Location: Jl. Pegangsaan Dua, Kelapa Gading – Jakarta Utara
Tower/Floor/View: Dahlia/5/Park
Size: 35 m2 (Semi Gross)
Bedroom: 1
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Fully Furnished
Kitchen: Full Granite Kitchen Set (2 Stove, Gas, Cooker Hood, Dining Table + 2 Chairs), Dispenser+Table, 2-Doors Refrigerator, Kitchen Ware.
Bedroom: Panasonic AC 3/4 PK, Akira Led Tv 32 Inch, American Pillo Spring Bed 160 x 200 Cm with 2 Pillows, 2 Bolsters and 2-bed covers, Table + Puff Makeup, Wardrobe
Living Room: Sharp AC 3/4 PK, Sofa Bed + 2 cushions, Mirror, Wardrobe Versatile.
Family Room: Exhaust Fan, Sony Led Tv 32 Inch, Sofa Bed, Trash Can.
Bath Room: Shower, Soap Dishes, Water Heater
Others: Door View, Shoes Rack, accessories, painting
Location: Jl. Pegangsaan Dua, Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia 14240
Tower/Floor/View: Tower Emerald 22PB
Size: 35 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Furnished
1 AC, Ranjang, Kompor Gas dan Tabung Gas, Dispenser, Lemari 3pc, Sofa
1 AC, Bed, Stove, Dispenser, 3pcs Cupboard, Sofa
Apartemen Gading Nias Residence menyediakan fasilitas terbaik untuk menunjang kenyamanan para penghuninya, di antaranya kolam renang, taman tematik, lapangan futsal, lapangan basket, gazebo, dan taman bermain anak. Ada juga fasilitas lainnya seperti ATM center, Taman, Lapangan Futsal, Lapangan Basket, Food Court, Kantor Pos, Apotik Century, Laundry, Pegadaian, Bank BNI, Bank BTN, Pasar, Salon, Klinik, Minimarket 24 jam dan pangkalan taksi White Horse.
Gading Nias Residence Apartment provides the best facilities to support the comfort of its residents, including swimming pools, thematic parks, futsal courts, basketball courts, gazebos and children’s playgrounds. There are also other facilities such as ATM centers, Parks, Futsal Courts, Basketball Courts, Food Courts, Post Offices, Century Pharmacies, Laundry, Pegadaian, BNI Banks, BTN Banks, Markets, Salons, Clinics, 24-hour Minimarket and White Horse taxi bases.
Additional Info:
Disewakan Apartemen Gading Nias Jakarta Utara Letaknya 5 menit dari sentra Kelapa Gading, halte busway dan jalan tol. Jarak dari apartemen ini sangat dekat ke Singapore International School dan Kelapa Gading Mal beserta pusat makanan terlengkap di Kelapa Gading, di mana Anda bisa mencapainya hanya dengan berjalan kaki.
Gading Nias Apartment for Rent in North Jakarta It is located 5 minutes from Kelapa Gading center, busway stop and toll road. The distance from this apartment is very close to Singapore International School and Kelapa Gading Mall along with the most complete food center in Kelapa Gading, where you can reach it only by foot.
Location: Jl. Pegangsaan Dua, Kelapa Gading – Jakarta Utara
Tower/Floor/View: D / 2 / Garden
Size: 35 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
New renovated.
Master bedroom : Queen bedroom, Jumbo wardrobe, AC 1/2 PK (new), make up table and chair
Other bedroom : bunk bed, jumbo wardrobe, study table and chair, exhaust fan, ironing table
Living room : sofabed (for guest/maid to sleep), TV and TV table, refrigerator, Pure IT (for water drinking ), clock and painting, AC 1/2 PK (new)
Kitchen : kitchen set, gas stove (kompor) dan gas tube (tabung gas 15 kg), exhaust fan for stove, bar table and 2 chairs
Facility: 2 access card, 24/7 security, FREE International channels, children playground, basketball court, market and mini market, bank and atms, pos office, food court, clinic etc
Additional Info:
Very strategic place. Near Pulogadung, Rawamangun, Kelapa Gading, Sunter, and Tanjung Priuk.
Near malls (Mall Kelapa Gading, MOI, Arion, etc), near schools (Al Azhar, Don Bosco, etc)
Rental Price:
Rp 27.000.000 /year include (temasuk) maintenance fee. NEGO
Rp 16.000.000 / 6 months include ( termasuk) maintenance fee. NEGO
Condition: Full furnished. Full wallpaper, sofa, kitchen set with Modena stove, mini bar, plasma TV Toshiba 32 inci, refrigerator, 2 unit AC. View menghadap ke Mall Kelapa Gading.
Facility: TV kabel, security 24 jam, parkir mobil dan motor, jogging track, lapangan basket dan futsal, taman, tempat bermain anak, dekat lift, shuttle bus, mini market, laundry, food court, akses angkutan umum yang mudah. Dekat Mall Kelapa Gading, MOI, Sport Mall, Artha Gading, dll.
Additional Info: Harga pasti lebih murah dan punya sendiri! View apartemen menghadap Mall Kelapa Gading. Dekat Mall Kelapa Gading, Mall Artha Gading, Mall of Indonesia. Cocok bagi Anda yang sedang mencari sewa apartemen di Kelapa Gading.
Rental Price:
Harian = Rp 280.000
Bulanan = Rp 2.700.000
Tahunan = Rp 26.000.000
Contact: 081296344462, 085218049590 (bisa WA juga)