- Apartment Name: Seasons City
- Location: Jalan latumenten no 33
- Tower/Floor/View: C / 9 / Barat
- Size: 48 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
Furnish interior sebagai berikut, Kasur kamar utama, kasur kamar anak, AC 3 unit, Water Heater, kulkas, Sofa, kicenset, dll
- Facility: * Fasilitas =
- TV Cable free
- Kebersihan Lingkungan
- Security / keamanan 24 Jam
- Engenering 24 Jam
- Interkom terkoneksi (Engering, Receiptionis Loby, & Security)
- Kolam renang (Dewasa & anak-anak)
- Play Ground / taman bermain anak
- Gym / tempat fitness (free)
- Lokasi parkir Mobil dan motor Luas dengan Space Lega.
- Pemesanan kebutuhan rumah tangga (Galon, Gas LPG, makanan, dll Delivery unit)
- Lokasi Mall di bawah apartemen
- Halte Busway di depan Gedung apartemen
- Lapangan Basket
- Play Ground anak
- dan banyak lagi
- Additional Info:
- Dekat dengan Mall Seasons City (ada Carrefour, XXI dan banyak lagi)
- Dekat dengan Halte Busway TransJakarta
- Dekat dengan Stasiun Kereta Api Duri
- Dekat dengan Terminal Bus Grogol
- Dekat dengan Tol Jelambar 2
- Dekat dengan Mall Emporium Pluit, Mall Citraland, Mall Taman Anggrek & Mall Central Park
- Dekat dengan Bandara Soekarno Hatta sekitar 15-30menit
- 500 M menuju Sekolah Candra Naya
- Km menuju SMA Kristen Pancaran Berkat
- 5 Km menuju Sekolah BPK Penabur
- 3 Km menuju Universitas Trisakti & Universitas Tarumanegara
- 3 Km menuju RS Royal Taruma
- 4 Km menuju RS Atmajaya
- Rental Price: Harga belum Include Deposit dan IPL
Rp. 48.000.000,- / Tahunnya - Contact: Bagi yang berminat dapat menghubungi: “CHINDO”
- CALL : 087778321264
- Call office :021-29074105
Alamat :
Mall Seasons City Lantai GF2 Block A2 No.7-8 (UNILAND PROPERTY)
Grogol, 11320 Jakarta Barat – Indonesia
- WhatsApp: 087778321264
- E-mail: Cindowiranata@gmail.com
Sewa Apartemen Seasons City – Good Condition, Good Price (Terjangkau) – 2 BR Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Seasons City
- Location: ?Jl. Latumenten No. 33, Grogol Jakarta Barat 11320
- Tower/Floor/View: C
- Size: 33 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: 2 Bedroom, 1 bathroom with shower, AC, spring bed, kulkas & pantry, water dispenser, tabung gas, kompor tanam Modena.
- Facility: Car parking, jogging track, swimming pool, fitness center, spa, reflexology, food court
- Additional Info:
- Near Trisakti University
- Near Tarumanegara University, Podomoro University, Ukrida University
- Near busway station
- Near Ciputra Hotel
- Near Pluit Sea View
- Near Bank BCA, BRI, Mandiri, ATM Center
- Near business center
- Near KRL Duri train station
- Seasons City Mall, Cinema XXI, Ramayana, Carrefour, Starbucks, Mixue, J-Co, Yoshinoya, Hokben, Batik Center, Gemstone Center, etc.
- Rental Price: IDR 30 million per year (30 juta per tahun)
- Deposit: IDR 3 million (3 juta)
- Mau per 6 bulan? 20 juta saja
- Contact: Susanto HP. 081398150001 (WA)
- WhatsApp: 081398150001
- E-mail: susanto.yu@gmail.com
Disewakan Tahunan Apartemen Seasons City – Tipe 2+1 BR 68 m2 Full Furnished – Kawasan Strategis Dekat Keluar Masuk Tol, Grogol Jakarta Barat
- Apartment Name: Seasons City
- Location: Jl. Latumenten No. 33, Grogol, Jakarta Barat
- Tower/Floor/View: C / 29 / Swimming Pool
- Size: 68 mm2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 2
- Study Room: 1
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Sudah full furnished, unit sudah rapi dan lengkap, langsung bisa untuk tempat tinggal.
- Facility:
- Free TV Cable 112 channel
- Waterpark 1.8 Ha
- swimming pool
- Waterboom
- Jogging track
- Lapangan Basket
- Tenis Meja
- Gym
- Tersedia Charge Mobil Listrik
- Security 24/7,dll
Mall : STARBUCKS, XXI, Food Court (D’Cost, Rice Bowl, KFC, Solaria, Quantum, A&W etc),
Modern Market (Carrefour) - Additional Info:
- Lokasi strategis di depan pintu masuk tol dan keluar tol, 15 menit ke bandara, dan 10 menit ke Semanggi-Sudirman.
- Di mall menuju pusat perbelanjaan (Trade Mall Seasons City yang ada di bawah)
- Di mal ke pusat hiburan (Trade Mall Seasons City di bawah)
- Di mall ke pusat perbankan (banyak bank di area RUKO sekitar Trade Mall)
- Dekat universitas (UNTAR/Trisakti/Ukrida)
- Dekat dengan pintu tol (Grogol / Angke 1 / Angke 2 / Jembatan Tiga 1 / Jembatan Tiga 2)
- Mudah dijangkau dengan kendaraan umum, halte busway ada di depan lokasi (Halte Jembatan Besi)
- Strategic location in front of toll entrances and toll exits, 15 minutes to the airport, and 10 minutes to Semanggi-Sudirman
- Selling Price: Rp 795.000.000, Harga Nego
- Surat-surat sudah AJB dan Sertifikat Hak Milik
- Bisa Kredit KPA Melalui Bank
- Harga belum termasuk Pajak Pembeli & Biaya Notaris
- Rental Price: Rp 50.000.000, Harga Nego!!!
Untuk Type Unit Sewa Yang Lain Dapat Hubungi Saya. - Contact: Hendra
082313131308 / 083113131308
Web : hendradafitra.agent.co.id
Address : Seasons City Mall Floor GF2 Block A2 No 7 Grogol, 11320 West Jakarta Indonesia - WhatsApp: 082313131308
- E-mail: hendradafitrasc@gmail.com
Apartemen Seasons City Tipe (2BR+1), (2BR), (Studio) Full Furnish – Sewa Murah Bulan / Tahun Jakarta Barat
- Apartment Name: Seasons City
- Location: Jl. Latumenten No. 33, Grogol, West Jakarta Strategic location in front of toll entrances and toll exits, 15 minutes to the airport, and 10 minutes to Semanggi-Sudirman
- Tower/Floor/View: A, B, C, / City View & Swimming
- Size: 32 m2 / 48 m2 / 55 m2 / 65 m2 / 84 m2
- Bedroom: Studio / 2 BR / 2+1 BR / 3+1 BR
- Bathroom: 1 / 2 / 3
- Study Room: 1 / 2
- Maid Room: Only Available at Unit 2+1 & 3+1
- Maid Bathroom: Only Available at Unit 2+1 & 3+1
- Condition: Fully furnished : complete with kitchen set, AC, TV, bed, wardrobe, refrigerator, sofa, complete curtains, water heater, etc.
- Facility: Facility : Free TV Cable 112 channel
- basketball court
- Waterpark 1.8 Ha
- swimming pool
- Waterboom
- Jogging track
- Gym
- Security 24/7,dll
- Mall : STARBUCKS, XXI, Food Court (D’Cost, Rice Bowl, KFC, Solaria, Quantum, A&W etc), Modern Market (Carrefour)
- Additional Info:
- 15 minutes to airport
- At the mall to the shopping center (Trade Mall Seasons City which is below)
- At the mall to the entertainment center (Trade Mall Seasons City below)
- At the mall to the banking center (many banks in the RUKO area around Trade Mall)
- At the mall with the university (UNTAR / Trisakti / Ukrida)
- Close to the toll gate (Grogol / Angke 1 / Angke 2 / Jembatan Tiga 1 / Bridge Tiga 2)
- Easy to reach by public transportation, busway stop is in front of the location (Iron Bridge Stop)
- Rental Price:
- Studio = IDR 4,000,000 – 5,000,000 / month (Full Furnish)
- 2 BR = IDR 6,000,000 / month (Full Furnish)
- 3 BR = IDR 7,500,000 – 9,000,000 / month (Full Furnish)
- Studio = IDR 27,000,000 – 37,000,000 / YEAR (Full Furnish)
- 2 BR = IDR 43,000,000 – 50,000,000 / YEAR (Full Furnish)
- 3 BR = IDR 55,000,OOO – 65,000,000 / YEAR (Full Furnish)
- Contact: CP/WA/ : 087878780064 (XL)
- E-mail: Sgansaputra@gmail.com
Sewa Apartemen Seasons City, Type Studio / 2BR / 2BR+1 / 3BR+1, Furnished / Semi Furnished / Non Furnish, Tahunan / Bulanan, Grogol, Jakarta Barat
- Apartment Name: Seasons City
- Location: Jl. Latumenten No. 33, Grogol, West Jakarta Strategic location in front of toll entrances and toll exits, 15 minutes to the airport, and 10 minutes to Semanggi-Sudirman
- Tower/Floor/View: A, B, C, / City View & Swimming
- Size: 32 m2 / 48 m2 / 55 m2 / 65 m2 / 84 m2
- Bedroom: Studio / 2 BR / 2+1 BR / 3+1 BR
- Bathroom: 1 / 2 / 3
- Study Room: 1 / 2
- Maid Room: Only Available at Unit 2+1 & 3+1
- Maid Bathroom: Only Available at Unit 2+1 & 3+1
- Condition:
- Unfurnished : AC and kitchen set (not all units have this)
- Semi furnished : AC, wardrobe, complete curtains, water heater, etc.
- Fully furnished : Complete with kitchen set, AC, TV, bed, wardrobe, refrigerator, sofa, complete curtains, water heater, etc.
- Facility:
- Free TV Cable 112 channel
- Waterpark 1.8 Ha
- Kolam renang 3
- Waterboom
- Jogging track
- Gym
- Tenis Meja
- Lapangan Basket
- Security 24/7,dll
- Mall : STARBUCKS, XXI, Food Court (D’Cost, Rice Bowl, KFC, Solaria, Quantum, A&W etc), Modern Market (Carrefour)
- Additional Info:
- 15 menit ke airport
- Di mall menuju pusat belanja (Trade Mall Seasons City yang berada di bawah)
- Di mall menuju pusat hiburan (Trade Mall Seasons City yang berada di bawah)
- Di mall menuju pusat perbankan (banyak bank di area RUKO sekitar Trade Mall)
- Dekat dengan universitas (UNTAR / Trisakti / Ukrida/ Esa Unggul)
- Dekat dengan pintu tol (Grogol / Angke 1 / Angke 2 / Jembatan Tiga 1 /Jembatan Tiga 2)
- Mudah dicapai oleh transportasi umum, halte busway berada di depan lokasi (Halte Jembatan Besi)
- Selling Price:
- Unfurnished
- Studio : Rp 360.000.000 s.d Rp 450.000.000 (31,75 m2)
- 2 BR : Rp 580.000.000 s.d Rp 750.000.000 (48,9 m2)
- 2+1 BR : Rp 700.000.000 s.d Rp 850.000.0000 (55 m2 & 65 m2)
- 3 BR : Rp s.d Rp (83,7 m2)
- Full Furnished
- Studio : Rp 420.000.000 s.d Rp 500.000.000 (31,75 m2)
- 2 BR : Rp 600.000.000 s.d Rp 700.000.000 (48,9 m2)
- 2+1 BR : Rp 750.000.000 s.d Rp 850.0000 (55 m2 & 65 m2)
- 3 BR : Rp s.d Rp 1.300.000.000 (83.7 m2)
- Unfurnished
- Rental Price:
- Kosong / Unfurnished
- Studio (31 m2) : IDR 24.000.000 s.d. IDR 26.000.000/year
- 2 BR (48 m2) : IDR 30.000.000 s.d. IDR 35.000.000/year
- 2+1 BR (64 m2) : IDR 35.000.000 s.d. IDR 45.000.000/year
- 3+1 BR (84 m2) : IDR 48.000.000 s.d. IDR 58.000.000/year
- Full Furnished
- Bulanan
- Studio = IDR 4.000.000 – 5.000.000
- 2 BR = IDR 5.500.000 – 6.500.000
- 3 BR = IDR 7.500.000 – 9.000.000
- Tahunan
- Studio = IDR 34.000.000 – 36.000.000
- 2 BR = IDR 43.000.000 – 53.000.000
- 2+1 BR = IDR 45.000.000 – 60.000.000
- 3 BR = IDR 60.000.000 – 75.000.000
- Bulanan
- Kosong / Unfurnished
- Contact:
- Call/WA : 0877 4464 4541 (XL)
- Alamat Office : Mall Seasons City lantai GF2 Blok A2 No.7 Depan Pintu Selatan 2, Grogol Jakarta barat (TERIMA TITIP SEWA – TITIP JUAL APARTEMEN SEASONS CITY)
- WhatsApp: 087744644541
- E-mail: Jodaferozah5@gmail.com
Apartemen Seasons City Tipe (2BR+1), (2BR), (Studio) Full Furnish Sewa Murah Bulan/Tahun Jakarta Barat
- Apartment Name: Seasons City
- Location: Jl. Latumenten No. 33, Grogol, West Jakarta Strategic location in front of toll entrances and toll exits, 15 minutes to the airport, and 10 minutes to Semanggi-Sudirman
- Tower/Floor/View: A, B, C, / City View & Swimming
- Size: 32 m2 / 48 m2 / 55 m2 / 68 m2 / 84 m2
- Bedroom: Studio / 2 BR / 2+1 BR / 3+1 BR
- Bathroom: 1 / 2 / 3
- Study Room: 1 / 2
- Maid Room: Only Available at Unit 2+1 & 3+1
- Maid Bathroom: Only Available at Unit 2+1 & 3+1
- Condition: Fully furnished : complete with kitchen set, AC, TV, bed, wardrobe, refrigerator, sofa, complete curtains, water heater, etc.
- Facility: Free TV Cable 112 channel
- basketball court
- Waterpark 1.8 Ha
- swimming pool
- Waterboom
- Jogging track
- Gym
- Security 24/7,dll
- Mall : STARBUCKS, XXI, Food Court (D’Cost, Rice Bowl, KFC, Solaria, Quantum, A&W etc), Modern Market (Carrefour)
- Additional Info:
- 15 minutes to airport
- At the mall to the shopping center (Trade Mall Seasons City which is below)
- At the mall to the entertainment center (Trade Mall Seasons City below)
- At the mall to the banking center (many banks in the RUKO area around Trade Mall)
- At the mall with the university (UNTAR / Trisakti / Ukrida)
- Close to the toll gate (Grogol / Angke 1 / Angke 2 / Jembatan Tiga 1 / Bridge Tiga 2)
- Easy to reach by public transportation, busway stop is in front of the location (Iron Bridge Stop)
- Rental Price:
- Studio = IDR 4,000,000 – 5,000,000 / month (FULL FURNISH)
- 2 BR = IDR 6,000,000 / month ( FULL FURNISH)
- 3 BR = IDR 7,500,000 – 9,000,000 / month (FULL FURNISH)
- Studio = IDR 27,000,000 – 37,000,000 / YEAR (FULL FURNISH)
- 2 BR = IDR 43,000,000 – 50,000,000 / YEAR ( FULL FURNISH)
- 3 BR = IDR 55,000,OOO – 65,000,000 / YEAR (FULL FURNISH)
- Contact: Interested Contact:
CP/WA/ : 087878780064 (XL)
OFFICE : Seasons City Mall, GF2 floor Block A2 No.7 South door 2 (UNILAND PROPERTY)PT. UNILAND PROPERTY INDO
SOLUTION FOR LOOKING F - WhatsApp: 087878780064
- E-mail: Sgansaputra@gmail.com
Disewakan Apartemen Seasons City Bulanan / Tahunan – Type 2 BR Full Furnish Lantai 8, Kawasan Strategis Dekat Keluar Masuk Tol Jakarta Barat – Grogol
- Apartment Name: Seasons City
- Location: Jl. Latumenten No. 33, Grogol, West Jakarta
- Tower/Floor/View: B
- Size: 48 m2 m2
- Bedroom: 2 BR
- Bathroom: 1
- Maid Room: Only Available at Unit 2+1 & 3+1
- Maid Bathroom: Only Available at Unit 2+1 & 3+1
- Condition: Sudah Full Furnish unit sudah rapih dan lengkap langsung bisa untuk tempat tinggal.
- Facility:
- Free TV Cable 112 channel
- Waterpark 1.8 Ha
- swimming pool
- Waterboom
- Jogging track
- Lapangan Basket
- Tenis Meja
- Gym
- Tersedia Charge Mobil Listrik
- Security 24/7,dll
- Mall : STARBUCKS, XXI, Food Court (D’Cost, Rice Bowl, KFC, Solaria, Quantum, A&W etc),
- Modern Market (Carrefour)
- Additional Info:
- Lokasi strategis di depan pintu masuk tol dan keluar tol, 15 menit ke bandara, dan 10 menit ke Semanggi-Sudirman.
- Di mall menuju pusat perbelanjaan (Trade Mall Seasons City yang ada di bawah)
- Di mal ke pusat hiburan (Trade Mall Seasons City di bawah)
- Di mall ke pusat perbankan (banyak bank di area RUKO sekitar Trade Mall)
- Dekat universitas (UNTAR/Trisakti/Ukrida)
- Dekat dengan pintu tol (Grogol / Angke 1 / Angke 2 / Jembatan Tiga 1 / Jembatan Tiga 2)
- Mudah dijangkau dengan kendaraan umum, halte busway ada di depan lokasi (Halte Jembatan Besi)
- Strategic location in front of toll entrances and toll exits, 15 minutes to the airport, and 10 minutes to Semanggi-Sudirman
- Selling Price: Rp 630.000.000,- Harga Bisa Nego Sampai DEAL!!!
- 1. Surat-surat sudah AJB dan Sertifikat Hak Milik
- 2. Bisa Kredit KPA Melalui Bank
- 3. Harga belum termasuk Pajak Pembeli & Biaya Notaris
- Rental Price: Rp 43.000.000
- Contact: Hendra
082313131308 / 083113131308
Web : hendradafitra.agent.co.id
Address : Seasons City Mall Floor GF2 Block A2 No 7 Grogol, 11320 West Jakarta Indonesia
Terima Titip Jual, Titip Sewa,Cari Unit, dan Interior Design Property
Agen kantor properti profesional Dapat Membantu Anda Menemukan Property Yang Tepat - WhatsApp: 082313131308
- E-mail: hendradafitrasc@gmail.com
Sewa Apartemen Seasons City Type Studio / 2BR / 2BR+1 / 3BR+1 – Furnish / Semi Furnish / Non Furnish, Tahunan / Bulanan di Grogol Jakarta Barat
- Apartment Name: Seasons City
- Location: Jl. Latumenten No. 33, Grogol, West Jakarta Strategic location in front of toll entrances and toll exits, 15 minutes to the airport, and 10 minutes to Semanggi-Sudirman
- Tower/Floor/View: A, B, C, / City View & Swimming
- Size: 32 m2 / 48 m2 / 55 m2 / 65 m2 / 84 m2
- Bedroom: Studio / 2 BR / 2+1 BR / 3+1 BR
- Bathroom: 1 / 2 / 3
- Study Room: 1 / 2
- Maid Room: Only Available at Unit 2+1 & 3+1
- Maid Bathroom: Only Available at Unit 2+1 & 3+1
- Condition:
- Unfurnished : AC and kitchen set (not all units have this)
- Semi furnished : AC, wardrobe, complete curtains, water heater, etc.
- Fully furnished : Complete with kitchen set, AC, TV, bed, wardrobe, refrigerator, sofa, complete curtains, water heater, etc.
- Facility:
- Free TV Cable 112 channelWaterpark 1.8 Ha
- Swimming pool
- Waterboom
- Jogging track
- Gym
- Lapangan Basket
- Security 24/7,dll
- Mall : STARBUCKS, XXI, Food Court (D’Cost, Rice Bowl, KFC, Solaria, Quantum, A&W etc), Modern Market (Carrefour)
- Additional Info:
- 15 minutes to airport
- At the mall to the shopping center (Trade Mall Seasons City which is below)
- At the mall to the entertainment center (Trade Mall Seasons City below)
- At the mall to the banking center (many banks in the RUKO area around Trade Mall)
- At the mall with the university (UNTAR / Trisakti / Ukrida)
- Close to the toll gate (Grogol / Angke 1 / Angke 2 / Jembatan Tiga 1 / Bridge Tiga 2)
- Easy to reach by public transportation, busway stop is in front of the location (Iron Bridge Stop)
- Selling Price:
- Unfurnished
- Studio : Rp 360.000.000 s.d Rp 450.000.000 (31,75 m2)
- 2 BR : Rp 580.000.000 s.d Rp 750.000.000 (48,9 m2)
- 2+1 BR : Rp 700.000.000 s.d Rp 850.000.0000 (55 m2 & 65 m2)
- 3 BR : Rp s.d Rp (83,7 m2)
- Full Furnished
- Studio : Rp 420.000.000 s.d Rp 500.000.000 (31,75 m2)
- 2 BR : Rp 600.000.000 s.d Rp 700.000.000 (48,9 m2)
- 2+1 BR : Rp 750.000.000 s.d Rp 850.0000 (55 m2 & 65 m2)
- 3 BR : Rp s.d Rp 1.300.000.000 (83.7 m2)
- Unfurnished
- Rental Price:
- Kosong / Unfurnished
- Studio (31 m2) : IDR 24.000.000 s.d. IDR 26.000.000/year
- 2 BR (48 m2) : IDR 30.000.000 s.d. IDR 35.000.000/year
- 2+1 BR (64 m2) : IDR 35.000.000 s.d. IDR 45.000.000/year
- 3+1 BR (84 m2) : IDR 48.000.000 s.d. IDR 58.000.000/year
- Full Furnished
- Bulanan
- Studio = IDR 4.000.000 – 5.000.000
- 2 BR = IDR 5.500.000 – 6.500.000
- 3 BR = IDR 7.500.000 – 9.000.000
- Tahunan
- Studio = IDR 34.000.000 – 36.000.000
- 2 BR = IDR 43.000.000 – 53.000.000
- 2+1 BR = IDR 45.000.000 – 60.000.000
- 3 BR = IDR 60.000.000 – 75.000.000
- Bulanan
- Kosong / Unfurnished
- Contact: WA Hub.i JODA UNILAND
Call/WA : 0877 4464 4541 (XL)
Alamat Office : Mall Seasons City lantai GF2 Blok A2 No.7 Depan Pintu Selatan 2, Grogol Jakarta barat (TERIMA TITIP SEWA – TITIP JUAL APARTEMEN SEASONS CITY) - WhatsApp: 087744644541
- E-mail: Jodaferozah5@gmail.com
Sewa Apartemen Seasons City – Bulanan / Tahunan – Type Studio, 2 BR, 2+1 BR & 3+1 BR, Kawasan Strategis, Jakarta Barat
- Apartment Name: Season City
- Location: Jl. Latumenten No. 33, Grogol, Jakarta Barat Lokasi strategis depan pintu masuk Tol dan keluar Tol, 15 menit ke Airport, dan 10 menit ke Semanggi-Sudirman.
- Tower/Floor/View: A, B, C, / City View & Swimming
- Size: 32 m2 / 48 m2 / 55 m2 / 65 m2 / 84 m2
- Bedroom: Studio / 2 BR / 2+1 BR / 3+1 BR
- Bathroom: 1 / 2 / 3
- Study Room: 1 / 2
- Maid Room: Only Available at Unit 2+1 & 3+1
- Maid Bathroom: Only Available at Unit 2+1 & 3+1
- Condition:
- Unfurnished. : AC dan kitchen set (tidak semua unit memliki ini)
- Semi furnished: AC,lemari, hordeng lengkap, water heater , Dll.
- Full furnished. : lengkap dengan kitchen set, AC, TV, ranjang, lemari, kulkas, sofa, hordeng lengkap, water heater, dll.
- Facility:
- Free TV Cable 112 channel
- Waterpark 1.8 Ha
- Kolam renang 3
- Waterboom
- Jogging track
- Gym
- Tenis Meja
- Lapangan Basket
- Security 24/7,dll
Mall : STARBUCKS, XXI, Food Court (D’Cost, Rice Bowl, KFC, Solaria, Quantum, A&W etc), Modern Market (Carrefour)
- Additional Info:
- 15 menit ke airport
- Di mall menuju pusat belanja (Trade Mall Seasons City yang berada di bawah)
- Di mall menuju pusat hiburan (Trade Mall Seasons City yang berada di bawah)
- Di mall menuju pusat perbankan (banyak bank di area RUKO sekitar Trade Mall)
- Dekat dengan universitas (UNTAR / Trisakti / Ukrida/ Esa Unggul)
- Dekat dengan pintu tol (Grogol / Angke 1 / Angke 2 / Jembatan Tiga 1 /Jembatan Tiga 2)
- Mudah dicapai oleh transportasi umum, halte busway berada di depan lokasi (Halte Jembatan Besi)
- Selling Price:
- Unfurnished :
Studio: Rp 390.000.000 s.d Rp 450.000.000 (31.75 m2)2 BR: Rp 550.000.000 s.d Rp 630.000.000 (48.9 m2)2+1 BR: Rp 750.000.000 s.d Rp 800.000.0000 (55m2 & 65m2)3 BR: Rp 950.000.000 s.d Rp (83.7 m2)
Full furnished :Studio : Rp 450.000.0002 BR : Rp 630.000.000 s.d Rp 650.000.000 (48.9 m2)2+1 BR : Rp 750.000.000 s.d Rp 830.000.000 (55m2 & 65m2)3 BR : Rp 950.000.000 s.d 1.5 MILYAR (83.7 m2)
- Unfurnished :
- Rental Price:
- Unfurnished :
Studio (31 m2): Rp 25.000.000 s.d 27.000.000/tahun2 BR (48 m2) : Rp 30.000.000 s.d 35.000.000/tahun2+1 BR (64 m2): Rp 38.000.000 s.d 45.000.000/tahun3+1 BR (84 m2): Rp 45.000.000 s.d 55.000.000/tahun
Fully Furnished :Studio:Rp 4.000.000 s.d Rp 5.000.000/bulanRp 29.000.000 s.d 37.000.000/tahun2 & 2+1 BR:Rp 5.500.000 s.d 7.000.000/bulanRp 45.000.000 s.d 58.000.000/tahun
3+1 BR:
Rp 60.000.000 s.d 80.000.000/tahun
- Unfurnished :
- Contact: Hendra
- HP : 082313131308 / 083113131308
- Whastaap : 082313131308
- Web : hendradafitra.agent.co.id
- Alamat : Mall Seasons City Lantai GF2 Block A
- WhatsApp: 082313131308
- E-mail: hendradafitrasc@gmail.com
Sewa Apartemen Seasons City Type Studio / 2BR / 2BR+1 / 3BR+1 Furnish / Semi Furnish / Non Furnish Tahunan / Bulanan – Grogol Jakarta Barat
- Apartment Name: Seasons City
- Location: Jl. Latumenten No. 33, Grogol, West Jakarta Strategic location in front of toll entrances and toll exits, 15 minutes to the airport, and 10 minutes to Semanggi-Sudirman
- Tower/Floor/View: A, B, C, / City View & Swimming
- Size: 32 m2 / 48 m2 / 55 m2 / 65 m2 / 84 m2
- Bedroom: Studio / 2 BR / 2+1 BR / 3+1 BR
- Bathroom: 1 / 2 / 3
- Study Room: 1 / 2
- Maid Room: Only Available at Unit 2+1 & 3+1
- Maid Bathroom: Only Available at Unit 2+1 & 3+1
- Condition:
- Unfurnished : AC and kitchen set (not all units have this)
- Semi furnished : AC, wardrobe, complete curtains, water heater, etc.
- Fully furnished : complete with kitchen set, AC, TV, bed, wardrobe, refrigerator, sofa, complete curtains, water heater, etc.
- Facility:
- Free TV Cable 112 channel
- basketball court
- Waterpark 1.8 Ha
- swimming pool
- Waterboom
- Jogging track
- Gym
- Security 24/7,dll
- Mall : STARBUCKS, XXI, Food Court (D’Cost, Rice Bowl, KFC, Solaria, Quantum, A&W etc), Modern Market (Carrefour)
- Additional Info:
- 15 minutes to airport
- At the mall to the shopping center (Trade Mall Seasons City which is below)
- At the mall to the entertainment center (Trade Mall Seasons City below)
- At the mall to the banking center (many banks in the RUKO area around Trade Mall)
- At the mall with the university (UNTAR / Trisakti / Ukrida)
- Close to the toll gate (Grogol / Angke 1 / Angke 2 / Jembatan Tiga 1 / Bridge Tiga 2)
- Easy to reach by public transportation, busway stop is in front of the location (Iron Bridge Stop)
- Rental Price:
- Monthly
Studio = IDR 4,500,000 – 5,000,000 / month (FULL FURNISH)
2 BR = IDR 6,000,000 – 7,000,000 / month ( FULL FURNISH)
3 BR = IDR 7,500,000 – 9,000,000 / month (FULL FURNISH) - Yearly
Studio = IDR 34,000,000 – 38,000,000
2 BR = IDR 43,000,000 – 50,000,000
2+1 BR = IDR 55,000,000 – 65,000,000
3 BR = IDR 70,000,000 – 85,000,000
- Monthly
- Contact: Interested Contact:
CP/WA/ : 087778321264 (XL)
OFFICE : Seasons City Mall, GF2 floor Block A2 No.7 South door 2 (UNILAND PROPERTY)PT. UNILAND PROPERTY INDO SOLUTION FOR LOOKING FOR PROPERTY - WhatsApp: 087778321264
- E-mail: cindowiranata@gmail.com