- Apartment Name: Serpong Garden
- Location: Jl. Raya Cisauk – Lapan No.1 – 5, Cibogo, Cisauk, Tangerang
- Tower/Floor/View: Bellerosa / #BE1215 / view Pool
- Size: 36 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Unfurnished
- Facility: Digital Door Lock with Anti-panic, Face Recognition 24-Hour CCTV, Smart Home Ready, High Speed Fiber Optic Connectivity, Civic Center, Post Office, Health Clinic, Laundry, Mushola, Swimming Pool, Mini Amphitheater, Jogging Track, Fitness Center, BBQ Area, 45o Tower, Rooftop, Floating Cubical, Zen Garden, Recreational Lake, Lake Plaza, Circular Bridge, Onsen Bath, Reflexology Path, Yoga Park, Playground, Foodcourt, Function Hall, Shopping Arcade
- Additional Info:
- Strategic area
Serpong Garden Apartment berada di lokasi yang strategis di antara kawasan BSD City, Serpong, Bintaro dan terintegrasi langsung dengan Stasiun Cisauk. Lokasi Serpong Garden Apartment juga dekat ke berbagai tempat seperti:- 5 menit ke Pasar Modern Intermoda
- 5 menit ke Universitas Atma Jaya
- 5 menit ke AEON Mall
- 5 menit ke Universitas Prasetya Mulya
- 15 menit ke Bintaro Xchange Mall
- 40 menit ke Tanah Abang via Commuterline
- Strategic area
- Selling Price: Negotiable
- Rental Price:
- Rp 4.000.000/bulan
- Rp 42.000.000/tahun
- Contact: 087771837275
- WhatsApp: 087771837275
- E-mail: Jakartaprop007@gmail.com
Disewakan Apartemen M-Town Gading Serpong – Bisa Jalan Kaki ke SMS – Tower Avery, Studio 47 m2 Fully Furnished
- Apartment Name: M-Town Residence
- Location: Jl. Gading Serpong Boulevard, Pakulonan Barat, Kelapa Dua, Tangerang, Banten 15810
- Tower/Floor/View: Avery/10/SMS (Summarecon Mall Serpong)
- Size: 47 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully furnished
- Facility:
- Main pavilion & lounge for reception
- Kolam renang dewasa
- Kolam renang anak
- Yoga platform
- Outdoor fitness
- Jogging track
- Reflexology path
- Taman bermain anak
- Multi purpose room
- Laundry
- Keamanan 24 jam dengan CCTV
- Pengelolaan gedung oleh Summerville Property Management
- Additional Info:
- Tata Tertib Penyewa Apartemen Kami:
- Tidak melakukan dan/atau mempunyai pekerjaan yang melanggar hukum negara RI seperti memakai dan/atau mengedarkan narkoba, pekerjaan prostitusi dll.
- Bagi WNA wajib menunjukkan KITAS. (For foreigners must show original Temporary Resident Permit Letter).
- Tidak melakukan perbuatan asusila :
- Bagi pasangan suami-istri wajib menunjukan KTP masing-masing dan Surat Nikah atau Kartu Keluarga.
- Tidak menerima tamu lawan jenis yang bukan pasangan pernikahan sah menurut Agama masing-masing dan bukan pula keluarga (muhrim) untuk berduaan di dalam unit.
- Tidak mengkonsumsi obat-obat terlarang / narkotika.
- Tidak menyimpan dan meminum minuman memabokkan di dalam unit.
- Tidak merokok di dalam unit dalam keadaan AC nyala dan/atau ruangan tertutup.
- Tidak membawa binatang peliharaan.
- Tidak menggunakan unit sebagai tempat permufakatan jahat.
- Tidak menyewakan unit kepada pihak lain.
- Kami hanya melayani calon Penyewa yang menyukai Lingkungan Sosial yang Baik sehingga bersedia memenuhi Tata Tertib ini.
- Jika anda memiliki unit Apartemen di M-Town silakan hubungi kami ! Banyak calon penyewa yang mengunjungi iklan kami seperti Anda berkunjung saat ini, terima kasih.
Tercepat Menyewakan dengan Harga Sewa Terjangkau - Area Strategis:?Serpong M-Town berada tepat di seberang pusat perbelanjaan Summarecon Mal Serpong (SMS), dan terletak di jalan utama kawasan Gading Serpong. Sebuah ?Sky Bridge? menjadi koridor yang menghubungkan penghuni dengan SMS, mal terbesar di kawasan ini. Jaraknya sangat dekat dengan direct access tol dan berbagai.
- Fasilitas penunjang aktifitas seperti:Summarecon Mal Serpong
- Retail Arcade
- Pasar Modern Sinpasa
- Gading Raya Golf Course
- General Hospital
- TK Pahoa, BPK Penabur, Tunas Bangsa, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara
- Hotel
- Perbankan
- Showroom Otomotif
- Commercial District
- Scientia Business Park
- Dan lain-lain
- Tata Tertib Penyewa Apartemen Kami:
- Rental Price: Harga Tahunan Rp 57.000.000, juga tersedia berbagai type unit lain sbb :
- Studio Unfurnished, luas 24 m2, sewa Rp 17 juta/tahun
- Studio Furnished, luas 24 m2, sewa Rp 30 juta/tahun
- 2 BR Unfurnished, Luas 46 m2, sewa Rp 33?juta/tahun
- 1 BR Fully Furnished, Luas 35 m2, sewa Rp 42 juta/tahun
- Contact: Booking sekarang juga! Whatsapp atau telepon:
- Henri 081310963617
- www.ini-apartemen.agent.co.id
- WhatsApp: 081310963617
- E-mail: henrisontisa@gmail.com
Disewakan Apartemen Akasa Pure Living BSD City Tangerang Selatan – Tower Kirana Tipe Studio Unfurnished + AC
- Apartment Name: Akasa Pure Living
- Location: BSD City Jalan Raya Astek Lengkong Gudang Timur No.3, Lengkong Gudang Timur, Serpong, Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15310
- Tower/Floor/View: Kirana / 3 / Pool
- Size: 18 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Unfurnished + AC
- Facility:
- Swimming Pool
- Fitness Center
- 24-Hour Security
- Access Card
- CCTV In Public Area
- Elevator
- Jogging Track
- Green Park
- Thematic Park
- Playground
- BBQ Area
- Retail Shop (Convenience Store, Laundry)
- Additional Info:
- Transportation:
- 10 minutes to Train Station (Rawa Buntu & Sudimara Station)
- Toll JORR (Jakarta Outer Ring Road)
- 10 minutes to Airport Shuttle bus (Via Intermark building Pick up Point)
- 10 minutes to Transjakarta Bus (Via Teras Kota mallPick Up Point)
- Offices / Perkantoran:
- Telkom Graha BSD (4,2 km)
- Wisma BCA BSD City dan BRI (5 km)
- PT. Tekom Sigma (5 km)
- Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama Serpong (5 km)
- Graha Unilever (5,5 km)
- BSD Green Office Park 6 (5,5 km)
- Traditional market / Supermarket / Mall:
- Pasar Modern BSD (2,5 km)ITC BSD (4 km)
- BSD Plaza (4,1 km)
- Giant BSD (4,5 km)
- Teras Kota Mall (4., km)
- Aeon Mall (6,5 km)
- Bintaro Xchange Mall (10,9 km)
- Ocean Park BSD Serpong (4,5 km)
- Hospitals (RS):
- Rumah Indonesia Sehat (> 1 km)
- RS Bunda Delima (2,5 km )
- RS Medika BSD (3,4 km)
- Eka Hospital (4 km), etc.
- School / Sekolah:
- Santa Ursula School (1 km)
- Islamic School Al Azhar BSD (4 km)
- Sinar Mas Academy (5 km)
- Prasetya Mulya University – Campus BSD (6,5 km)
- Atmajaya University – Campus BSD (8 km)
- MultiMedia Nusantara University (8,6 km), etc.
- Transportation:
- Rental Price:
- Yearly Rp 16 juta
- Monthly Rp 1.5 juta
- 3 Months Rp 4.2 juta
- 6 Months Rp 8 juta
- Exclude maintenance fee
- Contact: Monica (Owner) 081294555606
- WhatsApp: 081294555606
- E-mail: monica68pm@gmail.com
Disewakan Apartemen Akasa Pure Living BSD City Tangerang Selatan – Tipe Studio Fully Furnished – Pemilik Pertama
- Apartment Name: Akasa Pure Living
- Location: BSD City, Tangerang Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Kalyana/29/Mountain View
- Size: 22,86 m2
- Bedroom: Studio (Queen)
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Baru dan Terjangkau (Pemilik Pertama)
- Fully furnished
- Security 24 hours, 2200 Watt (Token), PAM
- Facility:
- Unit Facilities:
1. Air Conditioner
2. Kitchen Set
3. Kasur Queen Size (include: bed cover, 2 bantal, 2 guling)
4. Lemari Pakaian
5. Kompor Gas
6. Electric Kettle
7. Peralatan Makan
8. Meja Kerja & Kursi
9. Meja Rice Cooker
10. Pompa Galon Elektrik
11. Kulkas / TV (by request before move in)
12. Bathroom with Shower
13. Handuk
14. Balkon (Mountain View)
15. Curtain
16. Dust Bin
17. Peralatan Kebersihan
18. Access Card
19. Access to Sky Garden - Building Facilities:
– Swimming Pool
– Fitness Center
– Sky Garden
– Hydroponic Garden (Communal)
– 24-Hour Security
– Access Card
– CCTV In Public Area
– Elevator
– Jogging Track
– Playground
– Retail Shops (laundry, small cafe, convenience store)
– Indoor & Outdoor Parking
Developed by Sinarmas Land, the apartment is equipped with various facilities. Enjoy direct access to a semi-private sky garden just one floor above (via elevator). The gym, garden, and swimming pool are opened for all residents. You can also enjoy a beautiful sunset from the swimming pool area.
- Unit Facilities:
- Additional Info: The apartment is situated in a strategic location.
- Transportation:
– Gojek & Grabcar are easily available (5 mins to pool)
– Train Station: Rawa Buntu & Sudimara (10 mins)
– Toll JORR (Jakarta Outer Ring Road)
– Airport Shuttle bus (10 mins)
– Transjakarta Bus at Teras Kota Mall (10 mins)
- Market/Mall:
– Pasar Modern BSD (2,5 km)
– Giant BSD (4,5 km)
– Teras Kota (4,5 km)
– AEON Mall (6,5 km)
– The Breeze BSD (6.6km)
– Q-Big Shopping Area (9,5 km)
– Bintaro Xchange Mall (10,9 km)
– IKEA (15 km)
– Summarecon Mall Serpong (15 km)
– ITC BSD & BSD Plaza(4 km) - Hospitals (RS):
– Rumah Indonesia Sehat (> 1 km)
– RS Bunda Delima (2,5 km )
– RS Medika BSD (3,4 km)
– Eka Hospital (4 km), etc. - Office
– Graha Unilever (5,5 km)
– BSD Green Office Park 6 (5,5 km)
– Telkom Grha BSD (4,2 km)
– PT. Telkom Sigma (5 km)
– Wisma BCA BSD City dan BRI (5 km)
– Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama Serpong (5 km) - School / Universities:
– Santa Ursula School (1 km)
– Prasetya Mulya University – Campus BSD (6.5 km)
– Islamic School Al Azhar BSD (4 km)
– Sinar Mas Academy (5 km)
– Atmajaya University – Campus BSD (8 km)
– MultiMedia Nusantara University (8,6 km), etc. - Recreational
– Taman Kota BSD
– Ocean Park BSD (4,5 km)
Akasa Pure Living Apartment has immediate connectivity to the BSD City – Pondok Indah toll road. It is surrounded by business areas, shopping centers, educational and recreational facilities. You can get Gojek or Grab (online-based transportation) easily to explore BSD City and everywhere else.
Foods are also very easy to find. Gofood and GrabFood will be 24 hrs available. Or you can simply cook your own meals as we provide basic cooking needs & dining-wares just for you.
- Transportation:
- Rental Price:
- Per 1 Month: Rp 2.750.000 / Month
- Per 3-6 Months: Rp 2.550.000 / Month
- Per Year: Rp 2.450.000 / Month
*Sewa belum termasuk IPL, listrik, air, parkir, dan internet (if added later)
- Contact: 081906186868 (Lia – by WhatsApp)
- WhatsApp: 081906186868
- E-mail: hello.queliving@gmail.com
Disewakan Apartemen Serpong Greenview (SGV) – Studio Furnished di BSD Tangerang Selatan
- Apartment Name: Serpong Greenview
- Location: Lengkong Gudang Timur Raya No.3, East Lengkong Gudang, Serpong, Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15310
- Tower/Floor/View: C/17/view City
- Size: 21.5 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Furnished
- Facility:
- Swimming pool (kids and general) (2th floor)
- Playground (2th floor)
- Gym
- Access card and mailbox
- Free-WiFi
- Security 24-hours
- Parking (lobby and basement)
- Mini Market
- City walk (food court)
- Laundry
- ATM Centre
- Additional Info: near to:
- Hospital : Eka Hospital, RS Medika, RS THT Proklamasi, RIS Hospital, RS Mitra
- Education center: Prasetiya Mulya, Atma Jaya, IULI, SWA, Nanyang School, Binus, BSI, Al-Azhar, St. Ursula, Purwadhika, Saint John, IPEKA, Deutsche Schule.
- Public space: Indonesia Convention Exhibition (ICE), Ocean Park, Damai Indah Golf, Taman Kota. Hotel Santika Premiere, Hotel Mercure, Grand Zuri, etc.
- Transportasi: Feeder Bus BSD City, Trans Jakarta, Shuttle BSD City, Rawa Buntu Train Station, Cisauk Train Station, Public Transportation.
- Rental Price: Rp. 2.200.000/month(untuk jangka waktu lama)
- Contact: +62 878-7708-3439 (Agus)
Disewakan Apartemen Midtown / M Town Summarecon Gading Serpong – Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Midtown/Mtown Residence
- Location: Jl. Gading Serpong Boulevard, Pakulonan Bar., Kec. Klp. Dua, Tangerang, Banten 15810
- Tower/Floor/View: Carmel/23/City
- Size: – m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full furnished
- AC
- Springbed
- TV
- Kitchen set
- Water heater
- Kursi
- Meja
- Lemari
- Dll.
- Facility:
- Kolam renang olympic size
- Jogging track
- Taman
- Additional Info: Lokasi dekat dengan :
1. Summarecon Mall Serpong
2. Universitas Matana, Pradita, Esa Unggul, UMN (Universitas Multimedia Nusantara)
3. Pintu tol serpong
4. Rs Carolus
5. Alam Sutera & BSD - Rental Price:
- Rp 33.000.000 / tahun
- Harga sewa belum termasuk : Maintenance, listrik dan air
- Contact: 081214000773
- WhatsApp: 081214000773
Sewa Apartemen Serpong M-Town Residences Tangerang – Studio Unfurnished
- Apartment Name: M-Town Residences
- Location: Gading Serpong – Tangerang
- Tower/Floor/View: Avery, Franklin, Bryant, Ellis / Lantai Atas – Tengah
- Size: 24 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Unfurnished
- Facility:
- Security 24 jam
- Swimming Pool
- Swimming Pool For Kids
- Parking lot
- Mineral Water delivery
- Laundry
- Reflexology Path
- Jogging Track
- Multi Purpose Room
- Yoga Platform
- Outdoor Fitness
- Skybridge to Summarecon Mall Serpong
- Additional Info:
- Lokasi Strategis,
- Dekat education center, seperti Pahoa, Multimedia Nusantara University (Universitas Multimedia Nusantara)
- Shopping center: Summarecon Mall Serpong
- Dekat Rumah Sakit Carolus dan Bethsaida
- Proyek Apartemen Terbaru di Gading Serpong
- ada jembatan ke mall
- Rental Price: Rp 19.000.000 nego
- Contact: 087879350888
- WhatsApp: 087879350888
Disewakan Apartemen Sky View Serpong – Full Furnished 21 m2 Type Studio
- Apartment Name: Sky View
- Location: Jl. Lengkong Gudang Timur, Serpong, Lengkong Gudang Timur, Serpong, Lengkong Gudang Tim., Serpong, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15311
- Tower/Floor/View: Sky/9/City
- Size: 21 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Unit SkyView Apartment bertipe Studio ini sudah dalam kondisi fully furnished. Diseluruh ruangannya, sudah dilengkapi dengan beragam fasilitas dan perlengkapan rumah tangga yang bisa Anda gunakan, seperti listrik dengan kapasitas kwh yang besar, TV dan AC.
- Facility:
- Apartemen SkyView Serpong dilengkapi dengan fasilitas lengkap seperti kolam renang, tempat ibadah, ruang serbaguna, shophouse, restoran, klinik, parkir kendaraan, dan sistem keamanan 24 jam.
- Apartemen SkyView @ BSD City merupakan apartemen pertama yang dibangun di kota satelit Bumi Serpong Damai (BSD). Apartemen ini berlokasi dekat dengan Auto Part BSD dan Pasar Modern BSD. Selain itu, dari apartemen SkyView, penghuni bisa dengan mudah menjangkau pusat keramaian di BSD seperti The Breeze, AEON Mall, serta Summarecon Mall Serpong.
- Bagusnya lagi, untuk menjangkau landmark di BSD seperti ICE (International Convention Exchange) dan BSD Green Office Park penghuni apartemen SkyView hanya butuh waktu 15 menit saja.
- Additional Info:
- Ketersediaan sangat terbatas, siapa cepat dia dapat.
- Bisa bayar per bulan (minimal kontrak 6 – 12 bulan)
- Segera book sebelum keduluan orang lain!
- Rental Price:
- Rp 23,500,000/12 bulan
- Rp 15,000,000/6 bulan
- Contact: 08111475360 Iyan
- WhatsApp: 08111475360
Sewa / Jual Apartment B Residence BSD City – Studio Brand New Fully Furnished, Dekat Prasetya Mulya, ICE & AEON Mall
- Apartment Name: B Residence?
- Location: BSD, Tangerang, Banten
- Tower/Floor/View: Lotus/36/Aeon Mall BSD City
- Size: 23.85 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Brand new & fully furnished
- Facility:
- Room Facility:
- Wi-Fi
- Queen Bed
- Smart TV Samsung 32″
- AC Sharp 1 PK
- Wardrobe
- Refrigerator
- Kitchen Set
- Dressing Table
- Smart Room Locks with Access Card
- Extra Space for reading/hobby
- Water Heater
- Building Facility:
- Gym
- Yoga Deck
- Hobby Room
- Pool & Lounge
- Rooftop Garden
- Food Court Centrum
- Laundry
- Mini Market
- Coffee Shop & Resto
- ATM Centre
- 24-hours security CCT
- 6 Floor Parking Area
- Shuttle Bus
- Room Facility:
- Additional Info:
- Walking Distance to Prasetya Mulia Business School (300m)
- Walking Distance to AEON Mall (500m)
- Walking Distance to ICE BSD (750m)
- BSD Shuttle Bus Stop
- Facing Future Development IULI University (International Liaison University Indonesia)
- 1 Minute drive to Foresta Business School & Froggy Edutography Floating Castle BSD
- 5 Minutes drive to Nanyang International School
- 5 Minutes drive to IPEKA International School
- 5 Minutes drive to Q BIG Super Store (Ace Hardware, Informa, Lulu Dept. Store, FAMOGAL, Truly Premium Outlet)
- 5 Minutes drive to Atmajaya University
- 10 Minutes drive to Sinarmas World Academy
- 10 Minutes drive to Train Station Rawa Buntu
- 10 Minutes drive to Train Station Cisauk
- 10 Minutes drive to Tol Gate BSD
- Access New Toll Gate on progress
- Selling Price:
- Rp 800.000.000 (negotiable)
- Rental Price:
- Rp 42.000.000/year
- Contact: Idham: 085242516191
- WhatsApp: 085242516191
- E-mail: risdamcounsl@gmail.com
Sewa Apartemen M Town Residences Gading Serpong – Studio di Tangerang Selatan
- Apartment Name: M-Town Residence – Tower Carmel
- Location: Seberang Summarecon Mall Serpong, Tangerang
- Tower/Floor/View: Carmel/05
- Size: 24.58 m2
- Bedroom:
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full furnished
- Spring Bed 160 x 200 (SIMMONS)
- Smart TV 43″
- Kitchen set (termasuk sendok, garpu, piring, mangkuk, gelas, panci)
- Meja belajar
- Kulkas mini
- Gorden
- AC
- Lemari baju
- Facility:
- Premium floor at M Town (5th floor)
- Selantai dengan Taman dan Fasilitas Apartemen (tanpa harus naik turun lift)
- Skybridge to Mall
- Additional Info: –
- Rental Price:
- Rp 30.000.000 / tahun
- Rp 18.000.000 / 6 bulan
- Rp 10.000.000 / 3 bulan
- Rp 4.000.000 / bulan
- Contact: Vera (081905058165)
- WhatsApp: 081905058165
- E-mail: tonny.wijaya@yahoo.com