- Apartment Name: Grand Asia Afrika
- Location: Jalan Karapitan No. 1 Bandung
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower A lantai 22
- Size: 56 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full Furnished
- Facility:
- Security 24 jam (24 hours)
- Kolam renang (swimming pool)
- Additional Info: Apartemen Grand Asia Afrika Residence Bandung, merupakan apartemen yang sangat strategis yang berada dipusat kota Bandung, dekat area centrall bisnis jalan dan bersejarah yaitu jalan Asia Afrika, dimana banyak area perkantoran dan kantor pusat pemerintahan kota Bandung. Sangat strategis karena dilalui oleh kendaraan umum 24jam, dkt dengan Trans Studio Mall, Pusat Perbelanjaan & Factory Outlet Dago, Cihampelas dan Setiabudhi, dan wisata Lembang.
- Rental Price:
- Harga perbulan : Rp 6,5 juta / bulan include maintenance
Diluar air, listrik, wifi dan parkir - Per 3 bulan 6 juta x 3 = 18 juta
- Deposit : 3 juta
- Harga perbulan : Rp 6,5 juta / bulan include maintenance
- Contact: Bunga Karlina 081313006383
- WhatsApp: 081313006383
WOW! Hanya Rp 3 JUTA-AN, Sewa Apartemen GALERI CIUMBULEUIT 1 Bandung Type 2BR – KHUSUS BULANAN
- Apartment Name: Galeri Ciumbuleuit
- Location: Jalan Ciumbuleuit No 42A Bandung
- Tower/Floor/View: 1 / 21 / East
- Size: 56.57 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Good & Furnished
- Facility: Fasilitas Standar Hotel â?ï¸?â?ï¸?â?ï¸?â?ï¸?
- Spacious Lobby and Reception
- Meeting Room & Convention
- Cafe & Resto
- Swimming Pool
- Fitness Center & Spa
- Basketball and Tennis Court
Apartemen Super Strategis dekat kawasan DAGO & Cihampelas Bandung, selangkah dari Kampus ITB dan UNPAR. - Selling Price: Rp 888.000.000,00 Full Furnish
- Rental Price:
- Tarif Sewa
- Rp 3.500.000,00 x 3 bulan = Rp 10.500.000,00 payment in advance
- Rp 4.000.000,00 x 2 bulan = Rp 8.000.000,00 payment in advance
- Rp 4.500.000,00 untuk sewa 1 bulan atau 3 bulan bayar bulanan
- Note.
- Rental Rate Room Only exclude monthly bill seperti IPL/ Service Charge, Adm, Listrik dan Air sesuai pemakaian + Additional charge seperti Parkir, Internet WiFi, TV Cable, Daily Housekeeping, Laundry dan Air Mineral
- Deposit 1 bulan sewa, dibayarkan 1x di awal, sifatnya refundable
- Tarif Sewa
- Contact: +628192004705
- WhatsApp: 628192004705
Disewakan Apartemen Parahyangan Residence Bandung – 2BR Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Parahyangan Residence
- Location: Jl. Ciumbuleuit No.125, Hegarmanah, Cidadap, Bandung, Jawa Barat 40141
- Tower/Floor/View: Pangrango / 16th Floor / Hills view
- Size: 36,92 m2 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully furnished with kitchen set, refrigerator, air conditioner, 32″ TV, beds and mattresses, wardrobe, sofa, dispenser, and dining table
- Facility: Lift with access card, intercom, 24-hours security and engineering support, pool, fitness center, jogging track, children playground, ATM, laundry vendors, mini market, food court, tenant basement parking lot
- Additional Info: Strategic site. Parahyangan University in walking distance. Closed to Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB). Closed to Cihampelas Walk, Jalan Dago. Closed to Hasan Sadikin Hospital. Public transport easily accessible.
- Rental Price:
- Rp. 5.500.000/month
- Rp. 60.000.000/year (negotiable)
Minimun rent 6 months – service charge included
- Contact:
- Owner 081299259455
- Endang 081318877559
- WhatsApp: 081299259455
Disewakan Apartemen Bandung – GATEWAY PASTEUR View Kolam 2 BR Fully Furnished
- Apartment Name: Gateway Pasteur
- Location: Jl Gunung Batu No. 203 Pasteur, Bandung
- Tower/Floor/View: Lantai 3
- Size: 47 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully Furnished
- Facility:
- Lagoon
- Swimming pool
- Gym
- Foodcourt
- Laundry
- Klinik Gigi
- Informa
- Ace hardware
- Chatime
- Garmelia
- Alfamart
- Indomaret, dll
- Additional Info:
- Type Studio
- Type 1 Bedroom
- Type 2 Bedroom
- Type 3 Bedroom
- Sewa Harian/Mingguan/Bulanan/Tahunan
- Gateway Pasteur Apartemen adalah Apartemen di tengah kota Bandung
- Gateway Pasteur Residence Perumahan di Bandung kota
- Lokasi berada di dalam kawasan Apartemen Gateway pasteur dengan segala fasilitasnya..
- Lokasi :
- 500 m dari exit tol pasteur
- Dekat dengan Bandara Husein Sastranegara
- Dekat dengan Universitas (Maranatha, ITB, UNPAD, UNPAR)
- Dekat dengan Rumah Sakit (Hermina, Borromeus, Hasan Sadikin)
- Dekat dengan Mall (Bandung Trade Center, PVJ, Ciwalk, 23 Paskal)
- Rental Price:
- Rp 450.000 / malam
- Rp 6.000.000 / bulan
- Apartemen Tanpa DP booking fee 10 juta Cicilan 5 jutaan / bulan
- Contact: 081323155555
- WhatsApp: 081323155555
SEMURAH ITU? Type 2BR Hanya Rp 2.xx Juta / Bulan! Sewa Apartemen PARAHYANGAN RESIDENCE Bandung @ Tower EKSLUSIF
- Apartment Name: Parahyangan Residence
- Location: Jalan Ciumbuleuit No. 125 Bandung
- Tower/Floor/View: PP / 12 / north
- Size: 41.48 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Good, unfurnish
- Facility: Fasilitas Standar Hotel berbintang
- Spacious Lobby and Reception
- Foodmart
- Cafe & Resto
- Mini Market
- Commercial Area
- Swimming Pool
- Fitness Center
- Jogging Track
- Additional Info:
- Apartemen Paling Strategis di jantung Kawasan Ciumbuleuit hanya selangkah dari Universitas Katholik Parahyangan, tidak jauh dari Bandung Japan International School dan Bandung Alliance International School
- Tower Papandayan = Tower Ekslusif
- Type Executive E
- Lantai 12 Mid Floor
- Luas 41.48 m2 lebih luas dibanding 2BR standar 35 m2
- Living Area
- Pantry & Dining Area
- Balcony
- Hadap Utara tidak panas
- Best Mountain View best view tidak terhalang
- Selling Price: Rp 990.000.000,00 Full Furnish
- Rental Price:
- Tarif Sewa only Rp 2.9 juta x 12 bulan = Rp 34.800.000,00 payment in advance
- Note.
* Rental Rate ROOM ONLY exclude monthly bill seperti IPL/ Service Charge, Adm, Listrik dan Air sesuai pemakaian + Additional Cost seperti Parkir, Internet WiFi, TV Cable, Daily House Keeping, Laundry dan Air Mineral
* Deposit Rp 3.000.000,00 dibayarkan 1x di awal, sifatnya refundable di akhir masa sewa - MAAF TAHUNAN ONLY
- Contact: +628192004705
- WhatsApp: 628192004705
WOW!!! Hanya Rp 3.99 Juta / Bulan SEWA Apartemen GALERI CIUMBULEUIT 2 / GCA 2 Bandung Type 2BR TERLUAS dengan 2 Kamar Mandi
- Apartment Name: Galeri Ciumbuleuit 2 / GCA 2
- Location: Jalan Ciumbuleuit No. 58 Bandung
- Tower/Floor/View: 2 / 20 / north
- Size: 62.53 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 2
- Condition: Furnish non electronic
- Facility: Fasilitas Standar Hotel Bintang 4
- Spacious Lobby and Reception
- Meeting Room & Convention
- Cafe & Resto
- Swimming Pool
- Fitness Center
- Basketball and Tennis Court
- Additional Info:
- DISEWAKAN Apartemen Ekspatriat Type 2BR dengan 2 bathroom @ Galeri Ciumbuleuit Apartments Tower Baru – GCA 2
- Luas 62.538 m2 UNIT 2BR TERLUAS, unit 2br standar = 36.86 m2
- Shower
- Living Area
- Pantry and Dining
- Balkon
- Hadap Utara tidak panas
- Best Mountain View
- Furnish non electronic, minus kulkas dan TV
- Apartemen Super Strategis dekat kawasan DAGO & Cihampelas Bandung, selangkah dari Kampus ITB dan UNPAR
- Selling Price: Rp 1.400.000.000,00 Full Furnish
- Rental Price:
- Tarif Sewa TERMURAH di kelasnya Rp 3.99 juta x 12 bulan = Rp 47.880.000,00 payment in advance
- Note.
- Rental Rate Room Only exclude monthly bill seperti IPL Service Charge, Listrik, Air + Additional Charge seperti TV Cable, Internet WiFi, Parkir, Daily Housekeeping & Laundry
- Deposit Rp 5.000.000,00 dibayarkan 1x di awal, sifatnya refundable
- Contact: +628192004705
- WhatsApp: 628192004705
- E-mail: parkerbandung@gmail.com
Hanya Rp 4.99 Juta / Bulan, Sewa Apartemen GALERI CIUMBULEUIT 3 / GCA 3 Bandung Type KHUSUS = 1BR 2 Lantai BISA CUSTOM Jadi 2BR
- Apartment Name: Galeri Ciumbuleuit 3 / GCA 3
- Location: Jalan Ciumbuleuit No. 67 Bandung
- Tower/Floor/View: 03 / L / north
- Size: 33.40 m2
- Bedroom: 1 (Loft)
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Good, Full Furnish
- Facility: Fasilitas Standar Hotel berbintang, seperti :
- Spacious Lobby and Reception
- Multi level open air basement
- Commercial Area
- Swimming Pool
- Fitness Center
- Additional Info:
- Apartemen Paling Strategis dekat kawasan DAGO & Cihampelas Bandung, selangkah dari Kampus ITB dan UNPAR, tidak jauh dari Mall dan Pusat Bisnis
- Tower Ekslusif
- Luas 33.24 m2 x 2 Lantai
- Lantai L Low Floor
- Loft Mezanin 2 Lantai
- Living Area
- Pantry and Dining Area
- Spacious Balcony
- Hadap Utara tidak panas
- Best Mountain View
- Selling Price: Rp,00 Furnish Best Buy
- Rental Price: Tarif Sewa BEST PRICE di kelasnya Rp 4.99 juta x 12 bulan = Rp 59.880.000,00 payment in advance
- Note.
- Rental Rate Room Only exclude monthly bill seperti IPL / Service Charge, Listrik dan Air sesuai pemakaian + Additional Charge seperti Parkir, Internet WiFi, TV Cable, Daily housekeeping, Laundry service dan Air Mineral
- Deposit Rp 5 juta dibayarkan 1x di awal, sifatnya refundable
- Contact: +628192004705
- WhatsApp: 628192004705
- E-mail: parkerbandung@gmail.com
WOW Rp 2 Juta-an / Bulan Dapat 2BR! SEWA Apartemen THE MAJESTY Bandung – FURNISH BARU RENOVASI
- Apartment Name: The Majesty Hotel and Apartment
- Location: Jalan Prof Dr Suria Sumantri No 91 Bandung
- Tower/Floor/View: 1 / 02 / west
- Size: 48.22 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Good, Furnish
- Facility: Fasilitas Standar Hotel berbintang
- Spacious Lobby and Reception
- Meeting Room & Convention
- Cafe & Resto
- Mini Market
- Commercial Area
- Swimming Pool
- Fitness Center
- Jogging Track
- Additional Info:
- Apartemen Super Strategis di kawasan PASTEUR Bandung, selangkah dari Kampus Universitas Maranatha dan Bandung International School. Tidak jauh dari Exit Tol Pasteur
- Low Floor
- Living Area
- Pantry & Dining Area
- Balkon
- Garden View
- Furnish baru renov
- Selling Price: Rp 480.000.000,00 BEST BUY Full Furnish BISA DIMILIKI WNA
- Rental Price:
- Tarif Sewa TERMURAH di kelasnya only Rp 2.75 juta x 12 bulan = Rp 33 juta payment in advance
- Note.
* Rental Rate Room Only exclude monthly bill seperti IPL/ Service Charge, Listrik, Air dan Additional bill seperti TV Cable, Internet WiFi, Parkir, Daily House keeping & Laundry
* Deposit Rp 3.000.000,00, dibayarkan 1x di awal, sifatnya refundable
- Contact: +628192004705
- WhatsApp: 628192004705
Sewa Apartemen Gateway Pasteur Bandung – 2 BR Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Gateway Pasteur
- Location: Jl.Gunung Batu no.203-205, Sukaraja, Kecamatan Cicendo, Kota Bandung
- Tower/Floor/View: Topas A Lantai 11 unit 8A
- Size: 50 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full Furnished
- Bedroom komplit dengan tempat tidur, lemari pakaian, gordeng
- Toilet : Full keramik, shower, kloset, dan water heater.
- 2 (dua) unit AC untuk Kamar utama dan ruang keluarga, dan cooler untuk kamar ke 2.
- Kitchen set lengkap dengan kompor, sink, Lemari Es, Microwave, open listrik, toast bread dan dispenser
- Ruang Keluarga (living room lengkap dengan gordeng).
- Balkon full keramik, view kolam renang.
- Listrik 2.200 watt.
- Facility:
- Swimming pool, Fitnes Center, Garden, Ace Hardware, Informa, laundry
- 24 hour security, CCTV, Mini Market, restaurant, parkir mobil dan motor (di basement), children playground.
- Additional Info:
- 15 menit ke pintu toll pasteur
- Dekat ke shopping Mall BTC, Paris van Java, Paskal 23, Istana Plaza, Griya Super Market, dan Borma Supermarket.
- Dekat ke Bandara Husen Sastranegara dan Statsiun KA.
- Dekat ke RS Hermina dan RS Hasan Sadikin.
- Dekat ke Universitas Maranatha, ITB dan Unpad.
- Rental Price:
- Rp. 5.500.000 perbulan termasuk IPL, belum termasuk Parkir.
Atau Rp 55.000.000 per tahun atau 30.000 per 6 bulan sudah termasuk IPL, belum termasuk Parkir - Free internet apabila sewa minimal untuk 6 bulan
- Rp. 5.500.000 perbulan termasuk IPL, belum termasuk Parkir.
- Contact: 081220722045
- WhatsApp: 081220722045
- Apartment Name: Galeri Ciumbuleuit
- Location: Jalan Ciumbuleuit No 42A Bandung
- Tower/Floor/View: 1 / 09 / east / Best Mountain View
- Size: 56.57 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Good, furnish
- Facility: Fasilitas Standar Hotel Bintang 5
- Spacious Lobby and Reception
- Meeting Room & Convention
- Cafe & Resto
- Swimming Pool
- Fitness Center & Spa
- Basketball and Tennis Court
- Additional Info:
- Apartemen Super Strategis dekat kawasan DAGO & Cihampelas Bandung, selangkah dari Kampus ITB dan UNPAR
- Type Ekspresi 2BR
- Luas 56.57 m2 jauh lebih luas dibanding standar 2BR gedung baru 36.86 m2
- Lantai 09 Mid Floor
- Living Area
- Pantry & Dining Area
- Balkon
- Hadap Timur
- Selling Price: Rp 950.000.000,00 Full Furnish
- Rental Price:
- Tarif Sewa Only Rp 3 juta x 12 bulan = Rp 36.000.000,00 payment in advance
- Note.
* Rental Rate Room Only exclude monthly bill seperti IPL / Service Charge, Adm, Listrik, Air dan Additional charge seperti Parkir, Internet WiFi, TV Cable, Daily housekeeping, laundry dan Air Mineral
* Deposit Rp 3.000.000,00 dibayarkan 1x di awal, sifatnya refundable
- Contact: +628192004705
- WhatsApp: 628192004705