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- Apartment Name: Bogor Icon
- Location: Bukit Cimanggu City
- Tower/Floor/View: Alpine/9/View City & Mountain
- Size: 26.45 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Semi furnished. Terdapat kamar tidur, lemari dan meja panjang
- Facility: Fasilitas apartemen
- terkoneksi dengan hotel
- carport
- kolam renang
- gym
- Additional Info:
- Dekat pintu masuk toll
- Dekat pusat perbelanjaan dan rumah sakit
- Selling Price: Rp. 360.000.000 nego
- Contact: 081225912420
- WhatsApp: 081225912420
- E-mail:
- Apartment Name: Podomoro Golf View
- Location: Cimanggis – Depok – Bogor
- Tower/Floor/View: –
- Size: 35 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Unfurnished
- Facility:
- View Golf
- Shopping Center
- Masjid At Thohir
- SD Karekter Podomoro
- Riverside Golf
- Akses LRT
- Additional Info:
- Memiliki akses tol langsung (gerbang Tol Cimanggis)
- Dikelilingi oleh pusat perbelanjaan dan area komersial
- Selling Price: Harga Rp 320 Juta.
*Biaya pengalihan unit dan pajak ditanggung penjual
- Contact: +62 856-9567-4274
- WhatsApp: 6285695674274
- Apartment Name: Sentul Tower
- Location: Sentul City
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower A / Lt. 7
- Size: 27 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: furnished
- Facility: Public pool
- Additional Info:
- Selling Price: Rp 400.000.000
- Contact: 081806211787
- WhatsApp: 081806211787
- E-mail:
- Apartment Name: Dramaga Tower Apartemen
- Location: IPB Dramaga Bogor
- Tower/Floor/View: lantai 16 no. 21 dan no.22
- Size: 21 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Unfurnished
- Facility: Lift, parkir area, security 24jam
- Additional Info: Masih PPJB, bisa berjalan kaki ke kampus IPB Dramaga
- Selling Price: Rp 250 Juta Nego
- Contact: +62 813-1111-3892
- WhatsApp: 6281311113892
- E-mail:
- Apartment Name: Podomoro Golf View
- Location: Jl. Raya Bojong Nangka, Bojong Nangka, Kec. Gn. Putri, Bogor, Jawa Barat 16457. Exit Tol Cimanggis cuma 50-100 m.
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower Balsa / 12 / view Golf (lepas menghadap tol)
- Size: 21 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: New & Unfurnished
- Facility:
- Lokasi yang sangat strategis, 50-100m dari pintu keluar / masuk tol Cimanggis. Dekat ke Cibubur, Depok ataupun Bogor
- Podomoro Bike Track
- Di sekitaran beberapa lapangan golf (Esmeralda Golf Club, Riverside Golf Club, Bukit Golf Riverside)
- Commercial area, resto, cafe utk hang out di sepanjang sungai Cikeas
- Shuttle bus, utk membantu Anda agar lebih praktis dalam berpergian
- Dekat dengan perencanaan LRT Shelter
- Additional Info:
- Sudah termasuk BPHTB senilai 11.4juta. Harga tertera harga bersih, biaya balik nama dan administrasi ditanggung oleh pembeli.
- Khusus pembayaran CASH.
- Pemilik langsung
- Selling Price: Rp 209.000.000 Nett
*Biaya pengalihan unit dan pajak ditanggung penjual
- Contact: WA only: 081280101079
- WhatsApp: 081280101079
- Apartment Name: Podomoro Golf View
- Location: Cimanggis, Depok
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower Dahoma lantai 10
- Size: 36 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Semi furnish
- Facility:
- Commercial area, resto dan cafe untuk hang-out di sepanjang sungai Cikeas.
- Children playground, modern market, taman dan area berkumpul bagi keluarga.
- Shuttle bus, untuk membantu Anda agar lebih praktis dalam bepergian.
- Jogging track dan Lapangan badminton.
- Additional Info: Jual plus isinya
- Selling Price: Rp 450 juta
- Contact: Susi 081510310098
- WhatsApp: 081510310098
- Apartment Name: Podomoro Golf View – Cimanggis
- Location: Jl. Bojong Nangka Tapos Depok
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower Cordia / Lantai 6
- Size: 36 m2
- Bedroom: 2 (ada 2 unit)
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Unfurnished
- Ruang Tamu
- Dapur
- Toilet
- Balcony
- View Golf
- Facility:
- View Golf
- Shopping Center
- Masjid At Thohir
- SD Karekter Podomoro
- Riverside Golf
- Akses LRT
- Akses Tol Cimanggis
- Additional Info: Langsung AJB nama Pembeli
- Selling Price: Rp 325 Juta / Unit
(Nego sampai Deal !!)
- Contact: More Info : WA 081517858399 – 08119075656
- WhatsApp: 081517858399
- Apartment Name: Podomoro Golf View
- Location: Exit tol Jagorawi km 19, Cimanggis Depok
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower Cordia / Lantai 18 No. 2 / View Jagorawi
- Size: 35 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full Furnished
- Facility:
- Lobby Bintang 5
- Taman bermain anak
- Jogging track
- Bike Track
- Masjid Viral At Thohir
- Food Truck Bazaar
- Shuttle Bus/Stasiun MRT
- Additional Info: Samping stasiun LRT
- Selling Price: Rp 395 juta
- Rental Price: Rp 2 juta / bulan
Minimal sewa 3 bulan
- Contact: 08999777111
- WhatsApp: 08999777111
- Apartment Name: Podomoro Golf View
- Location: Jln. Raya Bojong Nangka, Bojong Nangka, Gunung Putri, Bogor 16963
- Tower/Floor/View: Dahoma/16/south
- Size: 2 x 35 m2
- Bedroom: 2 x 2
- Bathroom: 2 x 1
- Condition: Brand new, unfurnished
- Facility:
- At Thahir mosque (masjid)
- Direct toll road access (Cimanggis toll gate).
- Commercial area at theentrance.
- Modern market
- Restaurant and cafe area facilities for family hang-outs along the Cikeas river.
- Children playground.
- Park and gathering area.
- Jogging track and badminton court.
- Car port
- Water & Electricity
- Shuttle bus.
- Surrounded by green area, 3 golf courses and Cikeas river.
- Gunadarma University and Character School
- Additional Info: Paid off, no more installment
- Selling Price: Rp 990 milliion, 2 units
- Contact: Indah Kuswardani 08123010511 (Call and WA)
- WhatsApp: 08123010511
- Apartment Name: Podomoro Golf View
- Location: Cimanggis, Depok
- Tower/Floor/View: Dahoma / 05 / City
- Size: 35 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full Furnished
- Spring Bed 160×200 at Main Bedroom
- Spring Bed 100 x 200 at 2nd Bedroom
- Full set Wardrobe at Main and 2nd Bedroom
- Working Table at Main and 2nd Bedroom
- 2 Air Conditioner (1 unit at Living room and 1 unit at Main Bedroom)
- 1 Exhaust Fan
- Sofa and TV Table
- 1 unit TV
- 1 unit Refrigerator
- 1 unit Dispenser
- Kitchen set with sink, stoves and cooker hood
- Bathroom (Shower)
- Facility:
- LRT Station to Jakarta
- Commuter/shuttle bus to Jakarta business area
- At-Thohir Mosque
- Nearby Jagorawi Toll Exit KM 19 (only 100m)
- Wide access road
- Spacious Car Parking Area
- Commercial areas
- Restaurant and Cafes
- Children playground
- Park, Jogging Track, and gathering area
- Water & Electricity
- Located nearby prominent Golf Courses (Emeralda Golf Club, Riverside Golf Club, Jagorawi Golf and Country Club)
- Security 24hours
- Lift access card
- Additional Info:
- Low Floor Unit
- New and Modern Interior
- Legality of unit is under PPJB (Perjanjian Pengikatan Jual Beli)
- Selling Price: IDR 610 Million (nego)
- Rental Price:
- IDR 3.5 Million (per month)
- IDR 38.5 Million (per year)
- Free IPL, Exclude Water and Electricity Bill (paid monthly), Parking, Laundry, etc.
- Contact: 081228301700
- WhatsApp: 081228301700