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Apartment Name: GP Plaza
Location: Jl. Gelora II No. 1 Slipi Palmerah, Jakarta Barat 10270
Tower/Floor/View: 18/City View
Size: 45 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Fully furnished with complete electronic (air conditioning, microwave, water heater, water dispenser, refrigerator)
24-hours security
Basement parking
Infinity style swimming pool
Fitness center
Private access card to unit Apartment, and many more.
Additional Info:
Easy and near access to locations in Sudirman, Senayan, Slipi, Palmerah.
Easy access to Busway and Railway Station (Commuter Line)
Near Toll Gate (to Soekarno-Hatta Airport, to Semanggi and near Toll access to Tangerang).
Near to Hospitals (RS Harapan Kita, RS Pelni, Darmais).
Near to Malls (Senayan City, Central Park, Taman Anggrek, Semanggi Plaza).
Near to Bina Nusantara University and certain Junior and Senior High Schools.
Rental Price:
Rp.6.500.000,- per month
Include maintenance fee
Monthly payment are available
Contact: Christian (WA/Call) 081381358830
Apartment Name: GP Plaza
Location: Jl. Gelora II No. 1 Slipi Palmerah – Jakarta Barat 10270
Tower/Floor/View: 19/City View
Size: 29 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Lengkap dengan peralatan elektronik (AC, microwave, water heater, dispenser, kulkas)
Keamanan 24 jam
Parkir basement
Kolam renang bergaya Infinity
Pusat kebugaran
Kartu akses pribadi ke unit Apartemen
dan masih banyak lagi.
Additional Info:
Akses mudah dan dekat ke lokasi di Sudirman, Senayan, Slipi, Palmerah.
Akses mudah ke Busway dan Stasiun Kereta (Commuter Line)
Dekat Gerbang Tol (ke Bandara Soekarno-Hatta, ke Semanggi dan dekat akses Tol ke Tangerang).
Dekat dengan Rumah Sakit (RS Harapan Kita, RS Pelni, Darmais).
Dekat dengan Mall (Senayan City, Central Park, Taman Anggrek,Plaza Semanggi).
Dekat dengan Universitas Bina Nusantara dan Sekolah Menengah Pertama dan Sekolah Menengah Atas tertentu
Rental Price:
Rp 5.500.000 per bulan
Harga sewa termasuk servis charge
Pembayaran dapat dilakukan per bulan bila kontrak lebih dari 2 bulan
Contact: Christian (WA / Call) 081381358830
Apartment Name: GP Plaza
Location: Gatot Subroto – Jakarta Barat
Tower/Floor/View: 22/City & Pool View
Size: 51,58 sqm (m2)
Bedroom: 1
Bathroom: 1
Condition: New unit with the modern interior:
Kitchen cabinet
Sofa bed in the living room
Double bed at bedroom
Study/Vanity table
AC and water heater.
Facility: Swimming pool, fitness center, playground, restaurant, laundry, mini market, ATM center, 24 hours security, private access card, helipad, etc.
Additional Info: Near toll gate JIRR (Jakarta Inner Ring Road), minutes away from CBD area (Semanggi, Gatot Subroto, Senayan), malls (Taman Anggrek, Central Park, Plaza Senayan, Senayan City) and hospitals (Harapan Kita, Dharmais, Pelni). Easy access to busway and railway station.
Selling Price: Rp (negotiable)
Rental Price: Rp 60.000.000/year
Contact: 0818 948681/ 0878 80050047
WhatsApp: 0818948681
Apartment Name: GP Plaza
Location: Jl. Gelora II No. 1 Slipi Palmerah – Jakarta Barat 10270
Tower/Floor/View: 18/City View
Size: 45 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Fully furnished with complete electronic (air conditioning, microwave, water heater, water dispenser, refrigerator)
24-hours security
Basement parking
Infinity style swimming pool
Fitness center
Private access card to unit Apartment, and many more.
Additional Info:
Easy and near access to locations in Sudirman, Senayan, Slipi, Palmerah.
Easy access to Busway and Railway Station (Commuter Line)
Near Toll Gate (to Soekarno-Hatta Airport, to Semanggi and near Toll access to Tangerang).
Near to Hospitals (RS Harapan Kita, RS Pelni, Darmais).
Near to Malls (Senayan City, Central Park, Taman Anggrek, Semanggi Plaza).
Near to Bina Nusantara University and certain Junior and Senior High Schools.
Rental Price:
Rp 6.500.000 per month
Include maintenance fee
Monthly payment is available
Contact: Farida +62818710645 (Call / WhatsApp)
Apartment Name: GP Plaza
Location: Jl. Gelora II No. 1 Slipi Palmerah – Jakarta Barat 10270
Tower/Floor/View: City View
Size: 51 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Fully furnished with complete electronic (air conditioning, microwave, water heater, water dispenser, refrigerator)
24-hours security
Basement parking
Infinity style swimming pool
Fitness center
Private access card to unit Apartment, and many more.
Additional Info:
Easy and near access to locations in Sudirman, Senayan, Slipi, Palmerah.
Easy access to Busway and Railway Station (Commuter Line)
Near Toll Gate (to Soekarno-Hatta Airport, to Semanggi and near Toll access to Tangerang).
Near to Hospitals (RS Harapan Kita, RS Pelni, Darmais).
Near to Malls (Senayan City, Central Park, Taman Anggrek, Semanggi Plaza).
Near to Bina Nusantara University and certain Junior and Senior High Schools.
Rental Price:
Rp 9.000.000/month
Includes maintenance fees.
Long term rental can be negotiable.
Contact: Abdi Properti Indonesia, (WA / Call) 081233225522