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Apartment Name: Transpark Bintaro
Location: Jl. HR Rasuna Said No.5, Pd. Jaya, Kec. Pd. Aren, Kota Tangerang Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: Chicago lt 23 View selatan
Size: 23,64 m2
Bedroom: 1
Bathroom: 1
Full Furnished
Kitchen set
Smart TV
Water Heater
Dispenser panas dingin
Swimming pool
Playground dan Sky Garden
Security 24jam
Akses Transpark Mall
Additional Info:
Connecting dengan Transpark mall Bintaro, Snow World Bintaro
Lokasi Strategis CBD Bintaro
Mall : Bintaro Exchange, Lotte Mart Bintaro, Ace Hardware, Informa
Hospital : Rs. Premier Bintaro, Rs. Bina Medika, Rs Pondok Indah Bintaro
Market : Pasar Modern Bintaro, Hari-Hari Swalayan
Diapit 2 Toll Jor 1 dan 2
Hanya 5 menit ke Stasiun KRL Jurangmangu
Hanya 25 menit ke Bandara Soe-Hatta
Rental Price:
Daily: 500 ribu
Monthly : 4,5 juta
Contact: 0895-1546-3900 Amelia
WhatsApp: 089515463900
Apartment Name: Transpark Bintaro
Location: Jl. HR Rasuna Said No 5 Kel Pondok Jaya Kec Pondok Aren Kota Tangerang Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: (jual) Manhattan – (sewa) Chicago floor 1-36 view Utara,selatan
Size: Manhattan studio (25,64 sqm) Jual, Chicago studio (23,50 sqm) sewa m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Unfurnished
Facility: Infinity & kids pool, jacuzzi, yoga & gym, sky garden, sky cinema, bbq area, jogging area
Additional Info: –
Selling Price: Rp 700 jutaan
Rental Price: Please call / WA
Contact: Amelia 089515463900
WhatsApp: 089515463900
Apartment Name: Transpark Bintaro
Location: Jl. HR Rasuna Said No. 5 Kel Pondok Jaya Kec. Pondok Aren Kota Tangerang Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: (Jual) Manhattan – (Sewa) Chicago floor 1-36 view Utara, Selatan
Size: Manhattan studio (25,64 sqm) Jual, Chicago studio (23,50 sqm) sewa m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Unfurnished
Facility: Infinity & kids pool, jacuzzi, yoga & gym, sky garden, sky cinema, BBQ area, jogging area.
Additional Info: –
Selling Price: Muai 700 Jutaan
Contact: Zaky 0882-9209-5085
WhatsApp: 088292095085
Apartment Name: Transpark Bintaro
Location: Jl. Hr Rasuna Said No 5 Kel Pondok Jaya Kec Pondok Aren Kota Tangerang Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: Chicago floor 29
Size: 23,5 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Full Furnished Minimalist Style by Interior Designer
Smart TV, Queen Bed, Work space & Vanity, Fully Equipped Kitchen
Refrigerator, Cold & Hot Water Dispenser, Water Heater, Cooker
Facility: Swimming pool, Gym, Playground & Sky garden, 24hrs Security, Transpark Mall Access
Additional Info:
Connected with transpark mall, bintaro, Trans snow Bintaro
Nearby Facilities (Under 10mnts Drive)
Mall : Bintaro Xchange, Lotte Mart Bintaro, Ace Hardware & Informa
Hospital : RS Premier, RS Pondok Indah Bintaro
Jogging & Cycling Track Bintaro Loop
Market : Pasar Modern Bintaro, Fresh Market
Train Station
Near the Toll Road Gate
Many Big Brands Restaurants Nearby
Lots of street food choices walking distance
Rental Price:
Daily : 450 ribu / day
Monthly : 4.500.000 / month
Yearly : 52.000.000 / year
Exclude deposit
Contact: Nancy 08111 399 588
WhatsApp: 08111399588
Apartment Name: Transpark Bintaro
Location: Bintaro, Tangerang Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: Tower Chicago, 8th Floor, Corner view
Size: 51.15 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Full furnished
Facility: Free access to gym, swimming pool at Manhattan Tower
Additional Info: Electricity 2200 watt, 1 queen bed, 1 single bed, 1 sofa bed, 1 refrigerator, wifi, water heater, kitchen set, 2 stove gas, smart tv, washing machine, full AC, microwave
Selling Price: IDR 1,900,000,000 nego
Rental Price: IDR 10,000,000 / month (minimum rent for 6 month)
Contact: 081293921550 – Ami (Chat WA Only)
WhatsApp: 081293921550
Apartment Name: Transpark Bintaro
Location: Jl. Hr Rasuna Said No 5 Kel Pondok Jaya Kec Pondok Aren Kota Tangerang Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: (jual) Manhattan – (sewa) Chicago floor 1-36 view Utara, selatan
Size: Manhattan studio (25,64 sqm) Jual, Chicago studio sewa (23,50 sqm) m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Furnished
Facility: Swimming pool, gym, sky garden
Additional Info: –
Selling Price:
Type dan unit Apartmen di Transpark Bintaro
Studio Luas (25.64 sqm) price 700 juta-an
2BR Luas (38.46 sqm) price 1 M-an
2BR Luas (51.15 sqm) price 1.7 M-an
3BR Luas (80.48 sqm) price 2.5 M-an
SOHO Luas (84.67 sqm) price 3 M-an
Free Dp, Bunga 0%
Rental Price:
Harga sewa Studio
Harian start : 450 ribu / hari
Bulanan start : 4.500.000 / bulan *Harga belum termasuk deposit
Tahunan start : 55 juta / tahun
Harga sewa 2BR
Harian start – 950k / hari
Mingguan start – 5 juta / minggu
Bulanan start – 10 juta / bulan (Harga belum termasuk deposit)
Contact: Aqilya 0857-1120-1621
WhatsApp: 085711201621
Apartment Name: Transpark Bintaro
Location: Transpark Bintaro
Tower/Floor/View: Chicago / 36 / city view
Size: 23.68 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Furnished (ready to use):
Queen size bed + additional bed+ pillows+bolsters
Sofa bed
Smart TV 50″
Bottom loaded water dispenser
2 doors fridge
Kitchen set (gas stove)
Mug, plate, bowl, cutlery sets
Water heater
Hi-speed wifi
Children Playground
Jogging Tack
BBQ & Picnic
Sky Garden Terrace
Skyline Wellness Terrace
Trans Mall bintaro
Additional Info: Transpark Bintaro is located in Prime location, which is nearby:
Premier Bintaro Hospital and Home Improvement store Ace Hardware.
Jurangmangu train station, Bintaro Jaya Xchange, Lotte Mart Bintaro.
30 minutes to Soekarno Hatta International Airport.
Rental Price:
5 million IDR / month
13.5 million IDR / 3 months
25 million IDR / 6 months
50 million IDR / 12 months
Included management fee, excluded utilities (water, electricity and internet)
Contact: 08179071161
WhatsApp: 08179071161
Apartment Name: Transpark Bintaro
Location: CBD Bintaro
Tower/Floor/View: Manhattan & Chicago
Size: 25,51 m? | 52,68 m? | 74,58 m? | 80,48 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Primary Apartement Chicago Hand Over 2021 Manhattan Hand Over 2024
Infinity Pool
Kids Pool
BBQ Area
Gym Center
Jogging Track
Sky mini Golf & mini Cinemas
Parking Area
Keamanan 24 Jam
Additional Info:
Konekting dengan Mall Transpark Bintaro
Konekting dengan SOHO (Smart Office Home Office)
Lokasi Strategis CBD Bintaro
Diapit 2 Toll JORR 1 & 2
5 menit ke Stasiun KA Jurang Mangu
15 menit ke Pondok Indah
25 menit ke Bandara Soetta
Selling Price: Start From 699 Jutaan
Rental Price:
Bulanan 4,5 juta
Tahunan 48 juta
2 BR:
Bulanan 10 juta
Tahunan 120 juta
3 BR
Bulanan 15 juta
Tahunan 150 juta
Contact: 089654628413
WhatsApp: 089654628413
Apartment Name: Apartment Transpark Bintato
Location: Bintaro Jaya, Jl. Boulevard Bintaro Jaya, Pondok Jaya, Pondok Aren, Tangerang Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: Chicago / lantai 6 / view City
Size: 23 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Fully Furnished
Meja kerja tersedia
Security 24 jam
Swimming pool
Sky oasis
Joging Trek
Gym Center
Akses mall
Trans snow world
Additional Info:
Disewakan Apartemen Transpark Bintaro, Lokasi sangat strategis di CBD Bintaro
Apartemen yang berada di pusat kota Bintaro yang memiliki konsep Super Block yang langsung terhubung dengan Transpark Mall Bintaro
Dengan mengambil konsep ‘Green Belt di Kawasan Bintaro’, hunian ini menghadirkan keasrian dan penghijauan dilengkapi dengan fasilitas pendukung healthy living, mulai dari gym&fitness centre, jogging track, hingga bicycle track
Memiliki Fasilitas sky garden terrace, wellness & yoga terrace, reflexology garden, children playground, sky meeting pods, dan community centre.
Di Dalam Transpark Mall terdapat pusat perbelanjaan seperti Transmart, Trans Snow World, H&M, Cinema XXI, Solaria, Raachaa, Cafe dan Resto, dll.
Kelebihannya :
1 KM dari Toll JORR 1 dan JORR 2
1 KM ke Stasiun Kereta Jurang Mangu
Ada Shuttle Bus ke Sudirman, Stasiun MRT Fatmawati
500 meter ke RS Premier dan RSPI
100 meter ke RS Bina Medika
DI bawah apartemen ada Ace Hardware & Informa
Selangkah ke Pasar Modern Bintaro
Dekat dengan Sekolah BPK Penabur, Al-Azhar, Sekolah Jepang, Sekolah Global, dll
Full Furnish dengan kualitas nomor 1, tinggal bawa koper saja
Dijamin suka dengan Furnishnya dan Betah, silakan lihat foto-fotonya
Hubungi Telp/WA yang tercantum di kontak
Tersedia 2 unit
Selling Price: Rp 750,000,000
Rental Price: Rp 4,500,000
Contact: 08118022102 085793353674
WhatsApp: 085793353674
Apartment Name: Transpark Bintaro
Location: Jl. HR Rasuna Said No.5 Bintaro Sektor 7, Tangerang Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: Chicago
Size: 23 m2
Bedroom: (Studio)
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Full furnished
Kelengkapan Unit:
Kitchen set
Water heater
Almari 2 pintu
Patio atau balkon
Fasilitas Apartemen:
Shopping Mall Transpark (akses langsung)
Parkir penghuni
Lift dan lobby
Swimming Pool
Fitness Center
Common space
Additional Info:
Terletak di Transpark Bintaro (akses mall langsung)
Dekat ke RS Premiere Bintaro, RSPI Bintaro, RSIA Bina Medika.
Dekat Pasar Modern Bintaro, Bintaro Trade Center/ perkantoran dan bank
Dekat pintu tol Pondok Aren ruas tol Jakarta-Serpong
Dekat Bintaro Exchange Mall dan stasiun KA
Selling Price: Rp 595.000.000 Jual Rugi
Contact: Nur Rachman RayWhite
WhatsApp: 08161664333