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- Apartment Name: Grand Madison
- Location: Podomoro City Central Park, Jakarta Barat
- Tower/Floor/View:
- Size: 78.4 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 2
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Unfurnished
- New
- Kitchen set (no stove)
- Facility:
- 24-hour Security, Access for Residences only
- Samsung Smart door lock
- Audio Video phone
- Lobby like Hotel
- Barbeque Area
- Gym / Fitness Centre
- Sauna & Jacuzzy
- Garden
- Children Playgroud
- Swimming pool
- Additional Info:
- Best and Premium Location in Jakarta Barat
- Connected to Central Park (Sogo), Neo Soho Mall & Soho Capital Office Tower
- Close to Taman Anggrek Mall, Ciputra Mall & Hotel, Slipi Plaza
- Close to Reputable Hospitals (Royal Taruma, Graha Kedoya, Dharmais etc)
- Highway access to CBD Jakarta, Soetta Airport, Pluit, PIK, Kelapa Gading, Tangerang, etc
- Selling Price: Rp, Negotiable
- Rental Price: Rp 75.000.000/year, Negotiable
- Contact: Ely Lim, Hp. 087780809988
- WhatsApp: 087780809988
- Apartment Name: Grand Madison
- Location: Jakarta Barat
- Tower/Floor/View: –
- Size: 106 m2
- Bedroom: 3
- Bathroom: 2
- Condition:
- Fully furnished bagus & lengkap :
- Interior Design
- AC terpasang 3 pcs
- Water Heater
- Kitchen set (lemari + kompor)
- Meja makan
- Sofa
- Spring bed
- Hordyn
- dsb..
- Facility:
- Samsung Smart door lock
- Smart home system
- Audio Video phone
- Pool
- Whirlpool
- Gym
- Barbeque area
- Children play ground
- Garden
- Additional Info:
- Satu” nya Condominium di area Podomoro City – Central Park – Jakarta Barat
- Lokasi strategis CBD Jakarta Barat
- Akses Mudah dekat Tol dalam kota
- Konsep 27 ha dan dan semua terintegrasi oleh Tunel , Sky bridge
- Fasilitas internal ny Mall central park – neo soho mall, Tribeca park, Pullman hotel, Ruko garden shoping arcade, Office Apl tower, Residential:mgr1 ,mgr2,royal medit,cpr,mp & soho
- Fasilitas eksternal ny Mall TA, Mall Ciputra, RS Royal Taruma, Univ Tarumanegara, Univ Trisakti, Smuk 1 bpk penabur, dsb…
- Developer terpercaya Agung Podomoro Land, tbk
- Unit Terbatas hanya 1 or Single Tower
- Green building certificate from GBCI
- Rental Price: 200 juta/tahun
Minimal 2 tahun
- Contact: 081237201168
- WhatsApp: 081237201168
- E-mail:
- Apartment Name: Grand Madison
- Location: Podomoro City, Jakarta Barat
- Tower/Floor/View: Call for info
- Size: 51 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully furnished bagus & lengkap:
- Interior Design
- AC terpasang 3 pcs
- Water Heater
- Kitchen set (lemari + kompor)
- Meja makan
- Sofa
- Spring bed
- Hordyn
- dsb
- Facility:
- Samsung Smart door lock
- Smart home system
- Audio Video phone
- Pool
- Whirlpool
- Gym
- Barbeque area
- Children playground
- Garden
- Additional Info:
- Satu-satunya Condominium di area Podomoro City – Central Park – Jakarta Barat
- Lokasi strategis CBD Jakarta Barat
- Akses Mudah dekat Tol dalam kota
- Konsep 27 ha dan dan semua terintegrasi oleh Tunel, Sky bridge
- Fasilitas internalnya Mall Central Park – Neo Soho Mall, Tribeca park, Pullman hotel, Ruko garden shoping arcade, Office APL tower, Residential: MGR 1, MGR 2, Royal Medit, CPR, MP & Soho
- Fasilitas eksternalnya Mall TA, Mall Ciputra, RS Royal Taruma, Univ Tarumanegara, Univ Trisakti, SMUK 1 BPK Penabur, dsb
- Developer terpercaya Agung Podomoro Land, tbk
- Unit Terbatas hanya 1 or Single Tower
- Green building certificate from GBCI
- Rental Price: Rp 90.000.000/tahun, nego
- Contact: 081237201168
- WhatsApp: 081237201168
- E-mail:
- Apartment Name: Grand Madison
- Location: Podomoro City, Jakarta Barat
- Tower/Floor/View: City
- Size: 110 m2
- Bedroom: 3
- Bathroom: 2
- Condition: Non Furnished
- Facility:
- 24H Security, Access for Residences only
- Mini Market
- Lobby like Hotel
- Gym / Fitness Centre
- Sauna & Jacuzzy
- Squash
- Jogging track
- Garden
- Playgroud
- Large Swimming pool
- Direct Tunnel access to NEO SOHO, Soho
- Capital Office Tower & Central Park Mall
- Additional Info:
- Best and Premium Location in Jakarta Barat
- Connected to Central Park (Sogo), Neo Soho Mall & Soho Capital Office Tower
- Close to Taman Anggrek Mall, Ciputra Mall & Hotel, Slipi Plaza
- Close to Reputable Hospitals (Royal Taruma, Graha Kedoya, Dharmais etc)
- Highway access to CBD Jakarta, Soetta Airport, Pluit, PIK, Kelapa Gading,
- Tangerang, etc
- Rental Price: Rp. 150.000.000 / year NEGO
- Contact: 082187194684 / 081370708719
- WhatsApp: 082187194684
- E-mail:
- Apartment Name: Grand Madison
- Location: jl. Sparman Kav 28 Jakarta Barat – Central Park
- Tower/Floor/View: Grand Madison / 17
- Size: 78.4 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 2
- Maid Room: 1
- Condition: Fully furnished bagus & lengkap :
- Interior Design
- AC terpasang 3 pcs
- Water Heater
- Kitchen set (lemari + kompor)
- Meja makan
- Sofa
- Spring bed
- Hordyn
- dsb..
- Facility:
- Samsung Smart door lock
- Smart home system
- Audio Video phone
- Pool
- Whirlpool
- Gym
- Barbeque area
- Children play ground
- Garden
- Additional Info:
- Satu” nya Condominium di area Podomoro City – Central Park – Jakarta Barat
- Lokasi strategis CBD Jakarta Barat
- Akses Mudah dekat Tol dalam kota
- Konsep 27 ha dan dan semua terintegrasi oleh Tunel , Sky bridge
- Fasilitas internal ny Mall central park – neo soho mall, Tribeca park, Pullman hotel, Ruko garden
- shoping arcade, Office Apl tower, Residential:mgr1 ,mgr2,royal medit,cpr,mp & soho
- Fasilitas eksternal ny Mall TA, Mall Ciputra, RS Royal Taruma, Univ Tarumanegara, Univ Trisakti,
- Smuk 1 bpk penabur, dsb…
- Developer terpercaya Agung Podomoro Land, tbk
- Unit Terbatas hanya 1 or Single Tower
- Green building certificate from GBCI
- Rental Price: Rp 90.000.000 / tahun NEGO
- Contact: Rainy 081237201168
- WhatsApp: 081237201168
- E-mail:
- Apartment Name: Grand Madison
- Location: Jalan S.Parman kav.28 Jakarta Barat
- Tower/Floor/View: –
- Size: 78.4 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 2
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Semi Furnished
- Kitchen set (seperti difoto)
- AC 3
- Water heater
- Facility:
- Samsung Smart door lock
- Smart home system
- Audio Video phone
- Pool
- Whirlpool
- Gym & Yoga
- Barbeque area
- Children play ground
- Garden
- Sauna
- Additional Info:
- Satu-satunya Condominium di area Podomoro City – Central Park – Jakarta Barat dengan single tower
- Lokasi strategis CBD Jakarta Barat
- Konsep 27 ha dan dan semua terintegrasi oleh Tunel , Sky bridge
- Fasilitas internal: Mall Central Park – Neo Soho Mall, Tribeca Park, Pullman Hotel, Ruko Garden Shoping Arcade, Office APL Tower, Residential (MGR-1, MGR-2, Royal Mediterania, CPR, MP & SOHO)
- Fasilitas eksternal: Mall TA, Mall Ciputra, RS Royal Taruma, Universitas Tarumanegara, Universitas Trisakti, SMUK 1 BPK Penabur, dll
- Developer terpercaya Agung Podomoro Land, tbk (49 Tahun membangun negri)
- Unit terbatas hanya 1 or Single Tower
- Unit Terbatas 1 Single Tower with only 12 Unit / Floor
- Green Building Certificate from GBCI
- Premium Product: 1 Parking Ratio
- 8 Features (Smart Home, Smart Door Lock, Motion Sensor, Audio Video Phone, AC, Water Heater, Kitchen Cabinet, 2.9 sqm Net Floor to Ceiling)
- Facility (Infinity & Kids Pool, Jacuzzi, Spa & Sauna, Fitness Centre, Skygarden, Barbeque Area, Children Playground & Parking Building)
- Hand Over Start this December 2019*
- Rental Price: Rp. 80.000.000,-/Tahun, Ambil 2 Tahun harga pasti lebih Murahh
- Contact: Ely Lim, Hp. 087780809988
- WhatsApp: 087780809988
- E-mail:
- Apartment Name: Grand Madison
- Location: Jln. S. Parman Central Park
- Tower/Floor/View: –
- Size: 106.7 m2
- Bedroom: 3
- Bathroom: 2
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Unfurnished
- New
- Kitchen set (no stove)
- Facility:
- 24H Security, Access for Residences only
- Mini Market
- Lobby like Hotel
- Gym / Fitness Centre
- Sauna & Jacuzzy
- Squash
- Jogging track
- Garden
- Playgroud
- Large Swimming pool
- Direct Tunnel access to NEO SOHO, Soho
- Capital Office Tower & Central Park Mall
- Additional Info:
- Best and Premium Location in Jakarta Barat
- Connected to Central Park (Sogo), Neo Soho Mall & Soho Capital Office Tower
- Close to Taman Anggrek Mall, Ciputra Mall & Hotel, Slipi Plaza
- Close to Reputable Hospitals (Royal Taruma, Graha Kedoya, Dharmais etc)
- Highway access to CBD Jakarta, Soetta Airport, Pluit, PIK, Kelapa Gading, Tangerang, etc
- Selling Price: Rp.,- Negotiable
- Rental Price: Rp.125.000.000,-/year Negotiable
- Contact: Ely Lim, Hp.087780809988
- WhatsApp: 087780809988
- E-mail:
- Apartment Name: Grand Madison
- Location: Jalan S.Parman kav.28 Jakarta Barat – Central park
- Tower/Floor/View: –
- Size: 99,4 m2
- Bedroom: 3
- Bathroom: 2
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Semi Furnished (standart developer)
- Kitchen set (seperti difoto)
- AC 3
- Water heater
- Facility:
- Samsung Smart door lock
- Smart home system
- Audio Video phone
- Pool
- Whirlpool
- Gym & Yoga
- Barbeque area
- Children play ground
- Garden
- Sauna
- Additional Info:
- Satu-satunya Condominium di area Podomoro City – Central Park – Jakarta Barat dengan single tower
- Lokasi strategis CBD Jakarta Barat
- Konsep 27 ha dan dan semua terintegrasi oleh Tunel , Sky bridge
- Fasilitas internal: Mall Central Park – Neo Soho Mall, Tribeca Park, Pullman Hotel, Ruko Garden Shoping Arcade, Office APL Tower, Residential (MGR-1, MGR-2, Royal Mediterania, CPR, MP & SOHO)
Fasilitas eksternal: Mall TA, Mall Ciputra, RS Royal Taruma, Universitas Tarumanegara, Universitas Trisakti, SMUK 1 BPK Penabur, dll
- Developer terpercaya Agung Podomoro Land, tbk (49 Tahun membangun negri)
- Unit terbatas hanya 1 or Single Tower
- Unit Terbatas 1 Single Tower with only 12 Unit / Floor
- Green Building Certificate from GBCI
- Premium Product: 1 Parking Ratio
- 8 Features (Smart Home, Smart Door Lock, Motion Sensor, Audio Video Phone, AC, Water Heater, Kitchen Cabinet, 2.9 sqm Net Floor to Ceiling)
- Facility (Infinity & Kids Pool, Jacuzzi, Spa & Sauna, Fitness Centre, Skygarden, Barbeque Area, Children Playground & Parking Building)
- Rental Price: Rp. 150.000.000,-/Tahun, Ambil 2 Tahun harga pasti lebih Murahh
- Contact: Rainy – WA: 081237201168
- WhatsApp: 081237201168
- E-mail:
- Apartment Name: Grand Madison
- Location: Jakarta Barat
- Tower/Floor/View: –
- Size: 99 m2
- Bedroom: 3
- Bathroom: 2
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Semi Furnished Standart Developer
Unit baru
- Facility:
- Samsung Smart door lock
- Smart home system
- Audio Video phone
- Pool
- Whirlpool
- Gym
- Barbeque area
- Children play ground
- Garden
- Additional Info:
- Satu” nya Condominium di area Podomoro City – Central Park – Jakarta Barat
- Lokasi strategis CBD Jakarta Barat
- Akses Mudah dekat Tol dalam kota
- Konsep 27 ha dan dan semua terintegrasi oleh Tunel , Sky bridge
- Fasilitas internal ny Mall central park – neo soho mall, Tribeca park, Pullman hotel, Ruko garden, shoping arcade, Office Apl tower, Residential:mgr1, mgr2, royal medit, cpr, mp & soho
- Fasilitas eksternal ny Mall TA, Mall Ciputra, RS Royal Taruma, Univ Tarumanegara, Univ Trisakti, Smuk 1 bpk penabur, dsb…
- Developer terpercaya Agung Podomoro Land, tbk
- Unit Terbatas hanya 1 or Single Tower
- Green building certificate from GBCI
- Selling Price: Rp 3.600.000.000 – Nego
- Rental Price: Rp 100.000.000 / tahun – Nego
- Contact: 081237201168
- WhatsApp: 081237201168
- E-mail:
- Apartment Name: Grand Madison
- Location: Podomoro City, Tanjung Duren, Jakarta Barat
- Tower/Floor/View: Call for details
- Size: 48 m2 s/d 110.7 m2
- Bedroom: 2, 3
- Bathroom: 1, 2, 3
- Study Room: Tipe Loft & Space Office
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Unfurnished, Semi Furnish, Furnishd, Fully Furnished
- Facility:
- Room
- Bedroom
- Queen Bed
- Single Bed
- AC
- TV
- Living Room
- Sofa
- Coffee Table
- TV Cabinet
- Cable TV
- Dining Table
- Dining Chair
- Desk
- Bathroom
- Toilet Bowl
- Shower
- Dustbin
- Water Heater
- Bathroom Sink
- Kitchen
- Gas Stove
- Refrigerator
- Rice Cooker
- Electric Kettle
- Water Dispenser
- Building
- Swimming Pool
- Fitness Center
- 24-Hour Security
- Access Card
- CCTV Public Area
- Elevator
- Additional Info:
- Soekarno Hatta International Airport is 22 minutes driving (22.1 km)
- Halim Perdanakusuma Airport is 24 minutes drive (18.1 km)
- Trisakti University is 10 minutes driving (4.4 km)
- BINUS Anggrek University is 12 minutes driving (4.4 km)
- Anak dan Bunda Harapan Kita Hospital is 15 minutes driving (4 km)
- Pesing Station is 9 minutes driving (3.9 km)
- Tanah Abang Station is 15 minutes by driving (6.9 km)
- Jakarta Aquarium is just 3 minutes away driving (0.8 km)
- Central Park Mall is 7 minutes walking (600 m)
- Taman Anggrek Mall is 9 minutes driving (3.5 km)
- NEO SOHO is 3 minutes driving (600 m)
- Cattleya Park is just 11 minutes driving (4.8 km)
- National Monument is 17 minutes by driving (7.2 km)
- Selling Price:
- 2BR Start From Rp. 1.800.000.000
- 2BR+ Start From Rp. 2.300.000.000
- 3BR Start From Rp. 3.500.000.000
- 3BR+ Start From Rp.
- Rental Price:
- 2BR Start From Rp. 60.000.000
- 2BR+ Start From Rp. 75.000.000
- 3BR Start From Rp. 100.000.000
- 3BR+ Start From Rp. 200.000.000
- Contact: Charles Setiawan 081283258168
- WhatsApp: 081283258168
- E-mail: