Location: Jl. Aritonang C. Noor Kav A3A. Movie Land, Jababeka City, Mekarmukti, Cikarang, Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17530
Tower/Floor/View: Lantai rendah nomer cantik
Size: 24 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Unfurnished
Facility: Japanese style onsen, sauna, infinity pool, mini-golf, fitness center, rooftop garden, access card for security, car park, 24-hour security & front desk, CCTV for security.
Additional Info:
16 minutes driving to Citywalk Lippo Cikarang
18 minutes driving to Mall Lippo Cikarang
34 minutes driving to Go Wet Grand Wisata Bekasi
20 minutes driving to Waterboom Lippo Cikarang
8 minutes driving to Jababeka Golf & Country Club
Selling Price: HANYA Rp 250 juta saja, Jual RUGI BANGET
Location: Jl. Orange County Boulevard, Lippo, Cikarang Sel., Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17532, Bekasi
Tower/Floor/View: Tower Newport / Lantai 32 / City View
Size: 25.76 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Furnished Fasilitas : TV, Air Conditioning, Kitchen, Washing Machine, Microwave, Water Heater, Bathup, Dispenser, Refrigerator — Furnished Facility : TV, Air Conditioning, Kitchen, Washing Machine, Microwave, Water Heater, Bathup, Dispenser, Refrigerator
Facility: Proyek ini juga ditargetkan menjadi sebuah kawasan hunian dengan ribuan penduduk di dalamnya. Lalu, ditambah dengan fasilitas pendukung seperti kawasan perkantoran, kawasan bisnis dan komersial, sekolah, hingga rumah sakit yang ampuh mempermudah segala aktivitas warganya. Di Orange County, semua disajikan dengan kualitas terbaik untuk mendukung gaya hidup tertinggi Anda dan keluarga. — This project is also targeted to become a residential area with thousands of residents in it. Then, coupled with supporting facilities such as office areas, business and commercial areas, schools, and hospitals that are effective in facilitating all the activities of its citizens. In Orange County, everything is served with the highest quality to support the ultimate lifestyle for you and your family.
Additional Info: Orange County merupakan sebuah kompleks hunian yang tergabung dengan kawasan bisnis dan juga hiburan. Seluruh elemen tersebut digabungkan hingga tercipta sebuah kota mandiri yang nyaman untuk masa depan. Orange County sendiri berdiri di kawasan Cikarang yang berada tidak jauh dari Jakarta. Dikembangkan oleh developer Lippo, Orange County menjadi salah satu simbol hidup mewah dan nyaman untuk Anda yang ingin hidup di hunian dengan kualitas tertinggi. — Orange County is a residential complex that is integrated into a business and entertainment district. All of these elements are combined to create an independent city that is comfortable for the future. Orange County itself stands in the Cikarang area which is not far from Jakarta. Developed by the developer Lippo, Orange County has become a symbol of luxurious and comfortable living for those of you who want to live in a residence with the highest quality.