- Apartment Name: Margonda Residence V
- Location: Depok
- Tower/Floor/View: – / High / City
- Size: 24 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Baru direnovasi
- 1 unit AC
- Tempat tidur (160×200)
- Smart TV
- Kitchen Set (Kompor listrik, Rice Cooker, Kulkas 2 pintu)
- Meja + kursi kerja / belajar, Lemari
- Facility: Kolam renang
- Additional Info:
- Belum termasuk: Listrik, Air, Maintenance & Parkir Kendaraan (Ditanggung Penyewa);
- Deposit (Rp. 1.500.000,-) dibayar dimuka, dikembalikan saat sewa berakhir.
- Visit by appointment only for serious rent (Tidak untuk disewakan lagi).
- Diskon khusus untuk mahasiswa (ditunjukkan dengan ID card).
- Selling Price: Rp. 330.000.000
- Rental Price:
- Per Bulan : Rp. 2.500.000
- Per 6 Bulan : Rp. 15.000.000
- Per Tahun : Rp. 30.000.000
- Contact: 0881011527177
- WhatsApp: 0881011527177
Disewakan Bulanan 1 Unit Apartemen Margonda Residence 2 Depok – Tidak Bisa Sewa Harian – Studio Fully Furnish
- Apartment Name: Margonda Residence 2
- Location: Jalan Margonda Raya, Depok
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower J / 1 / Taman/garden
- Size: 24 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Disewakan Bulanan 1 Unit Apartemen Margonda Residence 2 Depok
- Kondisi Fully Furnish
Sudah lengkap : AC, TV, tempat tidur ukuran 160cm (Queen), lemari es, kitchen set, meja kerja, kursi, lemari pakaian, dispenser
- Facility: Facility apartemen: Kolam renang, jogging track, ATM, kantin, parkir, Family mart, Indomaret
- Additional Info: Tidak bisa sewa jam2an/harian/mingguan.
- Rental Price:
- Harga sewa :
– 1 bulan Rp 2 juta
– 3 bulan Rp5.5 juta
– 6 bulan Rp 10 juta
– 12 bulan Rp 18 juta - Harga sewa tidak termasuk service charge/IPL, penggunaan listrik, air.
- Optional : parkir mobil/motor, internet (bisa berlangganan terpisah)
- Deposit Rp 1.5 juta, bisa dikembalikan dengan bukti bayar service charge, air dan listrik.
- Harga sewa :
- Contact: Whatsapp only 08551002006
- WhatsApp: 08551002006
- E-mail: kristanto.hwn@gmail.com
SEWA HARIAN BULANAN dan TAHUNAN Apartemen TRANSPARK CIBUBUR Depok – Studio FULL FURNISHED View Gunung Salak – Strategic Location, Connecting Mall
- Apartment Name: Transpark Cibubur
- Location: Jl. Alternatif Cibubur, Transpark Cibubur Tower Borealis
- Tower/Floor/View: B / Floor 23 / View Gunung Salak
- Size: 22.75 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Study Room: 1
- Maid Room: 1
- Condition: Fully Furnished, Ready For Occupancy, Nice View
- Facility: 24-hours security, Trans Studio Mall Cibubur, Swimming Pool, Gym Center, Lobby, Bassement, Jogging track, Apartment Garden, Sky Garden, etc.
- Additional Info:
- Strategic Location Close to Hospitals, Culinary Tours, Toll Entrances and Toll Exits, Near LRT
- All Our Rooms Has Been Sanitized & Sterilized
- All Employees Vaccinated
- Selling Price: Rp. 700.000.000,-
- Rental Price: Rate Rp. 3.000.000 – 5.000.000,-
- Contact: 082287838989
- WhatsApp: 082287838989
Jual & Sewa Bulanan / Tahunan Apartemen Margonda Residence 3 Depok – Studio Full Furnished, Direct Owner
- Apartment Name: Margonda Residence 3
- Location: Jl Margonda Raya, Kemiri Muka, Depok 16423
- Tower/Floor/View: 3 / 21 / Pool
- Size: 25.15 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full Furnished
- Air Conditioning
- Springbed 160 x 200 cm
- TV
- Complete cooking utensils
- Curtains
- Blankets and clean bed covers
- Suitable for new family’s staycation, studens and workers
- Refrigerator
- Facility:
- Swimming pool
- Personal access key / Residence Access Card
- 24/7 security with surveilance cameras
- Mall in 3th – 1st floor
- Many 24/7 culibary spots nearby
- Supermarket
- Laundry
- Restorant
- Mailbox
- Additional Info:
- Selling Price:
- 1 Bedroom City view IDR 305.500.000,-.
- Documen SHMSR
- Rental Price: Price / Month – Year. Ready 1BR
- IDR 1.800.000,-/week
- IDR 3.500.000,- /Month.
- IDR 9.450.000,- /3 Months.
- IDR 18.600.000,- /6 Months.
- IDR 35.000.000,- /Year. ( NOT ncluding IPL Maintenance Service Charge )
Note :
Including IPL Maintenance Service Charge
Excluded Consumption Water, Electricity - Contact: 081210083773
- WhatsApp: 081210083773
- E-mail: davidnadya@gmail.com
Sewa Harian / Mingguan / Bulanan Apartemen Margonda Residence 2 Depok – Full Furnished Free Wi-Fi & Kompor by RNB Apartemen
- Apartment Name: Margonda Residence 2
- Location: Jl. Margonda Raya Kav. 462-464, Pondok Cina, Beji, Depok
- Tower/Floor/View: HH/H/J
- Size: 24 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully furnished
- Bed queen size 160 x 200
- Free Wi-Fi & NETFLIX
- AC dingin, TV layar datar, kulkas, dispenser air panas, meja kerja, lemari pakaian
- Peralatan mandi, sabun mandi cair
- Kompor, teh, gula, kopi, tissue
- Rapi, bersih, wangi, sprei selalu diganti
- Facility:
- Swimming pool
- Lapangan futsal, tennis, badminton
- Tempat ibadah
- Parkiran luas dan keamanan 24 jam
- Familly Mart di lobby H
- Indomaret di lobby HH
- Privasi terjaga, aman dan nyaman
- Additional Info:
- Bisa check-in dadakan
- Pembayaran via transfer atau cash di tempat
- Full day check-in paling cepat jam 13.00, check-out maksimal jam 12.00 siang
- Untuk transit bebas check-in jam berapa saja
- Tidak diperkenankan untuk pesta ulang tahun, dsb.
- Persyaratan membawa KTP/SIM masing2 orang yg check in
- Tidak diperkenankan untuk membawa fasilitas handuk, sabun cair dll
- Selling Price:
- Rental Price:
- Senin – Kamis :
- Transit 3 Jam Rp 100.000
- Transit 4 Jam Rp 130.000
- Transit 6 Jam Rp 150.000
- Fullday Rp 225.000
- Jumat & Minggu:
- Transit 3 Jam Rp 130.000
- Transit 4 Jam Rp 150.000
- Transit 6 Jam Rp 175.000
- Fullday Rp 250.000
- Sabtu / TGL Merah:
- Transit 3 Jam Rp 130.000
- Transit 4 Jam Rp 150.000
- Transit 6 Jam Rp 175.000
- Fullday Rp 300.000
- Paket Promo:
Paket Transit Pagi Rp 200.000
Paket Midnight Rp 150.000
Paket 24 Jam Rp 350.000
- Senin – Kamis :
- Contact: Al – 085212773795 (tlp/sms/whatsapp)
- WhatsApp: 085212773795
Sewa Apartemen Bulanan Cinere Bellevue Suites Depok – Studio Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Apartemen Cinere Bellevue Suites
- Location: Jl. Cinere Raya No. 1, Cinere, Depok / Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower B / 7 / Pool
- Size: 22 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Full furnished
- Kitchen Set, Peralatan makan dan minum, Kulkas 2 Pintu, Dispenser, Tempat tidur 1.50 M x 2.00 M, Lemari Baju, Nakas, Meja makan sliding, Kompor gas tanam Modena 2 tungku cooker hood Modena, Sofa 1 Seater, TV LED 32 Inch, AC, Water Heater, Full Wallpaper
- Facility: Access Card, 24-Hour Security, swimming Pool, Gym, Coffe shop, Restaurant / Food Court, Secure parking, Receptionist, Minimarket, Laundry, ATM (Bank Mandiri dan Bank BCA), Integrated with Cinere Bellevue Mall
- Additional Info:
- Terintegrasi dengan Mall Cinere Bellevue
- Lokasi Strategis
- Berbatasan langsung dengan Lebak Bulus / Pondok Labu, Jakarta Selatan
- Dekat akses Toll Jorr, Tol Desari (Depok – Antasari) dan Tol Cijago (Cinere – Jagorawi)
- Dekat RS Puri Cinere, RS Mayapada, RS Fatmawati
- Dekat dengan berbagai Mall ( PIM, Cinere Mall, One Belpark Mall, Citos, Ace, Informa, Pasar Segar)
- Rental Price: Rp 3.000.000 per bulan, exclude IPL, listrik dan air. Parkir gratis di P1 untuk 1 mobil/1 motor di P1.
- Contact: Yetti (Owner) : 08158319773
- WhatsApp: 08158319773
Disewakan Apartemen Bulanan / Tahunan di Saladdin Mansion Depok – Studio Full Furnish Hook
- Apartment Name: Saladdin Mansion Full Furnish
- Location: Jl.Margonda Raya Depok, Dekat Stasiun Depok
- Tower/Floor/View: Tw B Lt.9 View Kota, Fasilitas Lengkap
- Size: 17.41 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full furnished, Lokasi Pojok tidak ada lalu lalang,Bisa Jemur Pakaian di Balkon, Fasilitas Lengkap, View Kota/ Gerbang Utama
- Facility:
- Matress & Bed,TV, Kulkas 2 Pintu, Dispenser, Lemari Baju Kaca, Kompor, Kitchen Set,Peralatan Masak & Gas, Water Heater.Shower,Stool, Lokasi Pojok, bisa jemur di Balkon
- Fasilitas lengkap tinggal bawa baju
- Additional Info:
- Swimming Pool, Gym, Campus Club, Musholla, Mailbox, Parkir Luas, Ruko-Ruko, Laundry, Dekat Stasiun, Terminal, Kantor Walikota, Polres Depok,Kampus Ternama, Sebrang ITC Mall, RS Mitra Keluarga
- Selling Price: Rp 180.000.000
- Rental Price:
- 1.650.000 / Bln ( Min 3 Bln)
- Parkir mtr 150.000
- Parkir mbl 250.000
- Air PAM
- Maintenance fee 302.500/Bln
- Untuk Harian/Mingguan addtional
- Contact: 08119940966, 08179052855 (Owner)
- WhatsApp: 08119940966
- E-mail: anugerahsemestabarokah@gmail.com
Sewa Apartemen Park View Condominium Detos Depok – Harian / Mingguan / Bulanan / Tahunan – Studio 30 m2 Full Furnished (Atas Mall Detos)
- Apartment Name: Park View Condominium Detos (atas Mall Depok Town Square)
- Location: Jl.Raya Margonda No.1, Mall Depok Town Square (Detos) Depok
- Tower/Floor/View: 1/11/University of Indonesia Depok
- Size: 30 m2
- Bedroom: Studio with Queen Bed + 1 Sofabed single
- Bathroom: 1 Shower with Water Heater
- Condition:
- Sofabed single
- Foldingbed single
- 1 Door refrigerator
- Dining table with 2 Chairs
- Television 21inch
- Air Conditioners (1 PK)
- Wardrobe
- Curtain
- Dispenser with 2 gallons
- Wallpaper
- Water heater low watt
- Kitchen set complete with 2 burner gas stove
- 1 writing table and chair
- Facility: On top of shopping Mall Depok Town Square (Detos), 24 Hours Security, Door with Access Card, Swimming Pool, Kids Playground, parking lot, Jogging Track, Hypermart, Fitness, etc
- Additional Info: Next to Indonesia University (UI Depok), Pondok Cina Train Station, Gunadarma University, Bina Sarana Informatika (BSI), Bunda Margonda Hospital, Mitra Keluarga Hospital, Margocity Mall, Depok Town Square (Detos) Mall, ITC Depok Mall, Depok Mall, Bank, Gramedia Bookstore, 24-hours Transportation, 24-hours food, Cijago highway, Margonda Residence
- Selling Price: Rp. 600.000.000
- Rental Price:
- Minimum 2days rental Rp. 600.000 ALL IN
- 3 days Rental = Rp. 800.000 ALL IN
- Weekly Rental = Rp. 1.800.000 ALL IN
- Monthly Rental = Rp. 3.500.000 + refundable deposit Rp 2.000.000, Exclude all bill
- 6 monthly Rental = Rp 20.500.000 + refundable deposit Rp 2.000.000, Exclude all bill
- Contact: DEWI (call/SMS/WA) 081235737171 / 081939110277
- WhatsApp: 081235737171
- E-mail: chantydewi82@gmail.com
Sewa Apartemen Cinere Bellevue Suites Depok – 2 BR Fully Furnished
- Apartment Name: Cinere Bellevue Suites
- Location: Jl. Cinere Raya No. 1 Cinere, Depok
- Tower/Floor/View: A/ 7th / Cinere Housing
- Size: 35 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully Furnished, 1 bedroom 2 beds (1 in the bedroom, 1 infront of the TV) AC, TV, Interkom, Water heater, Stove+Exhaust Fan (Modena)
- Facility: 24 hours Security, Swimming pool, Gym, Coffee Shop, Secure Parking, Receptionist, Minimarket, Laundry, ATM (Mandiri, BCA), Bioskop XXI
- Additional Info:
- Berada di atas Mall Bellevue
- Dekat RS. Puri Cinere
- Pom Bensin
- Dekat Universitas Veteran UPN
- Lapangan Golf Pangkalan Jati
- Rental Price: 3 bulan Rp 12.000.000,-
6 bulan Rp 23.500.000,-
12 bulan Rp 46.000.000,-Note :
Deposit 3 jt (uang kembali).
Belum termasuk maintenance, listrik dan air. - Contact: Catharina 081873372
- WhatsApp: 081873372
Sewa Apartemen Harian / Bulanan / Tahunan – Margonda Residence Depok – Studio Furnished
- Apartment Name: Margonda Residence 5 Depok
- Location: Jalan Margonda Raya, Belakang Depok Mall, Kemiri Muka, Beji, Depok, Jawa barat
- Tower/Floor/View: 5/9/906
- Size: 24 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Furnished
- Facility: Garasi, swimming pool, gym, balkon, kitchen sudah ada kitchen set, kompor gas, teko listrik, peralatan masak, peralatan makan dan minum untuk 2 orang, kamar mandi dengan shower, 1 tempat tidur ukuran queen size dengan laci penyimpanan dilengkapi 1 set bedcover dan sprei, meja dengan kursi, lemari pakaian, TV, WIFI.
- Additional Info: Maksimal untuk 2 orang. Apartemen ini hanya untuk perorangan atau pasangan yang sudah menikah. TIDAK TERIMA TRANSIT ATAU SEWA JAM JAMAN . Booking pada jam operasional (07.00 – 17.00 WIB setiap hari) melalui WA. Di luar jam operasional kemungkinan akan slow respond. Pemesanan selambatnya H-1 jam 10.00 WIB KHUSUS UNTUK SEWA HARIAN.
Terima kasih. - Rental Price:
- Weekday Rp 200.000 / hari. Weekend Rp 275.000 / hari.
- Check in in jam 14.00, Check out jam 12.00. Di luar jam check in/check out mohon konfirmasi ke pemilik.
- Bulanan Rp 2.700.000, NEGO
– RP 100.000 /BULAN UNTUK SEWA 7-9 BULAN SEKALIGUS (pembayaran di muka 1x)
– RP 150.000/ BULAN UNTUK PEMESANAN 10-12 BULAN SEKALIGUS (pembayaran di muka 1x).
- Contact: Molita 085162857359
- WhatsApp: 085162857359
- E-mail: mpri.tagor8@gmail.com