One Stop Living Concept, with Mixed used Development for about 30 Ha, Integrated with Mall, Office Tower, international Hospital, International School, Five Star Hotel. Planned by World Class, Master Planner, Development Design Group From America
Steps away from LRT Station, Busway SHelter and KRL Station Bekasi. 300 Metre away from
Exit Tol Bekasi Barat III, Tol Becakayu and Bekasi, Cawang, Kampung Melayu Area
Bridge to Connect Grand Kamala Bridge, Access to Jakarta-Cikampek
Steps to Metropolitan Mal Bekasi, Sumarecon Bekasi and Grand Galaxy City
Steps away to Awal Bros Hospital, Mitra Keluarga Hospital, and Budi lestari Hospital
Surrounded By National Plus School and Binus Univeråsity
15 minutes Cikarang Industrial Area
300 metre away to Cawang, Pancoran, Gatot Subroto CBD Area
Close to Halim Perdana Kusuma International Airport
Location: Jl. Orange County Boulevard, Cibatu, Cikarang Sel., Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17530
Tower/Floor/View: 51022/11/Central Park
Size: 24 m2
Bedroom: 1
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Baru and semi furnished
Meikarta dekat dengan Tol Jakarta-Cikampek, lalu juga ada beberapa pembangunan infrastruktur pemerintah yang berada dekat lokasi apartemen.
Bahkan beberapa di antaranya sudah rampung, seperti LRT Cawang-Bekasi Timur, KRL Jakarta-Cikarang, tol layang Jakarta – Cikampek dan Patimban Deep Seaport.
Meikarta pun sudah selesai membangun pusat hiburan, Central Park yang mempunyai danau buatan dan view hijau nan asri.
Central Park juga dilengkapi dengan jogging track dan berbagai atraksi dengan hiburan yang selalu ada setiap minggunya.
Additional Info:
Dikelilingi sarana pendidikan lengkap (Sekolah Pelita Harapan, Sekolah Dian Harapan, Sekolah Jepang Hikari, Universitas Paramadina, dan lain-lain)
Sarana kesehatan yang lengkap (Rumah Sakit Siloam, Rumah Sakit Omni, dll) Hunian bebas banjir karena memiliki kanal sangat luas sebagai pengendali banjir yang terbukti membebaskan Meikarta dari bencana banjir tanggal 1 januari 2020
Dikelilingi kota industri dengan ratusan perusahaan multinasional dan ratusan ribu pekerja lokal dan ekspat, yang menjadikan harga rata-rata sewa hunian tinggi
Hanya 2 menit dari pusat kota Lippo Cikarang yang sudah tersedia fasilitas lengkap (ruko, ATM center, dealer mobil, pusat furniture, supermarket, pasar modern, mall, dll)
Kenaikan nilai investasi sebesar 150% pada 2 (dua) tahun terakhir, menjadikan Meikarta sebagai pilihan investasi aset yang tepat dan menguntungkan
Promo menarik periode Desember 2020 (sangat terbatas). Dp 13jt, Cicilan 1,75jt/bln.
Location: Jl. K.H. Noer Ali, Pekayon – Bekasi Barat
Tower/Floor/View: Barclay-Emerald/8-37/City-Pool
Size: 26-64 m2
Bedroom: Studio-2 BR
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Fully furnished
Swimming Pool
Fitness Center
Fire Extinguisher
Basement Parking
Connected to Lagoon Avenue Mall (Lifestyle Mall), Tenant: CGV Cinema, Sports Station, Execelso, Starbucks, Ra Cha, Funworld,? Imperial Kitchen & Dimsum, Solaria, Puyo Silky Desserts, Burger King, Chatime visit website Lagoon Avenue Mall for more tenant info
Additional Info:
One-Stop Living Concept, with Mixed-use Development for about 30 Ha, Integrated with Mall, Office Tower, international Hospital, International School, Five Star Hotel. Planned by World Class, Master Planner, Development Design Group From America
Steps away from LRT Station, Busway SHelter and KRL Station Bekasi. 300 Metre away from Exit Tol Bekasi Barat III, Tol Becakayu and Bekasi, Cawang, Kampung Melayu Area
Bridge to Connect Grand Kamala Bridge, Access to Jakarta-Cikampek
Steps to Metropolitan Mal Bekasi, Sumarecon Bekasi and Grand Galaxy City
Steps away to Awal Bros Hospital, Mitra Keluarga Hospital, and Budi lestari Hospital
Surrounded By National Plus School and Binus Univer?sity
15 Minutes Cikarang Industrial Area
300 Meter away to Cawang, Pancoran, Gatot Subroto CBD Area
Close to Halim Perdana Kusuma International Airport
Selling Price:
Studio: Rp 425.000.000
2 BR: Rp 1.300.000.000
Negotiable Price
Rental Price:
Studio Rp 350.000
2 BR Rp.800.000
Studio Rp 4.000.000
2 BR Rp 8.000.000
Yearly: Negotiable
Include service charge & utilities & Wifi internet
Location: Jalan Haji Mulyadi Joyomartono KM 16, Margahayu, Bekasi Timur, Margahayu, Bekasi Tim., Kota Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17113
Tower/Floor/View: Lantai 6/View Barat
Size: 24 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Furnished. TV, Air Conditioning, Kitchen
Indonesia Fasilitas Apartemen Grand Dhika Bekasi Timur yang bisa Anda nikmati mencakup kolam renang, pusat kebugaran, taman bermain anak, supermarket, café, lounge, dan keamanan 24 jam. Untuk memudahkan kebutuhan berbelanja, ada pusat perbelanjaan sekitar seperti Mal Blu Plaza Bekasi, Carrefour Bekasi Timur, Bekasi Trade Center, dan Lotte Mart Wholesale Bekasi. Hunian ini dekat dengan tempat rekreasi seperti Colombus Waterpark dan Venetian Water Carnaval.
English Grand Dhika East Bekasi Apartment facilities that you can enjoy include a swimming pool, fitness center, children’s playground, supermarket, café, lounge, and 24-hour security. To facilitate shopping needs, there are nearby shopping centers such as Blu Plaza Bekasi Mall, East Bekasi Carrefour, Bekasi Trade Center, and Bekasi Lotte Mart Wholesale. This residence is close to recreational areas such as Colombus Waterpark and Venetian Water Carnaval.
Additional Info
Apartemen Grand Dhika Bekasi Timur dilengkapi dengan fasilitas yang lengkap setara dengan properti berbintang empat. Dirancang nyaman dengan desain modern, ketersediaan fasilitas gedung apartemen sangatlah mendukung kenyamanan penghuni Grand Dhika City dalam menjalani hidup dinamis nan berkualitas.
Letak stategis:
Depan Gerbang Tol Bekasi Timur
Stasiun terakhir LRT di Bekasi Timur
Dekat RS Mitra Bekasi Timur dan RS Awal Bross Bekasi Timur
Grand Dhika Bekasi Timur Apartment is equipped with complete facilities equivalent to a four-star property. Designed comfortably with a modern design, the availability of apartment building facilities truly supports the comfort of the residents of Grand Dhika City in living a dynamic and quality life.
Strategic location:
Front of East Bekasi Toll Gate
LRT last station in East Bekasi
Near Mitra Hospital, East Bekasi and Awal Bross East Bekasi Hospital
Location: Jl. Orange County Boulevard, Cibatu, Cikarang Sel., Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17530
Tower/Floor/View: 50021/27/east
Size: 24 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Semi-furnished and unfurnished
Central park
Jogging track
Playground at central park
Comfort parking area
Hyfresh modern market
Many restaurant choices
Live entertainment every day at lounge District 1
Hospital (Siloam)
ATM center
Pelita harapan & dian harapan school
Very near with mosque, church, vihara & pura
2 minute to Orange County Mall
5 minute to exit toll Cibatu
5 minute to Lippo Mall Cikarang
5 minute to Waterboom Cikarang
15 minute to fast train line Jakarta-Bandung
Additional Info: Promo DP only 5% collaboration with TRAVELIO, so if you have a unit but don’t want to occupy it, TRAVELIO is ready to help by renting out the unit. The rental price will be mutually agreed upon. 10% down payment promo, will get gold precious metal prizes with a weight ranging from 5 – 15gr (* depending on the unit taken) For purchases of type 2br & 3br, you will get a furnish shopping voucher from ATRIA worth Rp 23.000.000 If the down payment is paid in a maximum of 7 days, you will get a shopping voucher worth Rp 500.000 plus AC 1K
Selling Price: Booking fee Rp 2.000.000
Studio starting from Rp 230.000.000 (DP 5% = Rp 14.000.000)
2 Bedrooms starting from Rp 440.000.000 (DP 5% = Rp 24.000.000)