Additional Info: Harga 2.300.000.000 Apertement Holland Village Cempaka Putih Selangkah Ke Kelapa Gading Holland Village Cempaka Putih, Jakarta Pusat Dapatkan Info Terupdate, Diskon Terbaik N Cara Bayar Fleksibel.
– Billions Real Estate –
Bisa Bantu pengurusan KPR, KPA dan Kredit Properti Komersial
Menyediakan Jasa Interior
Selling Price: Rp 2.300.000.000
Luxurious Apartment Residences
Premium Office
Fashionable Shopping Mall, Dining and Entertainment
World-Class Healthcare Provider by Siloam Hospital
Condition: Dijual cepat apartemen baru Holland Village. Terletak hanya 5 menit dari Kelapa Gading, apartemen Holland Village memiliki fasilitas lengkap termasuk rumah sakit, pusat perbelanjaan hingga universitas terkemuka. Apartemen Holland Village merupakan sebuah kawasan baru di cempaka putih jakarta pusat yang berada di lokasi strategis dan bisa diakses melalui tol dalam kota. Apartemen Holland Village ini dijual dalam kondisi belum pernah dipakai, BRAND NEW 100%.
Mal Lippo Holland Village (coming soon)
Univ Pelita Harapan (coming soon)
Siloam hospital (coming soong)
Olympic size swimming pool
Children pool
Fitness center
BBQ area
Jogging track
Additional Info: Brand New Unit with Best City View.
Location: Jl. Jendral Ahmad Yani, Kayu Putih, Cempaka Putih, Jakarta Pusat, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia 10510
Tower/Floor/View: Tower HV Two / Lantai 53 / View CBD
Size: 131 m2
Bedroom: 3
Bathroom: 2
Condition: Semi furnished
Facility: Holland Village akan menyediakan fasilitas lengkap untuk penghuninya. Mulai dari kolam renang ukuran olimpiade, lapangan tenis, sauna, pusat kebugaran, BBQ area, jogging track, dan taman luas di atas podium. Ada dua tower apartemen dalam kompleks Holland Village, yaitu Holland One dan Holland Two. — The facilities that will be provided in the apartment has been planned, which are an Olympic-size swimming pool, tennis court, sauna, fitness center, yoga deck, BBQ area, jogging track, and spacious garden above a podium. The apartment consisted of two tower: Holland One and Holland Two.
Additional Info:
Holland Village berlokasi di Cempaka Putih, Jakarta Pusat. Tepat di perbatasan antara Pusat, Timur, dan Utara (Tri-Junction). Kompleks ini menonjolkan konsep 9-in-1 yang terdiri dari apartemen mewah, tower perkantoran kelas A, hotel, pusat perbelanjaan, rumah sakit, sekolah, taman, ballroom, dan helipad. Kompleks mixed-use ini merupakan salah satu pionir yang menyediakan apartemen sebagai hunian di Cempaka Putih. — Holland Village is located in Cempaka Putih, Central Jakarta. Right in the border of Central, East, and North Jakarta (Tri Junction). This complex is highlighting the 9-in-1 concept that consists of Luxurious Apartment, Grade A Office Tower, Hotel, Shopping Mall, Siloam Hospitals Healthcare, Pelita Harapan Foundation School, Green Lush Garden, Grand Ballroom, Helipad. This mixed-use development complex is one of the pioneers that provides apartment as the residence in Cempaka Putih. Currently, the complex is still under construction and predicted will be finished in 2018.
9-in-1 Integrated Concept Superblok: Mal (shopping center), RS Siloam, Sekolah Pelita Harapan, Hotel, Grand Ballroom, Helipad Fasilitas Super Komplit seperti: Swimming Pool Olympic Size, Children Pool, Fitness Center, Yoga Deck, BBQ Area, Jogging Tack, Taman seluas 2000 meter di atas podium Lift terdiri dari 4 lift Passenger, 1 Lift Barang Untuk semua kamar tidur sudah memakai Parkir dan untuk luar memakai Homogenius Tile Additional Info: Proyek masih dalam progress pembangunan rencana selesai akhir 2018. — 9-in-1 Integrated Concept Superblock: Mall (shopping center), Siloam Hospital, Pelita Harapan School, Hotel, Grand Ballroom, Helipad Compelte Facilities: Swimming Pool Olympic Size, Children Pool, Fitness Center, Yoga Deck, BBQ Area, Jogging Tack, Garden area of 2000 metre. 4 Passenger Lift, 1 service-Lift Parkir spot and Homogenius Tile for each unit Additional Info.: Proyek on progress, expected to be finished late 2018