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Apartment Name: The Boulevard
Location: Jl. KH Fachrudin No. 5 Kampung Bali, Tanah Abang, Jakarta Pusat 10250
Tower/Floor/View: -/21/South
Size: 42 m2
Bedroom: 1
Bathroom: 1
swimming pool, children’s swimming pool, fitness center, sauna, children’s playground, mini market, dental clinic, ATM, 24 hours security
Additional Info:
One tower apartment, homey, quiet, and comfortable place to live
Strategically located in the center of Jakarta, Jl. Fachrudin, Tanah Abang, Jakarta Pusat.
Only few minutes away from Pasar Tanah Abang, Jl MH Thamrin, Monas, Bundaran HI. Gambir Railway Station.
Fast and easy access to CBD main roads (Jl. MH Thamrin, Jl. Sudirman)
Complete surrounding amenities, major office towers/government offices (Bank Indonesia, BPPT, Wisma Mandiri etc), shopping malls (Plaza Indonesia, Grand Indonesia, Thamrin City, Pasar Tanah Abang), Cafes & Resto, Banks, Hotels, Hospitals.
Selling Price:
Rp (negotiable)
Rental Price:
Sylvie – Ray White CBD Jakarta : 082110611160 / (021) 3925588
Instagram : @sylvie.raywhite
WhatsApp: 082110611160
Apartment Name: The Boulevard
Location: Jl. Fahruddin no 5, Jakarta Pusat
Tower/Floor/View: Boulevard/19/view Taman Anggrek
Size: 45 m2
Bedroom: 1
Bathroom: 1
Study Room: 1
Condition: Full furnished as pictures
Facility: Lengkap seperti Bintang Lima
Additional Info:
Lokasi sangat-sangat strategis
Hanya 5 Menit menuju Monas dan Istana Negara RI
APartemen ini sangat exclusive kerena Hanya 1 Tower atau Single Tower.
Lokasi sangat tenang dan cenedrung Sepi.
Sangat cocok buat istirahat setelah Sehairan Penat
Untuk yang suka ramai tidak cocok di Apartemen ini karena memang sepi dan tenang. cocoknya mungkin di Kalibata City, Sudirman Park atau Thamrin Residence.
Apartemen ini sudah Sertifikat ya Bu. jadi bisa kita ajukan KPA bila diperlukan
Kami akan membantu anda mendapatkan Property Idaman anda
Hub Berkah jaya Property untuk melihat unit Ini
Selling Price: Rp 875.000.000
Rental Price: Rp 7.000.000
Contact: 0818 897 160, 0817 11 3568
WhatsApp: 0818897160
Apartment Name: The Boulevard
Location: Jl. Fachruddin, Tanah Abang – Jakarta Pusat
Tower/Floor/View: High Floor/City
Size: 45 m2
Bedroom: 1
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Furnished
Facility: Swimming Pool, Basement parking, Indomaret, ATM, Restaurant, Cafe, Fitness Center, Office, etc.
Additional Info:
Lokasi strategis di Tanah Abang sebelah Hotel Milenium, dekat Bank Indonesia, dekat ke Thamrin City dan Pusat Perbelanjaan Tanah Abang
Developer terpercaya Agung Sedayu
Unit sudah strata title / SHM bisa KPA
Harga sangat murah under market
Selling Price: Rp 850.000.000 (nego)
Contact: DEA Whatsapp 0811807090 Website :
WhatsApp: 0811807090
Apartment Name: The Boulevard
Location: Kemayoran, Jakarta Pusat
Tower/Floor/View: 25
Size: 51,82 m2
Bedroom: 2+1
Bathroom: 2
Maid Room: 1
Maid Bathroom: 1
Condition: Unfurnished
Instalasi AC
Listrik 2200 Watt
Inst. Air pam
Inst. Kebakaran
TV Kabel
Inst. Audiphone
Inst. Telepon 1 line
Additional Info:
Sertifikat Hak Milik, PBB dll dibayar rutin
Lokasi aman, tenang & nyaman
Selling Price: Rp 605.000.000 (nego)
Contact: 083840762911
WhatsApp: 083840762911
Apartment Name: The Boulevard
Location: Jl Fachruddin Tanah Abang
Tower/Floor/View: Middle floor/city
Size: 45 m2
Bedroom: 1
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Furnished
Facility: Swimming pool, Fitness center, Playground, Tennis court, Restaurant, Cafe, Indomaret, ATM, Basement parking, 24 hours security, etc
Additional Info:
Lokasi strategis dekat ke Pusat Perbelanjaan Tanah Abang dan jl MH Thamrin
Developer terpercaya Agung Sedayu
Tanah HGB murni
Sudah sertifikat strata title / SHMRS
Bisa KPA
Selling Price: Rp 800.000.000 (nego)
Contact: Dea Whatsapp 0811807090
WhatsApp: 0811807090
Apartment Name: The Boulevard
Location: Jl. Fahruddin No 5, Thamrin Jakarta Pusat
Tower/Floor/View: 25
Size: 45 m2
Bedroom: 1
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Full furnished like picture / furnished seperti di gambar
Tennis court
Swimming pool
Children playground
Fitness center
Additional Info:
Lokasi apartemen sangat strategis
Hanya 5 menit menuju Istana Negara
Apartemen sangat eksklusif karena hanya 1 tower.
Unit sudah sertifikat dan bisa dibantu KPA
Harga sangat murah
Bisa nego sedikit
Selling Price: Rp 798000000
Rental Price: Rp 6.000000.000/bulan
WhatsApp: 0818897160
Apartment Name: The Boulevard
Location: Jalan Fachrudin, Kampung Bali, Tanah Abang – Jakarta Pusat
Tower/Floor/View: 21
Size: 48 m2
Bedroom: 1
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Fully Furnished, AC and electronic
The apartment is confort and quet well for living
Exclusive and luxurious, one tower
Very big Indoor swimming pool
Kids pool
Tennis court
ATM center
Additional Info: Strategis lokasinya
7 minutes to Tanah Abang Grosir
5 minutes to BI
10 minutes to Monas
5 minutes to StatiunTanah Abang
7 minutes Big Shopping Malls are nearby like Plaza Indonesia, Grand Indonesia, EX and Sarinah.
Nearby to location for a car-free day
Suitable for working man/woman as it’s only a few minutes away from Sudirman-Thamrin.
Selling Price: harga nego sampai jadi. Sekarang waktunya kali mau investast. Buyers Market. Banyak yg banting harga.
Rental Price: Rp 5.600.000 per bulan, yuk cepetan grab it sebelum diambil orang
Contact: +6281119991625
WhatsApp: 08119991625
Apartment Name: The Boulevard
Location: Jl. Fahkruddin No. 5 Jakarta Pusat
Tower/Floor/View: 15/View Taman Anggrek
Size: 45 m2
Bedroom: 1
Bathroom: 1
Study Room: 1
Condition: Full furnished seperti di gambar
Facility: Super lengkap seperti Hotel Bintang 4
Additional Info:
Dijual sangat murah dan sangat bagus, dijual karena Lagi BU saja
Lokasi Apartemen tidak usah dipertanyakan lagi. persis di Jantung Kota Jakarta. hanya 5 menit menuju Istana Presiden Jokowi dan Balaikota ANis baswedan.
Unit sudah Sertifikat dan siap Huni
Unit Bisa dibantu KPR bila Perlu dengan Dp Minimal 40 %
Hub AGen anda sebelum terjual, dijamin paling murah saat ini
Selling Price: Rp 800.000.000
Rental Price: Rp 7.000.000
Contact: 0819.897.160 / 0817.11.3568
Apartment Name: The Boulevard
Location: Jl. KH Fachrudin No. 5 Kampung Bali, Tanah Abang, Jakarta Pusat 10250
Tower/Floor/View: 21/City View
Size: 45 m2
Bedroom: 1
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Berperabot lengkap dengan peralatan elektronik (AC, microwave, water heater, water dispenser, kulkas)
Keamanan apartemen 24 jam
Eksklusif 1 tower
Sangat nyaman untuk tempat tinggal
Kolam renang indoor
Kolam untuk anak-anak
Tempat bermain anak
Lapangan Tenis
Lapangan parkir
Additional Info:
Apartemen The Boulevard nyaman utk tinggal dalam waktu lama
Hanya beberapa menit ke pasar Tanah Abang
5 menit utk mencapai Bank Indonesia (BI)
10 menit utk mencapai Monas
Sangat dekat dengan rute olahraga Car Free Day (CFD)
Lokasi strategis utk para pekerja di daerah Sudirman-Thamrin
Dekat dengan mall besar: Grand Indonesia, Plaza Indonesia
Dekat dengan Commuter Line Tanah Abang
Selling Price: Rp 750.000.000
Rental Price:
Rp 45.000.000/year
Harga sewa termasuk servis charge
Pembayaran dapat dilakukan per bulan bila sewa lebih dari 2 bulan
Contact: Yonas (WA / Call) 082124998337
WhatsApp: 082124998337