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Apartment Name: Gateway Pesanggerahan
Location: Jl. Ciledug Raya No.15 – Pesanggerahan, Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: B/9
Size: 30 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Fully furnished including aircon and gordyn.
Facility: Access card security system, swimming pool, vehicle parking lot, retail kiosks. food stalls, cafe, doctor, atm.
Additional Info: Very strategic location, right in front of Transjakarta bus-stop, side by side with Auto2000, opposite of Budi Luhur university, easy access, 5-10 minutes, to tol roads (JORR, Soeta airport, and Bogor/Bandung) 5-10 minutes.
Selling Price: Rp 300,000,000
Contact: Directly owner, Natsrat Bayuni at 08121028266
WhatsApp: 08121028266
Apartment Name: Gateway Pesanggrahan
Location: Jl. Ciledug Raya, Pesanggrahan, Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: D/9/Swimming Pool
Size: 33 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Dijual Apartemen Gateway Pesanggrahan Tipe 2 Bedroom (Tidak pakai perantara)
Unit mililk pribadi
Swimming pool view, lantai 9
2 kamar tidur, 1 kamar mandi
Listrik token
Security 24 jam
Swimming pool
Access card
Portal secure parking
ATM center
Tempat makan di lobby area
Additional Info: Lokasi strategis
Bersebrangan dengan halte Transjakarta busway adam malik
Depan Universitas Budi luhur
Dekat dengan Rumah Sakit
Pinggir jalan utama
Dekat dengan Tol JORR
Akses ke Bandara Soekarno-Hatta (masuk Tol JORR)
Dekat dengan pusat perbelanjaan
Akses mall terdekat (Senayan City, Plaza Senayan, Gandaria City, Pondok Indah Mall, Blok M)
Akses ke daerah Senayan, Sudirman, Gandaria, Pondok Indah, Permata Hijau, Bintaro, Blok M, Cilandak (lewat Tol JORR)
Selling Price: Rp 290.000.000
Contact: 085285000262