom
- Gym oudoor & indoor
- Yoga room, gazebo, lapangan,
- Outdoor & indoor taman bermain anak
- Club House : Billiard, VIP room
- Finger Print, passcode, card Key, Pintu balkon Full Glass, Portal Otomatis, CCTV & Security
- Additional Info:
- Booking 10 juta langsung bisa pilih unit
- Sukses Terjual 98% FASE 1 (Leonie & Jervois) dan telah Serah Terima Unit.
- Siap Huni
- Studio Luas 20m2
- 2BR Luas 48m2
- 3BR Luas 68m,3
- 3+1BR Kecil luas 85m2
- 3+1BR Besar luas 120m2
- Kini Sky House menghadirkan Tipe dan Unit dengan luasan baru & design baru
- Studio+ Luas 23 m2
- 1BR Luas 35 m2
- 2BR Luas 51 m2
- Harga Perdana Start Froom 400 juta-an
- Free Furnished!!
- Free Smart Home System!!
- Free Logam Mulia 10 Gram
Cicilan Developer Up To 120bulan Flat Tanpa Bi Checking - Surat Aman & Kerjasama Bank :
Suratnya Strata Title (Tanahnya HGB Murni dengan kepemilikan unit SHM-SRS) merupakan sertifikat tertinggi apartment didukung 4 bank OCBC NISP, CCB, MayBank, Mandiri) serta serah terima ontime - Cicilan Flat hingga 10 Tahun (tidak floating bunga bank) tanpa BI Checking100% Approve (KTP + NPWP bisa langsung beli) karena Cccilan developer up to 120x yang tidak perlu BI Checking, cicilan tetap selama 100 bulan
- Selling Price:
- Cara Bayar
- Hardcash
- Cicilan Developer
- Studio dan 1BR max 88x, 2BR 50m2 max 120bulan, 3BR dan 3+1 BR 100bulan
- KPA Bank (rekanan CCB, BTN, Mandiri, OCBC NISP, Maybank)
- Hadiah DP Ontime : Emas Antam + Vacuum + Oven (sesuai cara bayar & tipe unit)
- Harga Termasuk PPN 11%
- Harga termurah per Desember 2022
- Harga & promo dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu
- Harga flexible sesuai pilihan cara bayar, promo, lantai, view & posisi
- Cicilan Developer No Bi Checking 100% Approve (syarat hanya KTP & NPWP)
- Cara Bayar
- Rental Price: Harga net no nego
- Hardcash harga mulai :
- Studio 23m2 = 490 juta
- 1 BR 35m2 = 765 juta
- 2 BR 51m2 = 879 juta
- 3 BR 68m2 = 1,211 M
- 3+1 BR 85 m2 = 1,690 M
- 3+1 BR 120 m2 = 2,032 M
- Studio Leonie 20 m2 = 450 juta only cash
- 2 BR Jervois 48m2 = 1,101 M
- Contact: Info & RSVP : 082117794830
INDAH WN (Marketing Executive Sky House BSD+) - WhatsApp: 082117794830