- Apartment Name: Grand Kamala Lagoon
- Location: Jl. KH. Noer Ali, RT.001/RW.002, Kayuringin Jaya, Bekasi Selatan, Bekasi, Jawa Barat, 17148
- Tower/Floor/View: Emerald South /High Zone / Panoramic
- Size: 81 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 2
- Maid Room: 1
- Condition: Unfurnished
- Facility:
- Access Mall Lagoon Avenue : ATM Centre, Restaurant, Supermarket, Coffe Shop, Laundry, Salon, CGV Cinema.
- 24-Hour Security,
- CCTV In Public Area,
- Fitness Center di Pocket Garden dengan view city
- Jogging Track di tepi danau
- Playground,
- Swimming Pool dengan konsep Infinite di lantai 3
- Basement Parking ,
- Pocket Garden dan GYM di lantai 21
- View yang lepas
- Additional Info:
- Akses Transportasi :
- Gerbang Toll : Toll Jakarta – Cikampek ,Toll Becak Kayu ,Toll Lingkar Luar.
- Stasiun KRL dan LRT.
- Commercial Area : Mall grand metropolitan, Mall Metropolitan ,Mall Summarecon bekasi, Mall Galaxy Park ,Bekasi Cyber Park ,dll.
- Fasilitas Umum : RS Primaya ,RS Mitra Keluarga Hospital ,RS Siloam Bekasi ,RS Budi Lestari ,Stadion Bekasi.
- Fasilitas Sosial : Al-Azhar Islamic School ,National Plus School ,Binus University.
Jual Cepat Harga awal beli di 1,3 M ,Owner Lepas jual hanya di 700 Jt Saja ”Hanya 1 Unit” (Momentum untuk Beli Property ) Dapat unit favorite dan harga dibawah harga perdana ”Kapan lagi?
- Selling Price: Rp.700.000.000
- Contact: Erna Susilo 0818208918
https://ernasusilo.agenproperti123.com - WhatsApp: 0818208918
- Apartment Name: LRT City Jatibening – Gateway Park
- Location: Jl. Kapin Raya, RT.009/RW.004, Jatibening Baru, Kec. Pd. Gede, Kota Bks, Jawa Barat 17412
- Tower/Floor/View: Accordion/5/Pool View
- Size: 34,64 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Full Furnished
- Brand New (Tidak pernah di tempati)
- Facility:
- Stasiun LRT
- Kolam renang
- Akses keamanan
- Jalur sepeda
- Tempat parkir
- Mall
- Parkir luas
- Retail F&B
- Jalur Jogging
- Bus Pengumpan
- Additional Info:
- Terhubung langsung dengan stasiun LRT Jatibening Baru
- Area Sekitar:
- Transmart kalimalang
- RS Harum sisma medika
- Tol Becakayu & Cikampek
- Bandara Halim Perdana Kusuma
- Kereta cepat HALIM-BANDUNG
- Selling Price: Rp 1,200,000,000 (1,2 M) NEGO
- Contact: Untuk info lebih lanjut dan survey unit silakan contact NIA by whatsapp di no 0812-1288-1065
- WhatsApp: +6281212881065
- E-mail: nia_setiawati@hotmail.com
Jual Murah Apartemen Springlake Summarecon Bekasi – 3 BR + Furnished
- Apartment Name: Springlake Summarecon Bekasi
- Location: Summarecon Bekasi
- Tower/Floor/View: Caldesia / 26.08 / view pool & city
- Size: 47 m2
- Bedroom: 3
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Terawat, ada wifi, air panas
- Facility: Pool, playground, parking, etc
- Additional Info:
- Selling Price: Rp 780 juta
- Rental Price: Rp 55 juta per tahun
- Contact: 081218885682
- WhatsApp: 081218885682
- E-mail: marlinaveyushadhafma@gmail.com
Dijual Murah Apartemen Chadstone Cikarang – New Studio Unfurnished
- Apartment Name: Chadstone Cikarang
- Location: Cikarang, Bekasi, Jawa Barat.
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower Crystal, lantai 9 view city
- Size: 25 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: New, kondisi kosong.
- Facility:
- Inside Pollux Mall area
- Nearby Exit Toll Km 30
- Cinema XXI
- Restaurants n Cafe
- Swimming Pool
- Basketball
- Jogging
- Garden n Park
- Additional Info: –
- Selling Price: Rp 500.000.000,-
- Contact: 0813 9981 3983
- WhatsApp: 081399813983
Jual Cepat Apartemen – District 1 Meikarta 2BR Unfurnished
- Apartment Name: Meikarta District 1
- Location: District 1 Meikarta, Jl. OC Boulevard, Cibatu, Cikarang Bekasi.
- Tower/Floor/View: Twinford / 18
- Size: 47 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Unfurnished-New handover
- Facility:
- Foodcourts
- Supermarket
- Jogging Facilities & Central Park
- Parking Facilities
- Security & CCTV 24 hours
- Additional Info:
- 2 Minute drive to entry/exit Cibatu Tollroad
- Close to International Indutries Area: Hyundai, EJIP, and Delta Silicon
- Close to Lippo Mall Cikarang, Hospital and International School
- Selling Price: IDR 400.000.000 (nego)
- Contact: 087807070500
- WhatsApp: 087807070500
- E-mail: propertyd.one@gmail.com
Jual Apartemen Vasanta Innopark – Tipe Studio Unfurnished, Brand New Unit
- Apartment Name: Vasanta Innopark
- Location: Kawasan MM2100 Cibitung Jl. Kalimantan, Gandamekar, Kec. Cikarang Barat, Bekasi
- Tower/Floor/View: Aoki / 32
- Size: 26 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full Furnished, Brand New Unit :
- AC
- Water heater
- Springbed 160×200
- Kompor induksi Modena
- Kitchen cabinet
- Kulkas
- TV
- Wardrobe
- Facility:
- Gym
- Swimming pool
- Tennis court
- Lifestyle retail
- FnB centre
- Mall
- Sport club
- Library
- Community Center
- Hotel
- Office Tower
- MM2100 Hospital
- Onsen
- Authentic Japanese park
- Additional Info: –
- Selling Price: Rp 490.000.000 Nego
- Contact: VERA – ERA PEAK KEMANG 085776668000
- WhatsApp: 085776668000
- E-mail: ekaerapeaksatrio@gmail.com
Dijual Apartement Mutiara Bekasi – 2 Bedroom 1 Bathroom Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Mutiara Bekasi
- Location: Jl. Ahmad Yani No 8 Rt 005 Rw 002, Pekayon Jaya, Kec. Bekasi Selatan, Kota Bekasi
- Tower/Floor/View: B/6
- Size: 36 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Full furnished (2 Bed Room, 1 Bathroom)
- Single Bed Jumbo 1 unit , Twin Bed 1 unit
- AC 2 unit (@ 1 pk) : Samsung and Sharp
- Mini Refrigrator
- TV 32″ Samsung + Table TV
- Water Dispencer
- Bathroom full ceramic + Shower
- Cook portable (Electric Cook)
- Dining table
- Wardrobe (2 unit)
- Mini Sofa
- Kitchen Set
- Facility:
- Swimming pool
- Spacious parking basement and out side
- Mini market
- Restaurant and Cafe
- Family karaoke
- Loundry shop
- Multi function room Apartement
- Saloon
- Room Access Card
- Gym Room
- TV Kabel
- Internet
- 24-hour Security + CCTV System
- Additional Info:
- Only 50 meter’s to Toll Gate Bekasi Barat
- Near to Mall Mega Bekasi, BCP, Giant Hypermarket, Metropolitan Mall
- Only 50 meter’s to Hotel Aston
- Walking to Busway Station
- Walking to LRT Station
- 1 Km to Train Station
- Near to Mitra Keluarga, Hermina Hospital
- Center of Activity business, Bank, Kuliner, Entertaint , Transportation etc
- Selling Price: Rp 350,000,000
(Negotiable until deal) - Rental Price: Rp 3,000,000 / month
. Exclude Electric token, Parking fee
(langganan or reguler)
. Free IPL 1 year’s ( by owner ) - Contact: Ranto : 082112677807
- WhatsApp: 082112677807
- E-mail: rantosoadamara@yahoo.co.id
Apartemen Studio Dijual di Center Point Bekasi – Furnished
- Apartment Name: Center Point Bekasi
- Location: Jln. Jenderal Ahmad Yani kav. 20, Marga Jaya, Bekasi Selatan 17141
- Tower/Floor/View: B/9/apart sampingnya
- Size: 22 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Furnished
- Facility:
- Kolam Renang
- Tempat bermain anak
- Garden
- Mini Market
- Cafe
- Additional Info: Di pusat kota Bekasi, Deket mall, Deket RS, Deket Kuliner, Deket Aislamic center, dll.
- Selling Price: Rp 150 juta nego
- Contact: 081382082735
- WhatsApp: 081382082735
Jual Apartemen Metropark Condominium Cikarang Jababeka Bekasi – Studio Fully Furnished (2 Unit)
- Apartment Name: Metropark Condominium (fully furnished)
- Location: Cikarang, Jababeka
- Tower/Floor/View: Unit A-312 & Unit B-217
- Size: 27 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Studio Deluxe
- Fully Furnished
- Furniture (Standard Show Unit)
- Bed Matras Queen Size 160×200 cm
- Sarung dan Bantal 2 pcs
- Guling 2 pcs
- Sprei dan Bedcover 2 Set
- Gorden / Horizontal Blind
- LCD TV 29″ Toshiba & Remote
- Kulkas / Portable Refrigerator Toshiba Glacio
- Microwave Sharp/LG & Buku Petunjuk
- AC dan Remote Samsung 1 PK
- Water Heater
- Shower Tray Curtain
- Listrik Max. 2200 Watt.
- Facility:
- Rak piring (gelas, piring, sendok, garpu @ 4 pcs, kain lap 2 pcs)
- Gantungan handuk / baju (di kamar mandi)
- Tissue holder
- Tempat sabun
- Tray kaca (di atas wastafel)
- Hanger 12 pcs (dalam lemari)
- Tempat sampah / dust bin w/pedal 1 pcs
- Alat pel / mop 1 pcs
- Ember pel / mop bucket 1 pcs
- Sapu & pengki / shovel rubbish set 1 pcs
- Keset 1 pcs
- Kabel extension 1 pcs
- “T” connector 1 pcs, kabel antena tv 1 pcs.
- Additional Info: – Seberang mal “Living Plaza”
- Selling Price: Rp 290 juta
- Contact: +62 818-110-669
- WhatsApp: 62818110669
- E-mail: arman.simohartono@gmail.com
Jual Apartemen Meikarta Bekasi – 3 Bedroom Unfurnished
- Apartment Name: Meikarta
- Location: Lippo Cikarang Bekasi
- Tower/Floor/View: 39023/1A/07/F
- Size: 84 m2
- Bedroom: 3
- Bathroom: 2
- Condition: Unfurnished
- Facility:
- 10 menit lari pagi Deket Central Park
- 5 menit Dekat Pintu Tol Cibatu
- City View – Central Park View
- Security 24 Hour
- Additional Info:
- Dikelilingi sarana pendidikan lengkap (Sekolah Pelita Harapan, Sekolah Dian Harapan, Sekolah Jepang Hikari, Universitas Paramadina, dan lain-lain)
- Sarana kesehatan yang lengkap (Rumah Sakit Siloam, Rumah Sakit Omni, dll)
- Hunian bebas banjir karena memiliki kanal sangat luas sebagai pengendali banjir yang terbukti membebaskan Meikarta dari bencana banjir tanggal 1 januari 2020
- Dikelilingi kota industri dengan ratusan perusahaan multinasional dan ratusan ribu pekerja lokal dan ekspat, yang menjadikan harga rata-rata sewa hunian tinggi
- Hanya 2 menit dari pusat kota Lippo Cikarang yang sudah tersedia fasilitas lengkap (ruko, ATM center, dealer mobil, pusat furniture, supermarket, pasar modern, mall, dll)
- 2 minute to Orange County Mall
- 5 minute to exit toll Cibatu
- 5 minute to Lippo Mall Cikarang
- 5 minute to Waterboom Cikarang
- 15 minute to fast train line Jakarta-Bandung
- Kenaikan nilai investasi sebesar 150% pada 2 (dua) tahun terakhir, menjadikan Meikarta sebagai pilihan investasi aset yang tepat dan menguntungkan
- Selling Price: Rp 750,000,000
- Contact: +6288290443247
- WhatsApp: 6288290443247
- E-mail: asepsolihin9@gmail.com