Location: Jl. Bek Murad No. 42 Setiabudi, Jakarta Selatan 12940
Tower/Floor/View: 16
Size: 29 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Furnished. Lengkap dengan peralatan elektronik (AC, microwave, water heater, dispenser, kulkas)
Keamanan 24 jam
Kolam renang
Parkir Basement
Additional Info:
Lokasi sangat strategis bisa berjalan kaki ke Central Kawasan Bisnis Sudirman dan Casablanca Kuningan (Wisma Metropolitan, WTC, HSBC, BCA dan Sampoerna Strategic Square).
Dekat dengan Stasiun MRT Bendungan Hilir, halte Busway Karet (Transjakarta)
Dekat dengan pusat perbelanjaan (ITC Kuningan, Mall Ambassador, Kuningan City, Lotte Shopping Avenue, Ciputra World, Kota Kasablanka).
Dekat Kedutaan Besar di Kuningan (India, Australia, Inggris, Malaysia, Singapura)
Dekat Universitas Atmajaya, Lasalle College Indonesia, Universitas Bakrie, Hubungan Masyarakat London School (LSPR)
Dekat dengan rumah sakit MMC, rumah sakit Siloam, Jakarta hospital
Dekat dengan Polda Metrojaya
Rental Price:
Rp 5.500.000 per bulan
Harga sewa per bulan termasuk service charge/maintenance fee/IPL
Pembayaran dapat dilakukan per bulan bila sewa lebih dari 2 bulan
Location: Jl. Bek Murad No. 42 Karet Sudirman (Behind HSBC/WTC Sudirman) Setiabudi, Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: B / 15 / City View
Size: 28,8 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Fully furnished with complete electronic (air conditioning, microwave, water heater, water dispenser, refrigerator)
24-hour security
Swimming pool
Basement parking
Additional Info:
Very strategic location within walking distance to Central Business District Sudirman and Casablanca Kuningan (Wisma Metropolitan, WTC, HSBC, BCA and Sampoerna Strategic Square).
Near to MRT Bendungan Hilir Station, Karet Busway stop (Transjakarta)
Close to the shopping center (ITC Kuningan, Mall Ambassador, Kuningan City, Lotte Shopping Avenue, Ciputra World, Kota Kasablanka).
Near Embassy at Kuningan (India, Australia, British, Malaysia, Singapore)
Near Atmajaya University, Lasalle College Indonesia, Bakrie University, London School Public Relations (LSPR)
Close to Polda Metrojaya
Rental Price:
Rp 5.000.000 per month
Exclude maintenance fee
Long term contract with monthly payment is available
Location: Jl. Bek Murad No. 42, Karet, Setiabudi-Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia 12940, Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: Tower B / Lantai 17
Size: 25 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Furnished Fasilitas : TV, Air Conditioning, Kitchen, Balcony, Refrigerator, Water heater, Microwave, Stove and hood, Kitchen utensils, Wardrobe — Furnished Facility : TV, Air Conditioning, Kitchen, Balcony, Refrigerator, Water heater, Microwave, Stove and hood, Kitchen utensils, Wardrobe
Facility: Beberapa fasilitas yang ditawarkan oleh Apartemen Taman Sari Sudirman mencakup keamanan 24 jam dan CCTV, kartu akses, kolam renang, pusat kebugaran, mini market, jasa binatu, restoran dan café, parkir bawah tanah bulanan, dan lain sebagainya. Dengan segala kelebihan fasilitasnya, apartemen ini juga dekat dengan Stasiun MRT Bendungan Hilir, sehingga semakin menambah nilai investasi dan sewanya. — Some of the facilities offered by The Taman Sari Sudirman Apartment include 24-hour security and CCTV, access cards, swimming pools, fitness centers, mini markets, laundry services, restaurants and cafés, monthly underground parking, and so on. With all the advantages of the facilities, this apartment is also close to the Bendungan Hilir MRT Station, so that it adds to the value of the investment and rent.
Additional Info:
An affordable living in the heart of Jakarta
Apartemen Taman Sari Sudirman adalah sebuah apartemen yang berlokasi strategis di area elit Jakarta Selatan. Apartemen ini memiliki akses yang mudah ke gedung-gedung perkantoran di kawasan SCBD dan Casablanca, seperti WTC, Sampoerna Strategic Square, Menara Standart Chartered, Intiland Tower, ANZ tower dan sebagainya. Apartemen ini hanya berjarak sekitar 5 menit berjalan kaki dari halte Transjakarta Karet, sehingga tinggal di sini memudahkan penghuninya untuk bepergian ke mana saja. —
An affordable living in the heart of Jakarta
The Taman Sari Sudirman Apartment is an apartment located strategically in the elite area of South Jakarta. This apartment has easy access to office buildings in the SCBD and Casablanca areas, such as the WTC, Sampoerna Strategic Square, Standard Chartered Tower, Intiland Tower, ANZ tower and so on. This apartment is only about 5 minutes walk from the Rubber Transjakarta bus stop, so staying here makes it easy for residents to travel anywhere.
Location: Jl. Bek Murad No. 42 Karet Sudirman (Behind HSBC/WTC Sudirman) Setiabudi, Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: B / 5 / City View
Size: 28,8 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Fully furnished with complete electronic (air conditioning, microwave, water heater, water dispenser, refrigerator)
24-hour security
Swimming pool
Basement parking
Additional Info:
Very strategic location within walking distance to Central Business District Sudirman and Casablanca Kuningan (Wisma Metropolitan, WTC, HSBC, BCA and Sampoerna Strategic Square).
Near to MRT Bendungan Hilir Station, Karet Busway stop (Transjakarta)
Close to the shopping center (ITC Kuningan, Mall Ambassador, Kuningan City, Lotte Shopping Avenue, Ciputra World, Kota Kasablanka).
Near Embassy at Kuningan (India, Australia, British, Malaysia, Singapore)
Near Atmajaya University, Lasalle College Indonesia, Bakrie University, London School Public Relations (LSPR)
Close to Polda Metrojaya
Rental Price:
Rp 4.500.000 per month
Exclude maintenance fee
Long term contract with monthly payment is available
Location: Jl. Bek Murad No. 42, Jakarta Selatan (Behind HSBC Building / WTC Sudirman / Wisma Metropolitan)
Tower/Floor/View: B
Size: 28,8 m2
Bedroom: 1
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Modern minimalist studio room with balcony to pool view. Fully furnished with AC, water heater, kitchen set, microwave, sliding spacious wardrobe, LCD TV, Washing Machine, Refrigerator, working table & chairs, Queen size spring bed.
Facility: Access card, swimming pool, mini gym, mini market, laundry, saloon, Restaurant / Cafe / canteen, Apartment lobby, basement parking area, 24 hours security with CCTV, monthly parking.
Additional Info: Very strategic location within walking distance to Busway Shelter, CBD Sudirman & Casablanca Kuningan (Wisma Metropolitan, WTC, HSBC, BCA, Sampoerna Strategic Square, etc), close to the shopping center (ITC Kuningan, Mall Ambassador, Kuningan City, Kota Casablanca & Plaza Semanggi), free from 3 in 1
Selling Price: Call for info
Rental Price: Rp 4.850.000/month (minimum 3 months rent) + 1 month deposit.
Excluding service charge, tv cable, electricity & water Available end of September 2020
Location: Jl. Bek Murad No. 42 Karet Sudirman (Behind HSBC/WTC Sudirman) Setiabudi, Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: B / 9 / Swimming Pool
Size: 28,8 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Fully furnished:?kitchen set, water dispenser (hot/cold), water heater, king size bed, wardrobe, 32″ LCD TV (wall mount), chairs/sofa & coffee table, air conditioner, refrigerator, microwave.
Facility: Parking lot, 24-hour CCTV and security, access card for lift access, personal mailbox, swimming pool for adult & kid, fitness centre, mini market, coffee shop/restaurant.
Additional Info: Strategic location & easy to access, near Toll road to Airport, Mega Kuningan area, Planet Hollywood, Lotte Shopping Avenue, Plaza Semanggi, ITC Kuningan & Ambassador Mall.
Location: Jl. Bek Murad No. 42 Karet Sudirman (Behind HSBC/WTC Sudirman) Setiabudi, Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: A / 18 – hook / City View
Size: 28,8 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Fully furnished with complete electronic (air conditioning, microwave, water heater, water dispenser, refrigerator)
24-hour security
Swimming pool
Basement parking
Additional Info:
Very strategic location within walking distance to Central Business District Sudirman and Casablanca Kuningan (Wisma Metropolitan, WTC, HSBC, BCA and Sampoerna Strategic Square)
Near to MRT Bendungan Hilir Station, Karet Busway stop (Transjakarta)
Close to the shopping center (ITC Kuningan, Mall Ambassador, Kuningan City, Lotte Shopping Avenue, Ciputra World, Kota Kasablanka).
Near Embassy at Kuningan (India, Australia, British, Malaysia, Singapore)
Near Atmajaya University, Lasalle College Indonesia, Bakrie University, London School Public Relations (LSPR)
Close to MMC hospital, Siloam hospital, Jakarta hospital
Location: Jl. Bek Murad No. 42 Setiabudi, Jakarta Selatan 12940
Tower/Floor/View: 10/City View
Size: 29 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Lengkap dengan peralatan elektronik (AC, microwave, water heater, dispenser, kulkas)
Keamanan 24 jam
Kolam renang
Parkir Basement
Additional Info:
Lokasi sangat strategis bisa berjalan kaki ke Central Kawasan Bisnis Sudirman dan Casablanca Kuningan (Wisma Metropolitan, WTC, HSBC, BCA dan Sampoerna Strategic Square).
Dekat dengan Stasiun MRT Bendungan Hilir, halte Busway Karet (Transjakarta)
Dekat dengan pusat perbelanjaan (ITC Kuningan, Mall Ambassador, Kuningan City, Lotte Shopping Avenue, Ciputra World, Kota Kasablanka).
Dekat Kedutaan Besar di Kuningan (India, Australia, Inggris, Malaysia, Singapura)
Dekat Universitas Atmajaya, Lasalle College Indonesia, Universitas Bakrie, Hubungan Masyarakat London School (LSPR)
Dekat dengan rumah sakit MMC, rumah sakit Siloam, Jakarta hospital
Dekat dengan Polda Metrojaya
Rental Price:
Rp 6.000.000 per bulan
Harga sewa termasuk servis charge
Pembayaran dapat dilakukan per bulan bila sewa lebih dari 2 bulan
Location: Jl. Bek Murad No. 42 Setiabudi, Jakarta Selatan 12940
Tower/Floor/View: 10/City View
Size: 29 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Fully furnished with complete electronic (air conditioning, microwave, water heater, water dispenser, refrigerator)
24-hours security
Swimming pool
Basement parking
Additional Info:
Very strategic location within walking distance to Central Business District Sudirman and Casablanca Kuningan (Wisma Metropolitan, WTC, HSBC, BCA and Sampoerna Strategic Square).
Near to MRT Bendungan Hilir Station, Karet Busway stop (Transjakarta)
Close to the shopping center (ITC Kuningan, Mall Ambassador, Kuningan City, Lotte Shopping Avenue, Ciputra World, Kota Kasablanka).
Near Embassy at Kuningan (India, Australia, British, Malaysia, Singapore)
Near Atmajaya University, Lasalle College Indonesia, Bakrie University, London School Public Relations (LSPR)
Close to MMC hospital, Siloam hospital, Jakarta hospital