- Apartment Name: Vasanta Innopark
- Location: Gandamekar 1B, Gandamekar, Cibitung, Kab Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17520
- Tower/Floor/View: AOKI / 50 / City, swimming pool
- Size: 26.19 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full Furnished
- Facility: Apartment type Studio, dilengkapi dengan : AC, TV, Water heater, Refrigerator, Electric Stove, Gordyn
- Additional Info:
- Fasilitas lain di Apartemen : Swimming Pool, PAM, Fitness Center, Hot water pool, Kids playground, Basket ball court, Badminton court, Garage, Carport, 24 Hour Security, CCTV Public Area, Elevator.
- Apartemen ini memiliki akses mudah ke beberapa lokasi strategis, seperti Go! Wet Grand Wisata Bekasi dan Citywalk Lippo Cikarang, dekat dengan RS Graha MM2100 (berkendara sekitar 4 menit / 650m). sangat dekat dengan RS EMC Cibitung. 6 menit berkendara ke Gerbang Tol Cibitung 7 (1.9 km). Dekat dengan lokasi industri MM2100
- Selling Price: IDR 500.000.000,-
- Rental Price: IDR 40.000.000 / tahun. Tidak termasuk IPL – Listrik – Air – Parkir dan biaya lain nya.
IDR 4.000.000 / bulan. Tidak termasuk IPL – Listrik – Air – Parkir dan biaya lain nya. - Contact: Euis Rohmatus Solihah
- 081380848349
- 087871194509
- WhatsApp: 081380848349
- E-mail: euisajaah@yahoo.com
Jual cepat BU murah apartemen trans Park Juanda Bekasi timur studio furnished pemilik langsung
- Apartment Name: Trans Park Juanda
- Location: Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 19, RT. 003 / RW. 011, Marga Hayu, Kec. Bekasi Timur, Kota Bekasi City, Jawa Barat 17113
- Tower/Floor/View: Sapphire/ 28/ city
- Size: 24 m2 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Semi furnished. Spring bed, lemari pakaian ,dispenser,meja kursi, AC 1 unit,smart tv
- Facility:
- Swimming Pool
- Water Park
- Trans Snow World
- Mall Extension
- Spacious Park Parking
- Gym
- Barbecue
- Jogging track & kid garden
- Basketball Ball Court
- Sky garden
- Security with CCTV 24 hours
- Additional Info:
- 5 Apartment Tower
- 1 London school of Public Relations
- Trans Mall Juanda
- Concept TOD Transit Oriented Development
- 5 minutes to Bekasi Train Station LRT
- 3 Minutes to Bekasi Terminal
- 6 Minutes to West Bekasi Toll & East Bekasi Toll
- 5 Minutes Elevated Toll Road MBZ
- Built by PT Trans Propeti Of CT Corp
- Surrounded by complete facilities
- Rent. Potential Market there are 7000 Students of the London School Of Public Rel. Campus
- Selling Price: Rp 330.000.000 negotiable
- Rental Price: Rp 3.000.000 per month negotiable
- Contact: 081282255935
- WhatsApp: 081282255935
- E-mail: philohakim23@gmail.com
Jual Unit Baru Unfurnished Studio Apartement di Bekasi Utara – Metropolitan Park (NEGO)
- Apartment Name: Metropolitan Park
- Location: Jl. Lingkar Utara (Kaliabang) Perumahan Telaga Mas Teluk Pucung. RT12/RW14. Harapan Baru, Bekasi Utara. Jawa Barat. 17121
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower Paris Lantai 18 Pool View
- Size: 20 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: New
- Facility:
- Tempat Parkir
- Kolam Renang
- Lift
- Receptionist
- Security
- Additional Info:
- Listrik 1.300 Watt
- IPL : Rp260k / bulan
- Internet First Media
- Building Parkir Luas
- Langganan parkir motor : Rp65k / bulan / motor
- Langganan parkir mobil : Rp150k / bulan / mobil
- Listrik : Pakai Voucher (ada biaya admin Rp 5k / beli voucher)
- Air : Biaya pemakaian Rp11k/kubik
- Selling Price: Harga = Rp 255.000.000 [NEGO]
- Contact: Mario 081808173888
- WhatsApp: 081808173888
Harga Termurah Jual Apartemen Montblanc Bekasi – Tipe Studio Unfurnished
- Apartment Name: Mont Blanc
- Location: Jl. HM Joyo Martono, Bekasi Timur, Bekasi
- Tower/Floor/View: A / 9 / City
- Size: 26 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Unfurnished
- Facility:
- Lobby
- CCTV & security 24 jam
- Bersebelahan dengan mall
- Parkiran luas
- Additional Info:
- Terintegrasi dengan BTC Mall 1&2
- Dekat dengan halte busway
- Berdekatan dengan RS Awal Bros
- Dekat pol Damri Soekarno-Hatta
- 5 menit ke Stasiun Bekasi Timur
- 5menit ke Tol Bekasi Timur
- Jual Rugi, harga termurah
- Selling Price: Rp 255.000.000
- Contact: 081286009100
- WhatsApp: 081286009100
- E-mail: Endrueren1505@gmail.com
Jual Apartemen Transpark Juanda Bekasi – Studio / 1 Bedroom New Unfurnished, Direct Owner
- Apartment Name: Trans Park Juanda
- Location: Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 19, RT. 003 / RW. 011, Marga Hayu, Kec. Bekasi Timur, Kota Bekasi City, Jawa Barat 17113
- Tower/Floor/View: Jade / 27 / 16
- Size: 24 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Facility:
- Swimming Pool
- Water Park
- Trans Snow World
- Mall Extension
- Spacious Park Parking
- Gym
- Barbecue
- Jogging track & kid garden
- Basketball Ball Court
- Sky garden
- Security with CCTV 24 hours
- Others
- Additional Info:
- 5 Apartment Tower
- 1 London school of Public Relations
- Trans Mall Juanda
- Concept TOD Transit Oriented Development
- 5 minutes to Bekasi Train Station LRT
- 3 Minutes to Bekasi Terminal
- 6 Minutes to West Bekasi Toll & East Bekasi Toll
- 5 Minutes Elevated Toll Road MBZ
- Built by PT Trans Propeti Of CT Corp
- Surrounded by complete facilities
- Rent. Potential Market there are 7000 Students of the London School Of Public Rel. Campus
- Others
- Selling Price: Rp 347,000,000 (Able to Negotiable).
- Contact: 087853917974 : Aguslamyong
- WhatsApp: 087853917974
- E-mail: Aguslamyong.B48@gmail.com
Jual Apartemen Transpark Juanda Bekasi – Studio / 1 BR New Unfurnish
- Apartment Name: Transpark Juanda Bekasi
- Location: Jl. Insinyur H. Juanda No.19, RT.003/RW.011, Margahayu, Kec. Bekasi Tim., Kota Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17113
- Tower/Floor/View: Jade / 20 / 16 / barat daya
- Size: 23.99 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: New, unfurnish
- Facility:
- Pool
- Water park
- Mall extension
- Gym
- Barbecue
- Jogging track n kid garden
- Sky garden
- Security with CCTV 24 hours
- Additional Info:
- 5 Tower Apartemen
- 1 London school of Public Relation
- Trans Mall Juanda
- Concept TOD Transit Oriented Develpment
- 5 Menit Ke Stasiun KA Bekasi
- 3 Menit ke Terminal Bekasi
- 10 Menit Ke tol Bekasi Barat
- Dilengkapi berbagai Fasilitas internal & external dalam hunian ini
- Di Bangun Oleh PT Trans Property CT Corp
- Selling Price: Rp 300.000.000
- Contact: Nancy pemilik langsung – 082122708156
- WhatsApp: 082122708156
Dijual Patraland Urbano Apartemen Tipe Studio Full Furnish – Bekasi
- Apartment Name: Patra Land Urbano
- Location: Jl. Pintu Air No.29, RT.002/RW.001, Kota Bekasi 17142
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower West, Lantai 8
- Size: 23 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full Furnish, good condition unit bersih
- Facility: Access Card Lift Private, 24 hours Security, Parking Basement, Swimming Pool, Fitness Center, Garden, Minimarket, Laundry.
- Additional Info: Fasilitas area :
- Dekat Pusat Perbelanjaan Mall Summarecon Bekasi
- Dekat Stasiun Bekasi
- Dekat Tol Bekasi Barat
- Dekat RSUD kota Bekasi
- Dekat Pengadilan Negri kota Bekasi
- Sangat dekat dengan stasiun bekasi, jarak dapat ditempuh dengan berjalan kaki
- Selling Price: Rp 490.000.000
- Rental Price: Rp 3.000.000
- Contact: 0813-1166-1700
- WhatsApp: 081311661700
Dijual Apartemen Newport Park Orange County Cikarang Bekasi – Studio Deluxe Unfurnished
- Apartment Name: Orange County
- Location: Orange County, Lippo Cikarang, Bekasi, Jawa Barat
- Tower/Floor/View: Newport Park / Floor 32 / View City
- Size: 34.68 m2
- Bedroom: Studio Deluxe
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Unfurnished
- Brand new
- Facility:
- Swimming Pool
- Kids pool
- Jogging track
- Gym Center
- Ofuro Japanese Spa
- Japanese Garden
- Children Play Ground
- 24 hours security & CCTV
- Access Card
- Parking Area
- Lobby recepsionist
- Additional Info:
- Near Siloam Hospital
- Japanesse School in the area
- University UPH & Japan College
- Near Lippo District One Commercial area
- Exit Toll Cibatu
- Near Lippo Cikarang Housing Complex
- Close to Industrial estates such as Bekasi International Industrial Estate; Delta Silicon Industrial Estate, Jababeka Industrial Estate Cikarang; Kawasan Industrial Terpadu Indonesia-China; MM2100 Industrial Town etc
- Selling Price: Rp. 580.000.000,-
- Rental Price: Rp. 65.000.000,- yearly rent exclude maintenance fee
- Contact: 082276528081
- WhatsApp: 082276528081
- E-mail: nahotregar@gmail.com
Jual Apartemen Trans Park Juanda Bekasi Timur – Brand New Unit, Studio / 1BR / 2BR Unfurnished
- Apartment Name: TransPark Juanda
- Location: Bekasi Timur
- Tower/Floor/View: Jade / Saphire
- Size: 23 m2
- Bedroom: Studio / 1BR / 2BR
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: BRAND NEW UNIT
UNFURNISHED - Facility: Terhubung dengan Mall Trans Studio
- Private waterpark
- Sky garden
- Gym center
- Sport Field
- Hotel
- Additional Info:
- Best access dan lokasi
- Dekat stasiun Bekasi Timur
- Selling Price: STUDIO – BRAND NEW HARGA RP 290.000.000
- Contact: VERA – ERA PEAK KEMANG 085776668000
- WhatsApp: 085776668000
- E-mail: ekaerapeaksatrio@gmail.com
Dijual Superblok Apartemen Transpark Juanda Bekasi – Tipe Studio 24 m2 Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Transpark Juanda Bekasi
- Location: Bekasi
- Tower/Floor/View: Emerald
- Size: 24 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Unfurnished
- Facility:
- Swimming pool
- Water Park
- Mall extension
- Gym
- Barbaque
- Jogging Track & Kid Garden
- Sky Garden
- Security with cctv 24 hours
- Additional Info: Tranpark Juanda Bekasi:
- 5 Tower Apartemen
- 1 London school of Public Relation
- Trans Mall Juanda
- Concept TOD Transit Oriented Develpment
- 5 Menit Ke Stasiun KA Bekasi
- 3 Menit ke Terminal Bekasi
- 10 Menit Ke tol Bekasi Barat
- Dilengkapi berbagai Fasilitas internal & external dalam hunian ini
- Di Bangun Oleh PT Trans Propeti Of CT Corp
- Dikelilingi dengan fasilitas yang lengkap
- Potensi rental Market ada 7000 mahasiswa kampus London School
- Dapatkan Promo Terkini dan hadiah hadiah menariknya
- Hanya 2 jutaan perbulan sudah punya Apartemen
- Dapat Promo Bulan juni ini hanya 2 jutaan perbulan kuota terbatas dan hadiah-hadiah langsung yang menarik Untuk lihat real unit langsung klik link dibawah ini
- Selling Price: Harga hanya Rp 300 Jutaan
* Cicilan 3 jutaan
* Cicilan 60x tanpa DP - Rental Price:
- Rp 4 juta per bulan untuk studio
- Rp 9 juta per bulan untuk 2 Bedroom
- Contact: Rita 087772576065
- WhatsApp: 087772576065
- E-mail: ritayuni45@gmail.com