- Apartment Name: Evenciio Depok
- Location: Jalan Raya Margonda (Icon Selamat Datang Depok)
- Tower/Floor/View: 1 / 25 / Universitas Indonesia
- Size: 24 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Apartemen Evenciio Margonda Depok
- Lantai 25
- View Universitas Indonesia
- Fasilitas Unit :
- AC
- TV
- Kulkas
- Kitchen Set
- Facility: Apartemen Evenciio Margonda Depok
- Lantai 25
- View Universitas Indonesia
- Fasilitas Apartemen :
- Lobby
- ATM Center
- Minimarket
- Laundry
- Apartemen ini berjarak (kurang lebih) :
– Universitas Indonesia (200 meter)
– Margo city mall (2 kilometer)
– Universitas Pancasila (1 kilometer)
– Universitas Gunadarma (2 kilometer)
– Rumah Sakit Bunda Margonda (1 kilometer)
– Stasiun Universitas Indonesia (100 meter)
– Tol Depok (2.5 kilometer)
- Additional Info: Potensi Passive Incone Rp 40.000.000 / tahun
- Selling Price: Rp 590.000.000 (nego)
- Contact: Intan 08161993372
- WhatsApp:?08161993372
- E-mail: intan03011980@gmail.com
Jual Apartemen Evenciio Margonda Depok – Type Studio Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Evenciio Margonda
- Location: Jl. Margonda Raya No.508 Pondok Cina, Beji, Depok City, West Java 16424
- Tower/Floor/View: 1 / 10 / Universitas Indonesia
- Size: 25.03 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full furnished, with very good Furnishing Condition and Well Maintained, certificated PPJB
- Facility: Room Facilities:
• Bed 160 cm
• Wardrobe
• Study Desk, Working chair
• Dining Table, 1 café chairs
• Kitchen Cabinet, Refrigerator, Water Dispenser, Induction Stove, Cooker Hood
• Bathroom with toilet, Shower, washtafel, Water heater
• Android TV 32”
• Air Conditioner 1 PK
• Electric power is 2200 watt
• WIfi
Building Facilities:
• 24 Hours Security & CCTV
• Receptionist
• Swimming Pool
• Lounge
• Cafe & Resto
• Convenience Store (Alfamart)
• Laundry
• Free Wifi
• Multi Function Room
• Drug free apartment by BNN - Additional Info: The Evenciio Apartment is a very comfortable and strategic residence, the apartment directly across the University of Indonesia, can walking distance to University of Indonesia, and UI Train station with Pedestrian Bridge in front of apartment to cross main road, and this apartment have a lounge with a Green concept. Apartment Evenciio is Iconic Tower in Depok City.
Location and Surrounding Places :
• Close to University : University of Indonesia, University of Gunadarma, University of Pancasila, BSI Depok
• Close to Train station : UI Train Station, Pondok Cina Train Station, Pancasila Train Station, Depok Baru Train Station
• Close to Toll Jor
• Close to Malls : Margo City Mall, Depok Town Square, Dmall, ITC Depok, Plaza Depok, Lippo Mall Cimanggis
• Close to many convenience stores
• Close to House of worship facilities
• Close to Medical facilities
• Close to Bank
• At main road, Jl, Margonda Raya - Selling Price: Rp 645.000.000 (Negotiable)
- Rental Price: Rp 3.500.000 / month
Rp 10.500.000/ 3 month
Rp 21.000.000/ 6 month
Rp 42.000.000/ 12 month (negotiable) - Contact: Mei Owner +62 851 7429 8891 (whatsapp / sms / call)
- WhatsApp: 6285174298891
Dijual Evenciio Margonda Premium Apartment – Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Evenciio Margonda
- Location: Jl. Margonda Raya no.508, Depok
- Tower/Floor/View: 1 / 18B / Universitas Indonesia
- Size: 24 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Bed 120cm
- Lower bed 90cm (need to add matrass)
- Spring bed Ikea 120cm
- Wardrobe
- Credenza/bufet
- Bathroom with toilet, shower, washtafel
- Kitchen cabinet, fridge, water dispenser, induction cooker
- Dining table, 2 chairs
- Writing desk, office chair Ikea
- Electricity 900 watt
- AC 3/4 PK
- TV
- Facility:
- 24 hour security & CCTV
- Receptionist
- Fitness centre
- Swimming pool
- Cafe
- Lounge
- Minimarket
- Drug free apartment by BNN
- Additional Info:
- Selling Price: 550.000.000,-
- Contact: 0898 808 8877
- WhatsApp: 08988088877
- E-mail: milaniwiwi@gmail.com
Jual Beli Apartment Evenciio Depok – Full Furnished Type Studio
- Apartment Name: Evenciio
- Location: Depok
- Tower/Floor/View: 1/37/Gunung Salak, hutan UI
- Size: 25.03 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Study Room: 1
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Cukup Siapkan *5* juta Unit sudah milik Anda
Dekat kampus UI
Dekat pintu Tol
- Dekat Stasiun UI
- Dekat rumah sakit
Cicilan 3 jutaan
Cocok untuk investasi , rate sewa yang dijamin tinggi , cocok untuk hunian mahasiswa dan apartment premium🌟
Ayo Tunggu apalagi !!! semakin ditunda semakin mahal Lohh 🌟
Hanya di evenciio investasi apartment yang menguntungkan, kalo engga percaya ? Buktikan dulu yukk🌟🌟Info Hub: Rianna 0859 2815 1650
- Facility:
- Swimming pool
- Gym
- Taman
- Alfamart 24jam
- Bimbingan UI
- Cafe & resto
- Laundry
- Additional Info: Security 24jam
CCTV 24 jam - Selling Price: Rp.500.000.00 s/d
- Rental Price: Rp.3.500.000 s/d 7.000.000.
- Contact: 085928151650
- WhatsApp: 085928151650
- E-mail: Riannakusumaputri21@gmail.com
Jual Apartemen Evenciio Margonda Depok – Studio Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Evenciio
- Location: Jl. Raya Margonda, Depok
- Tower/Floor/View: A / 8 / kota
- Size: 25 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Apartemen Evenciio
- Project by : *PT PP Properti Tbk.* (BUMN) untuk Indonesia 🇮🇩
- Tanpa DP
- Full Furnished
- Cicilan mulai 3 Jutaan/Bulan
- Unit Ready Stock*
- Dapat dikelola seperti Hotel dengan Yield +-6%*
- Passive Income terbaik, Anti Inflasi dan Resesi karena Berada di Kawasan Pendidikan Terbesar di Indonesia (Margonda Depok) dengan Sewa Berlimpah setiap harinya, Captive Market lebih dari 90.779 mahasiswa UI dan sekitarnya, karyawan Perkantoran Tb Simatupang dll
- 0 km:
- Toll Gate Desari
- Stasiun KRL UI
- Kampus UI dan Puluhan Kampus lainnya di Depok
- Mall Margo City
- RS Bunda
- Perkantoran
- Facility:
- Kolam Renang
- Perpustakaan
- Playground Anak
- Alfamart
- Cafe
- Fitness Center
- Traffic Jogging
- Parkiran Luas
- Sky Garden
- Additional Info: Ready dan Siap Huni
- Selling Price: Rp 650.000.000
- Rental Price: Rp 4.900.000
- Contact: 0877.8705.5609
- WhatsApp: 087787055609
- E-mail: oktariniokta88@gmail.com
Jual Apartemen Evenciio Depok – Harga Terjangkau 2 Bedrooms Unfurnished – Dual Keys
- Apartment Name: Evenciio
- Location: Jl. Margonda No.508, Pondok Cina, Kecamatan Beji, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat 16424
- Tower/Floor/View: 23
- Size: 44.16 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 2
- Condition: Unfurnished
- Facility:
- Sistem Keamanan & CCTV 24 Jam
- Swimming Pool
- Gym
- Pocket Garden
- Co-Working Area
- e-Library
- Zona Free Wi-Fi
- Additional Info:
- 3 Menit ke Stasiun Commuter Line UI dan RS Bunda Margonda
- 5 Menit ke Universitas Indonesia, Universitas Gunadarma, dan Mall Margo City
- 7 Menit ke Pintu Masuk Tol Margonda
- Selling Price: IDR
- Contact: 081511463347
- WhatsApp: 081511463347
- E-mail: dungkry@gmail.com
Jual Apartemen Evenciio Margonda Depok – Unfurnished Studio 25 m2
- Apartment Name: Evenciio Apartemen
- Location: Margonda Depok
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower 1/Lantai 23/View Universitas Indonesia
- Size: 25 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Kosong (un-furnished)
- Facility:
- Swimming Pool at 7th Floor
- Music Studio
- Mini market
- Meeting pods,
- Courtyard and BBQ pavilions
- CCTV 24 jam.
- Study Hall
- Additional Info:
- Apartemen Evencio Margonda Depok, Take Over dari Developer. Pembangunan oleh BUMN PP Property,Finished Feb 2021.
- Dekat Universitas Indonesia, 10 menit dari Stasiun KRL, dan 10 menit dari akses toll
- Jembatan connecting Tower Evencio dengan dekat pintu masuk Kampus UI
- Apartemen bebas Narkoba, kerjasama Evenciio dengan BNN
- Tempat Belajar study hall yang menenangkan
- Selling Price: Harga :500 juta (nego)
Skema pembayaran langsung ke Owner - Contact: 0812 1526 8383 – 08118163063
- WhatsApp: 08118163063
- E-mail: djpjosep2023@gmail.com
Dijual Apartemen Evenciio Depok / Studio Full Furnish (by Fabelio)
- Apartment Name: Evenciio
- Location: Jl. Margonda No. 508 Depok, Jawa barat.
- Tower/Floor/View: I / 30 / Kampus UI
- Size: 25.03 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Desain unit Apartemen yang modern dan artistik.
Full Furnish designed by “Fabelio” & Verified by “Legal Rental Agent”- Status kepemilikan SHM
- 1 Kamar Tidur
- 1 Kamar mandi: Shower, Water heater gas, Wastafel.
- 1 Kitchen set: Exhoust fan, Kompor induksi, Lemari es mini, dan Meja makan lipat, termasuk peralatan memasak.
- 1 Meja kerja/belajar
- Pemadam api: 1) Evenciio system, 2) APAR mini.
- Listrik 1300 Watt
- AC Panasonic 3/4 PK
- TV Smart Panasonic 32″
- Facility:
- Gratis Internet
- Sistem Keamanan 24 Jam: Security & CCTV
- Sistem Administrasi: Receptionist, Aplikasi
- Gym, Kolam renang
- Drug free by BNN, aman dari Narkoba.
- Additional Info:
- Pemandangan sepanjang waktu:
Lingkungan Kampus UI yang asri, Jalur KRL Bogor-Jakarta, Jalan Margonda. - Tersedianya JPO, dan Halte memudahkan mobilisasi.
- Dekat dengan Stasiun KRL UI, akses jalan Tol Antasari.
- Dekat dengan beberapa Rumah Sakit Umum.
- Dekat dengan beberapa pusat belanja, hiburan, dan mini market.
- Pemandangan sepanjang waktu:
- Selling Price:
- Harga jual, Rp 550 Juta (pajak pembeli dan penjual ditanggung masing-masing).
- Tanpa perantara pembeli dan penjual
- Nego tipis ajah
- Rental Price: Harga sewa berdasarkan “Legal Rental Agent” pada saat iklan ini dibuat.
- Daily Rp 430.000
- Monthly Rp 3.900.000
- Yearly Rp 36.800.000
(Hanya sebagai referensi saja)
- Contact: 081385386778
- WhatsApp: 081385386778
- E-mail: triyanto@gmx.com
Sewa / Jual Apartemen Evenciio Depok – Type Studio Furnished
- Apartment Name: Evenciio Depok
- Location: Jalan Raya Margonda
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower 1 / Lt 17, 21, 30 Margonda Raya
- Size: 25 m2, 32m2
- Bedroom: Studio, 1 Bed room
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Furnished
- TV 32 inchi
- Spring Bed single
- Kompor Listrik
- Kulkas
- AC
- Modem Internet
Tersedia studio dan 1 bedroom
- Facility: Swimming Pool, Library, Cafe, ect
- Additional Info:
- Lokasi seberang stasiun Universitas Indonesia
- Kondisi baru dan terawat bersih
- Dekat kampus UI
- Selling Price: Harga Mulai
Rp 645.000.000 type studioTersedia 1bed room, 2bed room , Dual keys, triple keys
- Rental Price:
- 3 months Rp 12.000.000
- 6 months Rp 24,000,000
- 12 months Rp 48,000,000 (any discount)
- Exclude IPL/maintenace fee, token PLN, Internet/cable TV
- Prefer long term rental
Tersedia 1 bed room
🔸6 months Rp. 39.000.000
🔸 12 months Rp 78.000.000
🔸 Exclude IPL/maintenace fee, token PLN, Internet/cable TV
Prefer long term rental - Contact: 081210017877
- WhatsApp: 081210017877
Sewa / Jual Apartemen Evenciio Depok – Type Studio Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Evenciio Depok
- Location: Jalan Raya Margonda No 508 (JPO Selamat Datang Depok)
- Tower/Floor/View: 1 / 25 / Universitas Indonesia
- Size: 24 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Study Room: 1
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full Furnished
- Facility: Facility room :
- Smart TV 32 inchi
- Bed Set Guhdo 160 x 200
- Advance Kompor Induksi
- Rinai Cooker Hood
- Ac Daikin 1/2 PK
- Sharp Refrigerator
- Standing dispenser
- Furniture design by ADY FURNITURE
- Additional Info: View Universitas Indonesia
Lokasi seberang stasiun Universitas Indonesia - Selling Price: Rp 635.000.000 (negotiable)
- Rental Price:
- Rp 3.500.000 / month
- Rp 10.000.000 / 3 month
- Contact: Intan 08161993372 (Whatsapp / call / chat)
- WhatsApp: 08161993372
- E-mail: intan03011980@gmail.com