- Apartment Name: Cienere Resort
- Location: Jl Raya Gandul Cinere Depok / depan komplek BPK
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower A/2-22/pool & city
- Size: 21, 30, 36, & 43 m2
- Bedroom: 1 & 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: New unit, Unfurnished
- Facility:
- basketball court
- swimming pool
- jogging track
- roof garden
- play ground
- fitnes center
- Additional Info:
- 5menit ke akses Tol DESARI
- 10menit ke mall cinere
- 20menit ke fatmawati
- 30menit ke Tb simatupang
- Cara bayar KPA
- Tanpa Dp (Dp0%)
- Unit ready stok
- SHM trata title
- FREE biaya akad
- Cicilan 2 jutaan
- Cara bayar developer 60X
- Tanpa Bi cheking
- Cukup ktp & npwp
- Cicilan Flat Rp 8,5 juta
- Cara bayar cash keras
- Studio dari harga Rp 465 juta diskon menjadi 265 juta
- 2 bedroom dari harga Rp 707 juta diskon menjadi 430 juta
- Cara bayar KPA
- Rental Price:
- Type studio
- Harga Rp 350.000/fullday
- Harga Rp 2,5 juta – 3,5 juta/bulan
- Typr 2BR
- Harga Rp 550.000/fullday
- Harga Rp 4,5 juta – 6 juta/bulan
- Type studio
- Contact:
- Rini
- 081284832953
- WhatsApp: 081284832953
- E-mail: riniagusta7@gmail.com
Jual Apartemen Cinere Resort Depok – Unit Apartemen Siap Huni, Tower A dan B
- Apartment Name: Cinere Resort
- Location: Jl. Raya Gandul Depan Komplek BPK Masjid An-nur Cinere – Depok
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower A dan B
- Size: 21,89 – 36,37 m2
- Bedroom: Studio and 2 BR
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Kondisi Siap Huni tanpa DP cukup booking Fee 3 juta langsung akad ke Bank BTN dan siap huni.
- 5 menit dari pintu tol depok – antasari (Brigif).
- Akses mudah ke RS. Fatmawati
- 5 menit ke TB simatupang via exit tol brigif.
- Subsidi biaya akad dan discount special ratusan juta
- Subsidi bunga 2,99 % selama setahun
- SHM (strata title)
- Facility:
- Kolam Renang
- Food Court
- Sarana Olahraga
- Tempat penitipan anak
- Additional Info: Call for details
- Selling Price:
- Harga Rp 300.000.000-an type Studio
- Harga Rp 400.000.000-an type 2 BR
- Rental Price:
- Sewa harian type Studio Rp 350.000 full day (24 jam)
- Sewa harian type 2 BR Rp 500.000 full day (24 jam)
- Contact: 0813-1075-1084 (Sandy)
- WhatsApp: 081310751084
- E-mail: artsandi@gmail.com
CUT OFF PRICE Jual Apartemen Cinere Resort – 2 Units Studio with Fantastic View Sunset and Pool
- Apartment Name: Cinere Resort
- Location: Jalan Gandul Raya, Cinere – Depok
- Tower/Floor/View: Senggigi Tower, 20th Floor, Sunset and Pool View
- Size: 21.89 m2 (2 units 43.78 m2)
- Bedroom: Studio (2 units)
- Bathroom: 2
- Condition:
- 2 units connecting studio
- Senggigi tower, 20th floors with fantastic view sunset and pool
- 1 unit new and 1 unit used for 3 months only
- Both are unfurnished (only rooms, kitchen set and toilet)
Bahasa Indonesia :
- Dua unit connecting tipe studio
- Tower Senggigi, lantai 20 dengan view sunset dan kolam renang yang fantastis
- 1 unit baru dan 1 unit baru digunakan selama 3 bulan
- Keduanya dalam keadaan kosongan (hanya ruangan, set dapur dan kamar mandi)
- Facility:
- Tropical pool
- Kids pool
- Playground
- Jogging track
- Access card lift and CCTV
- 24-hour Security
- Basement parking
- Additional Info:
- New unit
- 10 minutes to Puri Cinere Hospital
- 10 minutes to Cinere Mall
- 15 minutes to Cilandak Town Square
- 20 minutes to Fatmawati Hospital
- 25 minutes to Kemang Area
- Selling Price:
- Big Sale under market price only Rp 500.000.000 NETT for 2 units studio (all fees are buyer expenses)
- 2 units studio are connecting
- Direct owner, you can contact me @ 0821.2590.7090
Bahasa Indonesia :
- Jual sangat murah di bawah harga pasar hanya Rp 500.000.000 nett untuk 2 unit studio (biaya lainnya ditanggung pembeli)
- 2 unit studio connecting
- Pemilik langsung, Anda bisa hubungi saya @ 0821.2590.7090
- Contact: 0821-2590-7090 or 0878-1902-1980
- E-mail: neta_margaret@yahoo.com
Over Kredit / Jual Murah Apartemen Cinere Resort – 2 Bedrooms Semi Furnished, Lantai 21
- Apartment Name: Cinere Resort and Apartment
- Location: Gandul – Cinere, Depok
- Tower/Floor/View: Senggigi/21/City View (arah Jalan tol Andara-Brigif-Desari)
- Size: 30,62 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Saat ini sedang ada yang mengontrak, dan sering ada yg nanya untuk mengontrak. Jadi pas untuk pilihan investasi dan passive income. Kondisi apartemen semi furnished, (kontak PIC untuk meminta foto):
- 1 tempat tidur Queensize + kasur queensize
- 1 kasur single bed
- 2 AC
- 1 kipas angin
- 1 termos listrik
- 1 setrika
- 1 TV Samsung, 32″
- karpet
- gordyn dan vitrase
- Include Wifi dan TV kabel
- Facility:
- Tropical resort
- Swimming Pool
- Baby and toodler day care
- Jogging track & gym
- Thematic commercial area
- Unique access card & CCTV
- Sky lounge
- Hotspot area internet
- Salon & spa
- ATM center
- Security 24 hours
- Parkir double basement
- Additional Info:
- 5 menit ke Pintu Tol Depok-Antasari (Andara-Brigif)
- 5 menit Jalan Kaki ke Pusdiklat Kehakiman Gandul
- 5 menit jalan kaki ke Pasar Gandul
- 5 menit ke Pasar Segar Cinere dan Living Plaza (Informa & Ace Hardware)
- 10 menit ke Mall Cinere / RS Puri Cinere
- 10 menit ke UPN Veteran Pondok Labu
- 10 menit ke RS Prikasih
- 10 Menit ke Pasar Pondok Labu
- 15-20 menit ke Stasiun MRT Fatmawati
- 15 menit ke One Bel Park Mall
- 15 menit ke Cinere Bellevue Mall
- 15 Menit ke Bandara Pondok Cabe
- 20 menit ke RS Fatmawati
- 20 menit ke Cilandak Town Square (Citos)
- Selling Price: Negotiable.
- Rp 150.000.000 (termasuk furniture)
- Over Kredit, sisa 8 tahun. Cicilan Rp 5.000.000-an.
- Contact: Reisa 081298639033
Dijual Cepat Apartemen Cinere Resort Depok – 1 BR and 2 BR Siap Huni Unfurnished
- Apartment Name: Cinere Resort
- Location: Jl. Raya Gandul, Depok
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower Senggigi/Lantai 9
- Size: 21 dan 36 m2
- Bedroom: 1 dan 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: New Unfurnished (siap huni)
- Facility: Tropical pool, Kids pool, playground, jogging track, access card, lift and CCTV, 24-hours security, basement parking
- Additional Info:
- 10 minutes to Puri Cinere Hospital
- 10 minutes to Cinere Mall
- 15 minutes to Cilandak Town Square
- 20 minutes to Fatmawati Hospital
- 25 minutes to Kemang
- Selling Price:
- 1 bedroom (Studio) Rp 260.000.000
- 2 bedrooms Rp 395.000.000
- Contact: Albert – 082160377000
- E-mail: albert.siregar@gmail.com