Terletak di lantai rendah, unit Signature Park Grande yang satu ini bisa Anda jadikan pilihan yang smart. Menghadap ke City dengan kondisi fully furnished dilengkapi dengan ac, dapur, dining set, kulkas, tempat tidur, dan tv. Di bagian kamar sudah dilengkapi dengan tempat tidur dan perlengkapannya. Sedangkan di bagian kitchen sudah disediakan dapur. Bagusnya lagi, di unit ini sudah terpasang listrik dengan kapasitas yang ukurannya pas dengan kebutuhan elektronik yang tersedia di unit ini, jadi Anda tidak perlu takut mati lampu karena kekurangan daya. Unit SGPA021
Facility: Apartemen Signature Park Grande menawarkan beragam fasilitas untuk memudahkan dan memenuhi kebutuhan penghuninya, mulai dari BBQ Area, taman bermain anak, gym, jacuzzi, lounge, kolam renang, ruang serbaguna, dan banyak lagi.
Parkir Luas 4 Lantai di Atas Mall & 2 Lantai Basement
Swimming pool Setiap Twer
Fitness Center
Children Playground
Jogging track
Mall Bassura City dan Super Indo
Kios makanan
Mini Market
Keamanan 24 jam
Additional Info:
Dekat dengan akses Tol Dalam Kota, Becak Kayu.
Memiliki shuttle bus langsung dari/ke Bandara Soekarno Hatta – Bassura City.
Dekat dari Airport Halim PK, Mega Kuningan, Sudirman dan Stasiun KA.
Dikelilingi Universitas MPU Tantular, STMT Trisakti, STIE Nusantara, RS Duren Sawit, RS Premier Jatinegara, RSIA Hermina Jatinegara
Bassura City satu-satunya apartemen di Jakarta Timur yang bersinggungan dengan Jakarta Selatan.
Ade Properti EX MARKETING BASSURA, mengelola banyak unit di Bassura City untuk disewakan dan dijual. Spesialis Bassura City.
Kami berkantor di TOWER FLAMBOYAN CD 06, apartemen Bassura City yang tentunya dapat memberikan pelayanan maksimal kepada semua tenant dan customer Ade Properti.
Kami juga mengerjakan fitting out unit dan renovasi. Menerima titip jual unit dan properti lain tanpa syarat khusus (PEMASANGAN INTERIOR APARTEMEN, PERUMAHAN, PERKANTORAN)
Kami melayani service interior khusus unitnya yang sedang di kelola oleh Ade properti Interior.
Selling Price:
STUDIO UnFurnished Lt.Rendah Tower Terbaru Rp 300 juta (SHM)
3 BR Unfurnished Rp 625 Juta (PPJB)
2 BR Furnished Atas Mall Lantai 12 Rp.540 juta (SHM)
2 BR Furnised Tower G Lt. Rendah Rp. 425 (SHM)
2 BR Unfurnished Tower C Rp. 480 Juta (PPJB)
2 BR Unfurnished Tower D LT. RENDAH Rp 480 Juta (PPJB)
2 BR Unfurnished Tower G Rp 395 Juta (PPJB)
Pembayaran Cash Keras NON KPA
PPJB : Harga Termasuk Biaya pajak, Balik Nama PPJB, Notaris.
AJB : Biaya Pajak Masing-masing & Notaris Bagi 2
Rental Price:
Type 2 BR Furnished : Di Tower A Harga Sewa Rp.22 juta / 6 bulan – Rp. 37 juta / tahun (WATERHEATER)
Type 2 BR Furnished : Di Tower C Lt. 12. Rp 25 juta / 6 BLn- Rp 40 Juta / tahun (waterHeater)
Type 2 BR Unfurnished : Di Tower A : Rp.15 juta / 6 Bulan – Rp 28 juta / Tahun
Studio Furnished Atas Mall :Rp 10,3 juta /3 Bulan – Rp 32 juta / Tahun
Studio Unfurnished Rp 2.6 juta / bulan – Rp 22 juta / Tahun. ( Bisa Bayar Bulanan )
3 BR Unfurnished Rp 35 juta / Tahun
3 BR Furnished Rp 6,5 juta /Bulan – Rp 65 juta / tahun
2 BR Unfurnished Rp 15 juta / 6 Bulan – Rp 27 juta / tahun
Silakan Hubungi Marketing Kami Untuk Cek Unit Murah Yang Lain Nya.
Tifolia Apartment is located at the heart of Kelapa gading prestigious area and Pulomas area, Jakarta Greater city.
Public transportation becomes extremely easy for us to reach due to the fact that it is surrounded by Transjakarta busway (just right in front of your home passed by Transjakarta Corridor 2 Pulogadung-Harmoni, Corridor 2-3 Kalideres-Pulo gadung, and Corridor 2-1 Pulo gadung- Bundaran Senayan) and Light Rapid Transit LRT (just right beside your home) that will help you to travel easier, cheaper and more efficient which, in turn, may help you to save your money by using public transportation which just located in front and beside of your home, so enjoy.
However, using your own car/ motorcycle can also be incredibly easy since it is near to city toll gate, and located between Boulevard Kelapa Gading road (Kelapa gading main road) and Perintis kemerdekaan Road.
In addition for the one who like shopping, your home also offers you lots of places to go from shops to high end mall, for instance: Mall Kelapa Gading, Mall Of Indonesia, Bella Terra Mall, Mall Artha Gading, Carrefour, ITC Cempaka Mas, Hospitals, Hotels, National and International schools, Kwik Kian Gie University, ASMI University and and many more.
You will also find Jakarta best culinary place in the city at Boulevard kelapa gading and Mall kelapa gading.
You will get the best view from our unit, since the unit is located on the 10th floor.
Only last 2 unit available on the 10th Floor which available for rent from us, and it is newly Painted Unit and Really Clean. I firmly believe you and your family will love to stay at The Apartment.
Location: Jl D.I Panjaitan Kav 3-4 Cawang UKI Jakarta Timur
Tower/Floor/View: a & b/ 5 up to 22/ nice pool & city view
Size: 31 up to 38 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Strategic location for residence & investment
Facility: swimming pool, ATM, minimarket, starbucks, resto, cafe wiki2 wok at floor 2, KFC, laundry, century, security 24 jam, parking 3 basemant, etc..
Additional Info:
Apartment Strategic Location Near to: office area (Jalan MT Haryono & DI Panjaitan), Carrefour, TIS Square, Universities UKI.etc..
Easy access: 20 minute to or from Halim Perdana Kusumah Airport, adjacent to 4 Toll roads (inner ring road, outer ring road, Jagorawi, Cikampek-Bandung) & close to busway shelter (right in front of the apartment).etc..
Selling Price: Rp 700 up to 850.000.000,-
Rental Price: Rp 4.500.000,- s/d 6.000.000,- inclued IPL
Contact: Info please whatsApp / Call me : 081213727086
Location: Jln. Letjen Mt Haryono Kav 20 Rt 04 Rw 01 Cawang – Kramat Jati Jakarta Timur
Tower/Floor/View: Green Signature Tower D Floor 3 / view Taman Dan Kolam Renang
Size: 25.96 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Bagus Terawat, Full Furnished
Kulkas sharp
Ac sharp
Water heater
Kompor tanam
Tv toshiba
King size bed plus storage dibawahnya
2 akses card (biasanya 1)
Kitchen set plus peralatan masak
Facility: 2 swimming pool, Jacuzzi, GYM, 100 m to LRT and Trans bus station, Hospital PON, easy acces to Mt Haryono or Dewi sartika street
Additional Info: –
Rental Price: Rp 4.500.000 per bulan. Minimal sewa 6 bulan pembayaran di depan Termasuk IPL Tidak termasuk token listrik, air, parkir dan biaya bulanan lainnya
Condition: Full Furnished / Semi Furnished / Unfurnished
Parking Area
In Front of The Busway Shelter & LRT
Swimming Pool
Access Card
Additional Info: Located in a strategic location near Kelapa Gading area. In front there is Busway Shelter and LRT. Very close to toll gate. Very easy to find shopping Mall such as Bella Terra, Kelapa Gading Mall, Mall of Indonesia, Artha Gading Mall. Near 2 Big Hospital, Omni Medical Center and Columbia Asia. View to Asean Games Arena from the window.