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- Apartment Name: Grand Kamala Lagoon
- Location: Jl Chandrabhaga Rt.006/Rw.003 Pekayon Jaya kec. Bekasi Sel.,Kota Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17148
- Tower/Floor/View: Barclay,north/7,8,10,33
- Size: 26 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Furnished
- Facility:
- Mall access
- Swimming pool
- Fitness center
- Jogging track
- CCTV in public area
- Car park
- Coffee shop
- ATM on site
- Cafe
- Access card
- Playground
- Restaurant
- Supermarket
- 24-hour security
- CGV cinema
- Additional Info: –
- Rental Price:
- Senin – jumat
- Harian 300 ribu
- Transit 3jam 150 ribu
- Transit 6jam 200 ribu
- Transit 12jam 250 ribu
- Sabtu & minggu
- Harian 350 ribu
- Transit 3 jam 200 ribu
- Transit 6 jam 250 ribu
- Transit 12 jam 300 ribu
- Contact: 082350308474
- WhatsApp: 082350308474
- Apartment Name: Grand Kamala lagoon
- Location: Jl. KH Noer Ali No. 34 Pekayon Jaya, Bekasi Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Barclay/25/City
- Size: 24 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Furnished
- Facility:
- Swimming pool
- Fitness center
- Fire extinguisher
- Garden
- Basement parking
- Connected to Lagoon Avenue Mall (Lifestyle Mall), Tenant : CGV Cinema, Sport Stasion, Execelso, Starbucks, Ra Cha, Funworld, Imperial Kitchen & Dimsum, Solaria, Puyo Silky Desserts, Burger King, Chatime visit website Lagoon Avenue Mall
- Additional Info:
- Renowned School and University Nearby
- Highscope International School
- Al-Azhar Islamic School
- Global Prestasi School
- Binus University
- Gunadarma University
- Assure your Health Care
- RS Awal Bros
- RS Hermina Bekasi
- RS Mitra Keluarga
- Omni Hospital Pekayon
- Enjoy Easy Access
- 15 Minutes to Halim Perdana kusuma Airport
- 10 Minutes to Bekasi Train Station
- 5 Minutes to Tollgate (Becakayu, Jakarta-Cikampek,JORR)
- 5 Minutes to Nearby LRT Station
- Rental Price: Rp. 3.500.000 per bulan
- Contact: 087781132891
- WhatsApp: 087781132891
- E-mail:
- Apartment Name: Grand Kamala Lagoon
- Location: Pekayon Jaya, Bekasi Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Ready Barclay dan Emerald
- Size: 21 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full furnished mewah
- Facility:
- AC
- Kulkas
- Kitchenset + Alat Masak
- Air Panas
- Air Mineral 2 Botol
- Handuk 2
- Sikat Gigi
- Sabun
- Additional Info: –
- Rental Price:
- Harian:
- Senin sd Kamis: Rp.250.000
- Jumat, Minggu: Rp.275.000
- Sabtu: Rp.300.000
- Contact:
- Customer Service:
- WA: 0822-10000-335
- Website:
- WhatsApp: 082210000335
- E-mail:
- Apartment Name: Grand Kamala Lagoon
- Location: Kalimalang Bekasi Kota
- Tower/Floor/View: Emerald south
- Size: 54 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully furnished
- Facility:
- Gym
- Kolam renang
- Akses ke mall
- Pocket Garden
- Security 20 jam
- Additional Info: Strategis ke beberapa pintu toll di Bekasi dan Becakayu
- Rental Price: Rp 8 juta per bulan, Nego
- Include IPL, Wifi, TV channel
- Contact: 08159661551
- WhatsApp: 08159661551
- E-mail:
- Apartment Name: Grand Kamal Lagoon
- Location: Pekayon Bekasi
- Tower/Floor/View: Emerald dan Barclay North/29,5
- Size: 24 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full Furnished. Fasilitas terjamin.
Room selalu bersih, rapih , wangi dan selalu di semprot disinfektan.
- Wifi + TV smart and cable “Bebas netflix dan youtube”
- AC dingin
- Kitchen set lengkap semua “Perlengkapan masak dan alat makan lengkap” full furnished lengkap semua
- Alat mandi semuanya lengkap “Handuk dan sabun ada”
- Facility: Apartemen serasa di hotel dan resort, semua lengkap dan nyaman. Keamanan terjamin. Fasilitas apartemen:
- Gym
- Swimming pool
- Playground langsung terhubung dengan mall lagoon avenue + cgv..
- Additional Info: –
- Rental Price:
- Weekday
- 3 Jam = Rp. 150,000
- 6 Jam = Rp. 200,000
- 12 Jam = Rp. 250,000
- 24 Jam = Rp. 300,000
- Weekend
- 3 Jam = Rp. 200,000
- 6 Jam = Rp. 250,000
- 12 Jam = Rp. 300,000
- 24 Jam = Rp. 350,000
- Contact: Akbar (089668812436)
- WhatsApp: 089668812436
- Apartment Name: Grand Kamala Lagoon
- Location: Jl. KH. Noer Ali Jl. Raya Kalimalang No.3, Pekayon Jaya, Kec. Bekasi Sel., Kota Bks, Jawa Barat 17148
- Tower/Floor/View: 7,17,8,10,33
- Size: 26 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full furnished
- Facility:
- Mall access
- Swimming pool
- Fitness center
- Jogging track
- CCTV in public area
- Car park
- Coffee shop
- ATM on site
- Cafe
- Access card
- Playground
- Restaurant
- Supermarket
- 24-hour security
- CGV cinema
- Additional Info:
- Rental Price:
- Senin – jumat
- Transit 3 jam Rp 150rb
- Transit 6 jam Rp 200rb
- Transit 12 jam Rp 250rb
- Harian Rp 300rb (tipe studio)
- Sabtu&minggu
- Transit 3 jam Rp 200rb
- Transit 6 jam Rp 250rb
- Transit 12 jam Rp 300rb
- Harian Rp 350rb (tipe studio)
- Contact: 085885254428
- WhatsApp: 085885254428
- E-mail:
- Apartment Name: Grand Kamala Lagoon
- Location: Jl. Chandrabhaga, RT.006/RW.003, Pekayon Jaya, Kec. Bekasi Sel., Kota Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17148
- Tower/Floor/View: Emerald
- Size: 26 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully furnished
- Spring Bed Queen Size
- Lemari Pakaian
- Kitchen set
- Bathroom set
- AC
- Smart TV 32”
- Dispenser
- Wifi
- Facility:
- 24-Hour Security
- Acces Card
- ATM On Site
- Access Card
- CCTV In Public Area
- Cafe
- Coffee Shop
- Elevator
- Fitness Center
- Jogging Track
- Mall Access
- Playground
- Restaurant
- Supermarket
- Swimming Pool
- Additional Info:
- Lagoon Avenue Mall
- Metropolitan Mall
- Grand Metropolitan
- Giant
- Mall Summarecon Bekasi
- Lotte Mart Wholesale Bekasi
- Bekasi Cyber Park
- Colombus Waterpark
- Pintu Tol Bekasi barat
- Rumah Sakit Budi Lestari
- Rental Price: Studio
- Rp 200.000/6 jam
- Rp 300.000/Hari
- Mingguan Rp. 1.750.000
- Contact: WA Damz 081319314146
- WhatsApp: 081319314146
- Apartment Name: Grand Kamala Lagoon
- Location: Jln. KH Noer Ali no 3A Pekayon Jaya
- Tower/Floor/View: All Tower
- Size: 24 m2 / 53 m2 / 67 m2
- Bedroom: 1 / 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full furnished
- Facility:
- Mall
- Coffee Shop
- Supermarket
- Kolam Renang
- Gym
- Area Parkir Aman
- High Floor Garden
- Area Jogging
- Additional Info:
- AC
- Kulkas
- Kitchenset + Alat Masak
- Air Panas
- Air Mineral 2 Botol
- Snack
- Amenities (Handuk, Sikat Gigi, Sabun)
- Rental Price:
- Weekday (Senin sd Kamis) :
- Transit 3 jam 1BR Rp 150.000 / 2BR Rp 250.000
- Transit 5 jam 1BR Rp 185.000 / 2BR Rp 285.000
- Transit 6 jam 1BR Rp 200.000 / 2BR Rp 300.000
- Transit 10 jam 1BR Rp 235.000 / 2BR Rp 385.000
- Transit 12 jam 1BR Rp 250.000 / 2BR Rp 400.000
- Harian 1BR Rp. 350.000 / 2BR Rp 600.000
- Weekend Jumat, Sabtu, Minggu:
- Transit 3 jam 1BR Rp 200.000 / 2BR Rp 300.000
- Transit 5 jam 1BR Rp 230.000 / 2BR Rp 330.000
- Transit 6 jam 1BR Rp 250.000 / 2BR Rp 350.000
- Transit 10 jam 1BR Rp 275.000 / 2BR Rp 430.000
- Transit 12 jam 1BR Rp 300.000 / 2BR Rp 450.000
- Harian 1BR Rp. 400.000 / 2BR Rp 650.000
- Contact: 085710918646
- WhatsApp: 085710918646
- Apartment Name: Grand Kamala Lagoon
- Location: Jln. KH Noer Ali no 3A Pekayon Jaya
- Tower/Floor/View: All Tower
- Size: 24 m2 / 53 m2 / 67 m2? m2
- Bedroom: 1/2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full furnished
- Facility:
- Mall
- Coffee Shop
- Supermarket
- Kolam Renang
- Gym
- Area Parkir Aman
- High Floor Garden
- Area Jogging
- Additional Info:
- AC
- Kulkas
- Kitchenset + Alat Masak
- Air Panas
- Air Mineral 2 Botol
- Snack
- Amenities (Handuk, Sikat Gigi, Sabun)
- Rental Price:
- Weekday (Senin sd Kamis) :
- Transit 3 jam 1BR Rp 150.000 / 2BR Rp 250.000
- Transit 5 jam 1BR Rp 180.000 / 2BR Rp 285.000
- Transit 6 jam 1BR Rp 200.000 / 2BR Rp 300.000
- Transit 10 jam 1BR Rp 230.000 / 2BR Rp 385.000
- Transit 12 jam 1BR Rp 250.000 / 2BR Rp 400.000
- Harian 1BR Rp. 350.000 / 2BR Rp 600.000
- Sewa 24 JAM 1BR Rp 450.000 / 2BR Rp 750.000
- Weekend Jumat, Sabtu, Minggu:
- Transit 3 jam 1BR Rp 200.000 / 2BR Rp 300.000
- Transit 5 jam 1BR Rp 230.000 / 2BR Rp 330.000
- Transit 6 jam 1BR Rp 250.000 / 2BR Rp 350.000
- Transit 10 jam 1BR Rp 280.000 / 2BR Rp 430.000
- Transit 12 jam 1BR Rp 300.000 / 2BR Rp 450.000
- Harian 1BR Rp. 400.000 / 2BR Rp 650.000
- Contact: 087780810003
- WhatsApp: 087780810003
- Apartment Name: Grand Kamala Lagoon
- Location: Tower Emerald South Lantai 20 Unit 2007; Jl. KH. Noer Ali No. 3A, Pekayon Jaya, Bekasi Selatan, Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17148
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower Emerald South High Zone
- Size: 36 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Unfurnished
- Facility:
- Room
- Air Conditioner
- Remote AC
- Bathroom
- Toilet Bowl
- Shower
- Water Heater
- Other
- Key
- Access Card
- Building
- Mall Access
- Swimming Pool
- Fitness Center
- Jogging Track
- CCTV In Public Area
- Coffee Shop
- Elevator
- ATM On Site
- Cafe
- Access Card
- Playground
- Restaurant
- Supermarket
- 24-Hour Security
- Additional Info:
- Halim Perdana Kusuma Airport can be reached by 22 minutes driving (14.9 km)
- 1 hour drive to Soekarno Hatta International Airport (51,8 km)
- Bekasi Railway Station is 16 minutes driving (4.6 km)
- Lagoon Avenue Mall is just 5 minutes walking (450 m)
- Grand Wisata is 24 minutes a drive (13.4 km)
- Snow World Jaunda only 19 minutes a drive (5.8 km)
- Same-day booking : should be made at least 3 hours before check-in time.
- Please do confirmation on +62 813-2425-9797 (Whatsapp Only) or +62 21806 00904 to arrange your check in time.
- Parking charges : starting from IDR 5,000/hour (guest responsibility)
- Rental Price:
- Monthly rent starts from IDR 2.000.000 (include maintenance fee)/ Min Stay 3 Months
- Yearly rent starts from IDR 16.500.000
- Contact:
- +62 21 806 00904 (by phone)
- +62 812-1914-1832 (available whatsapp)
- WhatsApp: 081219141832
- E-mail: