- Apartment Name: Apartemen Transpark Cibubur
- Location: Jl. Alternatif Cibubur No.230, Harjamukti, Kec. Cimanggis, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat 16454
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower A / Lantai 12
- Size: 48 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: 1. Full Furnished
2. Peralatan Elektronik: AC, TV, Kulkas, Microwave Oven, Mesin Cuci
3. Peralatan Masak Lengkap (Kompor Induksi dan panci stainless)
4. Daya listrik – 3500 Watt
5. Tidak tersedia: Mesin Pengering dan Water Heater
6. AC kamar utama rusak karena AC gratisannya jelek, jadi AC hanya nyala di kamar kecil dan ruang tamu. Dapat kami sediakan AC portable. Kondisi dalam apartemen sesuai foto di iklan ini. MASIH AVAILABLE! - Facility: 1. 24-Hour Security
2. CCTV In Public Area
3. Fitness Center
4. Swimming Pool
5. Dekat Mall Transpark Cibubur - Additional Info: Ingin berkunjung dan lihat langsung? Dapat hubungi nomor 08128713012
- Selling Price: Jika minat, dapat hubungi nomor 08128713012
- Rental Price: Sewa per bulan Rp 5.500.000 (Tidak termasuk Listrik dan Air, dan Internet sedang OFF). Free IPL periode Juli – Desember 2024.
Untuk sewa per bulan wajib deposito sebesar Rp 5.500.000
Sewa per 3/6/12 bulan tidak wajib deposito
Pelayanan garansi 100% Pemilik apartemen tinggal di daerah Cibubur jadi jika butuh bantuan, dapat langsung dibantu
- Contact: 08128713012
- WhatsApp: 08128713012
- E-mail: anggiat.brightsitorus@gmail.com
Jual & Sewa Bulanan / Tahunan Apartemen Margonda Residence 3 Depok – Studio Full Furnished, Direct Owner
- Apartment Name: Margonda Residence 3
- Location: Jl Margonda Raya, Kemiri Muka, Depok 16423
- Tower/Floor/View: 3 / 21 / Pool
- Size: 25.15 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full Furnished
- Air Conditioning
- Springbed 160 x 200 cm
- TV
- Complete cooking utensils
- Curtains
- Blankets and clean bed covers
- Suitable for new family’s staycation, studens and workers
- Refrigerator
- Facility:
- Swimming pool
- Personal access key / Residence Access Card
- 24/7 security with surveilance cameras
- Mall in 3th – 1st floor
- Many 24/7 culibary spots nearby
- Supermarket
- Laundry
- Restorant
- Mailbox
- Additional Info:
- Selling Price:
- 1 Bedroom City view IDR 305.500.000,-.
- Documen SHMSR
- Rental Price: Price / Month – Year. Ready 1BR
- IDR 1.800.000,-/week
- IDR 3.500.000,- /Month.
- IDR 9.450.000,- /3 Months.
- IDR 18.600.000,- /6 Months.
- IDR 35.000.000,- /Year. ( NOT ncluding IPL Maintenance Service Charge )
Note :
Including IPL Maintenance Service Charge
Excluded Consumption Water, Electricity - Contact: 081210083773
- WhatsApp: 081210083773
- E-mail: davidnadya@gmail.com
Jual dan Sewa Apartemen Margonda Residence V Depok Mall – Studio Brand New Furnish
- Apartment Name: Margonda Residence V
- Location: Depok
- Tower/Floor/View: Mares 5 / 2 / view pool
- Size: 28 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full furnish. Kulkas, TV, sofa, water heater, kitchen set.
- Facility: Swimming pool, Children playground, security and CCTV 24hour.
- Additional Info:
- Free Parking Car and Motorcycle, strategic location, walking distance to Tanjung Barat station and integrated Depok shopping Mall, CBD Depok
- SHM strata title
- Selling Price: Rp 350.000.000 Negotiable
- Rental Price:
- Rp 3.500.000 / month (3 month minimum stay)
- Rp 36.000.000 / year
- Contact: 081295008381
- WhatsApp: 08567002627
Sewa Harian Apartemen Margonda Residence IV & V Depok – Studio Furnished
- Apartment Name: Margonda Residence IV & V
- Location: Depok, Margonda
- Tower/Floor/View: Lobby IV & V
- Size: 24 m2 dan 25 m2
- Bedroom: Studio with Queen Size Bed
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Furnished
- Bed queen size 160×200
- Televisi
- AC
- Kulkas
- Dispenser + galon (Aqua)
- Handuk (Towel)
- Sabun mandi (cair) + Shampoo
- Lemari geser
- Cermin lebar
- Area dapur beserta kompor dan alat masak.
- Sendok, Garpu, Piring dan Gelas.
- Kopi, gula, teh serta meja dan kursi.
- Facility:
- Kartu akses lift
- Area parkir
- Keamanan 24 jam
- ATM center
- Laundry kiloan
- Kantin, dll.
- Additional Info:
- Sewa Apartemen Harian Murah di Margonda Depok Residence terletak di Jl. Raya Margonda Kav. 88 Beji – Depok (Terletak di seberang Ace Hardware, belakang D’Mall atau Hotel Santika ).
- Tempatnya sangat strategis, tidak jauh dari Universitas Indonesia (UI), Universitas Gunadarma, perbelanjan seperti Mall Margo City, ITC Depok.
- Akses transportasi 24 jam, 5 menit ke Stasiun KA Depok Baru, akses mudah ke Tol JORR dan Lenteng Agung.
- Penginapan harian / Hotel Murah di Depok.
- Untuk melakukan reservasi caranya sangat mudah :
- Tentukan tanggal Anda menginap dan berapa lama.
- Konfirmasi ke Admin apakah room nya tersedia.
- Kirim data diri Anda berupa foto KTP melalui WhatsApp/Line dan Nomor yang bisa dihubungi
- Apabila roomnya available, Transfer uang DP sebesar Rp 50.000/hari/room (dikali berapa hari sewa) ke rekening yang tersedia.
- Pastikan Anda mengirim ke nomer rekening yang tepat sesuai dengan yang tertera.
- DP Hangus Apabila cancel.
- Pada saat hari H, pelunasan sisa sewa (total sewa – DP) cash , saya akan beritahu prosedur pengambilan kunci.
- Pelunasan pembayaran dilakukan saat serah terima kunci.
- Check in paling cepat jam 13.00 siang dan Check out paling lama jam 11.30 siang.
- Khusus transit bisa Check in dijam pagi dan siang untuk malam tidak bisa transit.
- Bila check out diatas jam 11.30 siang dikenakan overtime charge Rp 50.000/jam (mohon diinfokan terlebih dahulu).
- Dilarang membawa atau merusak fasilitas yang ada di kamar
- Jika sudah melakukan booking DP dan tidak ada kabar sampai batas waktu yang saya berikan, maka booking dianggap CANCEL dan uang tidak bisa kembali.
- Rental Price: MARGONDA RESIDENCE 4 & 5 Rp. 100.000 – Rp. 350.000
- Contact: 087784612096
Untuk format booking respon cepat SMS / WhatsApp:
Nama, Tanggal Booking, Berapa Lama.
* Contoh: Faki, selsa 18 juni, 3hari - WhatsApp: 087784612096
Sewa Apartemen Evenciio Margonda Depok – Studio Furnished City View
- Apartment Name: Evenciio
- Location: Jalan Raya Margonda No 508 (JPO Selamat Datang Depok)
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower 1 / city
- Size: 25 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Furnished
- TV 32 inchi
- Spring Bed single
- Kompor Listrik
- Kulkas
- AC
- Modem Internet
- Facility:
- Swimming Pool
- Fitness Center
- 24-Hour Security
- CCTV In Public Area
- Cafe
- Lounge
- Additional Info:
- Lokasi seberang stasiun Universitas Indonesia
- Kondisi baru dan terawat
- bersih
- Dekat kampus UI
- Kondisi baru dan terawat bersih
- Dekat kampus UI
- Selling Price: Rp 635.000.000
- Rental Price: Studio
- Rp 4.000.000 / bulan per unit
- Minimal sewa 6 bulan
- Exclude IPL / maintenace fee, token PLN, Internet / cable TV
- Prefer long term rental
- Contact: Hp 08121001877
- WhatsApp: 08121001877
Disewakan Apartemen Evenciio Depok – Studio Furnished
- Apartment Name: Evenciio Depok
- Location: Jalan Raya Margonda No 508 (JPO Selamat Datang Depok)
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower 1 / city
- Size: 25 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Furnished
- TV 32 inchi
- Spring Bed single
- Kompor Listrik
- Kulkas
- AC
- Modem Internet
- Facility:
- Swimming Pool
- Fitness Center
- 24-Hour Security
- CCTV In Public Area
- Cafe
- Lounge
- Additional Info:
- Lokasi seberang stasiun Universitas Indonesia
- Kondisi baru dan terawat
- bersih
- Dekat kampus UI
- Kondisi baru dan terawat bersih
- Dekat kampus UI
- Selling Price: Rp 635.000.000
- Rental Price:
- Rp 4.000.000 / bulan perunit
- Minimal sewa 6 bulan
- Exclude IPL/maintenace fee, token PLN, Internet/cable TV
- Prefer long term rental
- Contact: Hp 08121001877
- WhatsApp: 08121001877
Sewa Harian / Mingguan / Bulanan Apartemen Margonda Residence 2 Depok – Full Furnished Free Wi-Fi & Kompor by RNB Apartemen
- Apartment Name: Margonda Residence 2
- Location: Jl. Margonda Raya Kav. 462-464, Pondok Cina, Beji, Depok
- Tower/Floor/View: HH/H/J
- Size: 24 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully furnished
- Bed queen size 160 x 200
- Free Wi-Fi & NETFLIX
- AC dingin, TV layar datar, kulkas, dispenser air panas, meja kerja, lemari pakaian
- Peralatan mandi, sabun mandi cair
- Kompor, teh, gula, kopi, tissue
- Rapi, bersih, wangi, spreo selalu diganti
- Facility:
- Swimming pool
- Lapangan futsal, tennis, badminton
- Tempat ibadah
- Parkiran luas dan keamanan 24 jam
- Familly Mart di lobby H
- Indomaret di lobby HH
- Privasi terjaga, aman dan nyaman
- Additional Info:
- Bisa check-in dadakan
- Pembayaran via transfer atau cash di tempat
- Full day check-in paling cepat jam 13.00, check-out maksimal jam 12.00 siang
- Untuk transit bebas check-in jam berapa saja
- Tidak diperkenankan untuk pesta ulang tahun, dsb.
- Persyaratan membawa KTP/SIM masing2 orang yg check in
- Tidak diperkenankan untuk membawa fasilitas handuk, sabun cair dll
- Rental Price:
- Senin – Kamis :
- Transit 3 Jam Rp 100.000
- Transit 4 Jam Rp 130.000
- Transit 6 Jam Rp 150.000
- Fullday Rp 225.000
- Jumat & Minggu:
- Transit 3 Jam Rp 130.000
- Transit 4 Jam Rp 150.000
- Transit 6 Jam Rp 175.000
- Fullday Rp 250.000
- Sabtu / TGL Merah
- Transit 3 Jam Rp 130.000
- Transit 4 Jam Rp 150.000
- Transit 6 Jam Rp 175.000
- Fullday Rp 300.000
- Transit Khusus Pagi (All Day) cek in pagi Jam 10, Cekout Jam 6 Sore Rp 200.000
- Senin – Kamis :
- Contact: Al – 085212773795 (tlp/sms/whatsapp)
- WhatsApp: 085212773795
Disewakan Samesta Mahata Margonda Depok – Nempel UI, Tipe Studio Lengkap, Cozy JAPANDI Style Interior
- Apartment Name: Apartemen Samesta Mahata Margonda Depok
- Location: Jalan Margonda No. 367, Depok
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower Galileo / Lantai 11 / View UI
- Size: 23 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Kamar nyaman dan lengkap
- Tatami bed
- Kasur Queen Bed Informa sleep Organic
- Kitchen set
- Kulkas
- Dispenser galon bawah
- Smart TV Samsung 43″
- Meja + kursi
- Rak buku
- Lemari pakaian 2 pintu
- AC 1 PK.
- Water heater
- Rak sepatu dan lemari penyimpanan
- Facility: Dilengkapi dengan fasilitas in-house penunjang seperti amphithteatre, sport center, open space thematic, shopping & culinary area, kids pool, musholla, security 24 jam, akses lift pakai kartu, indomaret, hoka-hoka bento,
- Additional Info:
- Akses langsung Stasiun Pondok Cina
- Akses ke Kampus UI/Gunadarma
- Sangat dekat dengan pusat perbelanjaan (Depok Town Square, Margo city)
- Dekat dengan Rumah Sakit (RSUI, RS Bunda Margonda)
- Rental Price:
- 6 Bulan = Rp 23.000.000, di luar service charge, biaya listrik, air, internet dan parkir
- 1 tahun = RP 45.000.000, di luar service charge, biaya listrik, air, internet dan parkir
- Deposit Rp 3.000.000 (dikembalikan di akhir masa sewa)
- Contact: Lia 083876872213 / Irvan 083871791627
- WhatsApp: 083876872213
Sewa Apartemen Grand Taman Melati Depok – Unit Studio Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Taman Melati
- Location: Margonda – Depok
- Tower/Floor/View: B / 20 / Swimming Pool
- Size: 29 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully furnished (brand new): air conditioned, refrigerator, LED TV LG 32 inch, kitchen set, study table, cupboard, water heater, spring bed.
- Facility: 24-hour security, CCTV, private access card to lift, swimming pool, parking space, 5 minutes walk to University of Indonesia, minimarket, laundry zone, etc.
- Additional Info: The apartment is strategically located next to the University of Indonesia Campus within walking distance next to the Universitas Indonesia, Depok railway station. Nearby shopping Malls and Restaurants along the street.
- Rental Price: Rp 3.500.000/month (negotiable)
- Contact: 0811817471
- E-mail: ealfitri@gmail.com
Sewa / Jual Apartemen Grand Taman Melati 2 Depok – Studio Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Grand Taman Melati 2
- Location: Margonda Raya, Depok. Walking Distance to UI.
- Tower/Floor/View: B/22/Street & Building
- Size: 27 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Study Room: At Lobby and 2nd Floor
- Condition: Furnished
- AC
- Kitchen Set
- Refrigerator
- Table as seen on Pictures
- Small items are free if needed
- Facility:
- The building has spacious seating in the lobby area and second floor which can be used for studying, group discussions, etc.
- Swimming Pool
- Gym
- Access Card to Your Floor
- Roof Top Cafe
- Mini Market inside the apartemen block
- Additional Info:
- The location is very strategic, very convenient for students or lecturers who study or work around Depok. Plus benefit for those at UI, because the location to the university can be reached on foot. Vibrations from train noise are not felt.
- Hospital at the same street or in UI
- There are many restaurants along the margonda raya street
- Negotiation is directly to owner
- Selling Price: Rp 625,000,000
- Rental Price: Rp 2,500,000 per month (minimum 6 months)
- Contact: +6281281020281
- WhatsApp: 081281020281