- Apartment Name: Sudirman Park
- Location: Jl. K.H. Mas Mansyur No. 45, RT. 12 / RW. 11, Kebon Melati, Tanah Abang, Jakarta Pusat 10220
- Tower/Floor/View: B / 5 / City View
- Size: 48 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Terletak di lantai 5, unit Sudirman Park Apartment yang satu ini bisa Anda jadikan pilihan yang smart. Menghadap ke City View (Selatan) dengan kondisi fully furnished dilengkapi dengan Access Card, Air Panas, Mesin Cuci. Di bagian kamar sudah dilengkapi dengan tempat tidur dan perlengkapannya. Sedangkan di bagian kitchen sudah disediakan dapur. Bagusnya lagi, di unit ini sudah terpasang listrik dengan kapasitas yang ukurannya pas dengan kebutuhan elektronik yang tersedia di unit ini, jadi Anda tidak perlu takut mati lampu karena kekurangan daya.
- Facility:
- Tidak hanya lokasinya saja yang sangat strategis, namun apartemen ini juga menawarkan fasilitas yang sangat lengkap dan mewah. Terdapat kolam renang, sauna, fitness center, jogging track, lapangan basket, lapangan tennis bahkan tersedia taman bermain khusus anak-anak dan keamanan 24 jam yang sudah dilengkapi dengan CCTV.
- Di area apartemen ini pun juga tersedia restoran, grocery store, mini market 24 jam dan laundry sehingga memudahkan Anda dalam memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari.
- Bagi Anda pecinta makanan enak di sekitar lingkungan Apartemen Sudirman Park terdapat banyak tempat makanan murah dan enak seperti Restoran Saji, Restoran Sederhana SA, Restoran Bebek Paroan, Lesehan Mbok Ndoro, Bakso Lapangan Tembak Senayan, The Hidden Café dan Dosis Of The Day Café.
- Additional Info:
- Apartemen Sudirman Park ini berada di lokasi yang sangat strategis, karena dekat dengan kawasan bisnis Sudirman dan Kuningan, dan dikelilingi oleh pusat perbelanjaan kelas atas seperti Grand Indonesia dan Plaza Indonesia, serta dekat dengan shelter busway dan Stasiun Sudirman.
- Apartemen Sudirman Park juga dekat ke lokasi utama di Jakarta seperti Gatot Subroto, Rasuna Said, MH. Thamrin. Meskipun Jakarta seringkali macet, penghuni apartemen ini dapat menghindari macet dengan memanfaatkan transportasi umum yang mudah dijangkau, misalnya kereta dari Stasiun Sudirman dan Transjakarta.
- Dekat dengan beberapa fasilitas kesehatan: Dari Apartemen Sudirman ke beberapa fasilitas kesehatan yang ada di sekitar Sudirman bisa dikatakan cukup dekat, seperti Sapphire Dental Aesthetic berjarak 170 meter, Sahid Sudirman Medical Centre berjarak 600 meter dan Sahid Sudirman Memorial Hospital berjarak 650 meter.
- Dengan segala keunggulan yang dimilikinya, apartemen Sudirman Park ini masuk dalam kategori medium-end dan sangat cocok untuk berbagai macam kalangan, mulai dari pasangan yang baru menikah atau pasangan yang sudah memiliki anak hingga pebisnis.
- Rental Price: Rp 95.000.000 per tahun (negotiable)
- Contact: Hubungi kami melalui nomor
- WhatsApp/Call : 0815-11-360360
- WhatsApp/Call : 0822-9888-4360
- E-mail: tiffany@jendela360.com
Sewa Harian & Transit Apartemen Margonda Residence 3 Depok – Studio 27 m2 Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Margonda Residence 3
- Location: Margonda – Depok
- Tower/Floor/View: 3/15,19,16/City
- Size: 27 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full furnished. Queen sized spring bed, study desk + chair, LED TV, kitchen cabinet, air conditioner, refrigerator, water dispenser, stove, etc.
- Facility: Akses pribadi untuk lift, keamanan security 24 jam, kolam renang, apotek, parkir 24 jam, pelayanan 24 jam, tempat fotocopy, tempat olahraga.
- Additional Info:
- Dekat dengan stasiun UI, Pondok Cina, Depok Baru
- Mall (Margo City, Depok Town Square, D’Mall)
- Rumah Sakit (RS Bunda Margonda, Rs Mitra Keluarga)
- Dan dekat dengan berbagai macam tempat makan di sekitar apartemen, untuk foto bisa di chat langsung
- Free tanya 24 jam
- Check in jam berapa pun selama persediaan kamar masih ada
- Rental Price:
- Transit
- 3 jam = Rp 100.000
- 5 jam = Rp 150.000
- Full day
- Rp 250.000 – Rp 300.000
- Transit
- Contact: 087886992503
Disewakan Apartemen Taman Anggrek Residences di Jakarta Barat – Studio, 1 BR, 2 BR, 3 BR & Condominium 1 BR, 2+1 BR, 3+1 BR
- Apartment Name: Taman Anggrek Residences
- Location: Jl. Tj. Duren Timur 2, RT.12/RW.1, Tj. Duren Sel., Kec. Grogol Petamburan, Kota Jakarta Barat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11470
- Tower/Floor/View: Azalea, Beech, Calypso, Daffodil, Espiritu, Fragrant/Low-High Floor/Pool or City
- Size: 26 / 38 / 50 / 65 / 99 / 135 m2
- Bedroom: 1 / 2 / 3
- Bathroom: 1 / 2 / 3
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Semi furnished & full furnished brand new
- Facility:
- Diamond club house 3000 m2
- Lux main lobby
- Receptionist desk
- Access 24 hours security
- Private access card
- Outdoor indoor swimming pool
- Extention Mall Taman Anggrek
- SkyBRidge
- Shophouse
- Additional Info:
- Common Lift and Private Lift
- Consists of schools, mall, and other needs in the same 1 area.
- All tower connected through basement to the shopping mall.
- Walking distance to Podomoro City, S.Parman.
- Easy access to Jakarta Inner Ring Road, Gatot Subroto, Slipi and Soekarno Hatta International Airport.
- Close to SOS clinic, Royal Taruma Hospital.
- Surrounded by school and university such as SMAK 1, UNTAR (Tarumanagara University), UKRIDA and Trisakti University.
- Selling Price:
- Common Lift and Private Lift
- Consists of schools, mall, and other needs in the same 1 area.
- All tower connected through basement to the shopping mall.
- Walking distance to Podomoro City, S.Parman.
- Easy access to Jakarta Inner Ring Road, Gatot Subroto, Slipi and Soekarno Hatta International Airport.
- Close to SOS clinic, Royal Taruma Hospital.
- Surrounded by school and university such as SMAK 1, UNTAR (Tarumanagara University), UKRIDA and Trisakti University.
- Rental Price: Suite (Starting From)
- Studio: Rp 30.000.000/tahun
- 1 BR: Rp 38.000.000/tahun
- 2 BR: Rp 50.000.000/tahun
- 3 BR: Rp 90.000.000/tahun
Condo (Starting From)
- 1 BR: Rp 60.000.000/year
- 2+1 BR: Rp 90.000.000/year
- 3+1 BR: Rp 140.000.000/year
- Contact:
- HP/WA: 0812-90200482
- HP: 0819-11077789
- E-mail: dunhil2003@gmail.com
Jual / Sewa Apartemen Gading Nias Jakarta Utara – 2 BR 35 m2 Furnished, Tower Emerald
- Apartment Name: Gading Nias
- Location: Jl. Pegangsaan Dua, Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara, DKI Jakarta, Indonesia 14240
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower Emerald 22PB
- Size: 35 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Furnished
- 1 AC, Ranjang, Kompor Gas dan Tabung Gas, Dispenser, Lemari 3pc, Sofa
- 1 AC, Bed, Stove, Dispenser, 3pcs Cupboard, Sofa
- Facility:
- Apartemen Gading Nias Residence menyediakan fasilitas terbaik untuk menunjang kenyamanan para penghuninya, di antaranya kolam renang, taman tematik, lapangan futsal, lapangan basket, gazebo, dan taman bermain anak. Ada juga fasilitas lainnya seperti ATM center, Taman, Lapangan Futsal, Lapangan Basket, Food Court, Kantor Pos, Apotik Century, Laundry, Pegadaian, Bank BNI, Bank BTN, Pasar, Salon, Klinik, Minimarket 24 jam dan pangkalan taksi White Horse.
- Gading Nias Residence Apartment provides the best facilities to support the comfort of its residents, including swimming pools, thematic parks, futsal courts, basketball courts, gazebos and children’s playgrounds. There are also other facilities such as ATM centers, Parks, Futsal Courts, Basketball Courts, Food Courts, Post Offices, Century Pharmacies, Laundry, Pegadaian, BNI Banks, BTN Banks, Markets, Salons, Clinics, 24-hour Minimarket and White Horse taxi bases.
- Additional Info:
- Disewakan Apartemen Gading Nias Jakarta Utara
Letaknya 5 menit dari sentra Kelapa Gading, halte busway dan jalan tol. Jarak dari apartemen ini sangat dekat ke Singapore International School dan Kelapa Gading Mal beserta pusat makanan terlengkap di Kelapa Gading, di mana Anda bisa mencapainya hanya dengan berjalan kaki. - Gading Nias Apartment for Rent in North Jakarta
It is located 5 minutes from Kelapa Gading center, busway stop and toll road. The distance from this apartment is very close to Singapore International School and Kelapa Gading Mall along with the most complete food center in Kelapa Gading, where you can reach it only by foot.
- Disewakan Apartemen Gading Nias Jakarta Utara
- Selling Price: Rp 350.000.000
- Rental Price: Rp 17.000.000/Year (Nego)
- Contact: Yuliana – 0813-8503-0695
Disewakan Tahunan Apartment Mediterania 1 Tanjung Duren – 2 BR Furnished
- Apartment Name: Mediterania Garden Residences 1
- Location: Central Park, Podomoro City, Tanjung Duren, Jakarta Barat
- Tower/Floor/View: Azalea/3/Lapangan Basket
- Size: 42 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Furnished. Barang-barang INFORMA dan IKEA. Simple dam nyaman, air conditioner, LED TV at living room, refrigerator, water heater, curtain, kitchenette.
- Facility: Security 24-jam, CCTV, Swimming pool, Basket Ball & Tennis court, Fitness center / gym, Parking ground until 3 basement, Fotocopy, Cafe, Restoran, Laundry, ATM center. Dekat dengan Mall Central Park.
- Additional Info:
- Nearby malls:
- Central Park Mall (tunnel access from apartment)
- Taman Anggrek Mall (Walking distance)
- Ciputra Mall
- ITC Roxy Mas
- Nearby Universities & School:
- Tarumanegara
- Trisakti
- Ukrida
- SMUK 1 Penabur
- Nearby hospitals:
- RSUD Sumber Waras
- Harapan Kita
- Dharmais
- RSUD Tarakan
- Nearby malls:
- Rental Price: Rp 35.000.000/tahun (boleh nego 2x bayar)
- Contact: +6282123499907
- WhatsApp: 082123499907
- E-mail: Yennytaslim.yt@gmail.com
Disewakan Bulanan Apartemen Margonda Residence 5 Depok UI – Fully Furnished Gratis 2 Bulan*
- Apartment Name: Margonda Residence 5
- Location: Margonda Raya, Depok (belakang Dmall)
- Tower/Floor/View: 5 / 18 / UI, City, swimming pool
- Size: 27 m2
- Bedroom: 1 Hoek
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full furnished. Springbed double: bisa untuk 4 orang, AC, TV, kulkas, lemari pakaian+meja rias, kitchen set, meja belajar+meja makan, Kapasitas: max 4 orang (ayah – ibu – 2 anak)
- Facility:
- Terintegrasi dengan D Mall (Shopping, Kuliner, CGV Blitz)
- Akses mudah ke UI (lewat Margonda Raya or Pasar Kemiri)
- Disediakan bus transport langsung ke UI
- Dekat tol Cijago, JORR
- Kolam renang, parkir mobil/motor (indoor)
- Additional Info:
- Unit Hoek: LEGA, dan terluas dibanding unit standar
- Tiga view sekaligus: UI, Margonda Raya, Kolam Renang
- AC, TV, Kulkas, Kompor mini portable, Kitchen set
- Rental Price:
- 1 bulan: Rp 2.200.000
- 3 bulan : Rp 6.100.000
- 6 bulan : Rp 11.700.000
- 1 tahun : Rp 22.000.000, seperti bayar 10 bulan, GRATIS 2 bulan
- Harga belum termasuk service charge, pemakaian air dan listrik
- S & K berlaku
- Contact: 081574265422
- WhatsApp: 081574265422
- E-mail: farida.dhrmwn@gmail.com
Sewa Apartemen Pakubuwono Spring – 2 / 4 BR Semi Furnished & Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Pakubuwono spring
- Location: Jl. Teuku Nyak Arief No. 9, Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Any Tower / Higher and lower floor
- Size: 148 / 296 m2
- Bedroom: 2 BR & 4 BR
- Bathroom: 1 & 2
- Condition: Semi Furnished / Full Furnished
- Facility:
- Rooftop facilities: outdoor Onsen, indoor gym, basketball, jogging track, sky garden, outdoor seating lounge & observation deck
- Outdoor facilities: tennis, swimming Pool, Children Pool, BBQ Area, reflexologi garden, camping ground / forest garden
- Indoor facilities: heated swimming pool, sauna, jacuzzi, Salon & Spa, Restaurant, etc
- Additional Info:
- Pakubuwono Spring is located in the prime area of Pakubuwono, a strategic area that connects several business and commercial districts like Senayan, Blok M, SCBD.
- Surrounded by various shopping Malls and entertainment centers such as Plaza Senayan Mall, Senayan City Mall, Pondok Indah Mall, Gandaria City Mall. Pakubuwono Spring has 2 towers, named Applewood and Cherrywood tower. Per one unit is entitled for 2 parking slots.
- In total, we have 543 units with parking area from LG, B1 and B2. The design of the building is called Modern Eclectic completed with high quality material. The security and receptionist standby for 24 hours.
- Selling Price: Start from 7.6 M
- Rental Price:
- 2 BR (148m2) = $2400 – $2800/month
- 4 BR (320m2) = $4400 – $4800/month
- All Price are Negotiable
- Minimum 1 year rent and pay in Advance
- Contact: Mayko ( Abie Property ) – 0895 16666 148 & 0812 8794 3575
- WhatsApp: 089516666148
- E-mail: mayko@abieproperty.com
Sewa Apartemen Taman Anggrek Residences Jakarta Barat – Tipe Studio, 1 Kamar, 2 Kamar dan 3 Kamar Special Prices
- Apartment Name: Taman Anggrek Residences
- Location: Tanjung Duren Timur 2, Grogol – Jakarta Barat
- Tower/Floor/View: Call for details
- Size: 26-135 m2
- Bedroom: 3
- Bathroom: 3
- Study Room: 1
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Semi-Furnished & Fully Furnished
- Facility:
- Outdoor & Indoor Swimming Pool
- ClubHouse
- HubLife Mall (Soon)
- Additional Info: Bisa sewa tahunan bayar bulanan, S & K berlaku
- Rental Price:
- Studio Rp 35.000.000 – Rp 45.000.000
- 1 BR Rp 45.000.000 – Rp 55.000.000
- 2 BR Rp 50.000.000 – Rp 70.000.000
- 3 BR Rp 65.000.000 – Rp 90.000.000
- Condo 1 BR Rp 60.000.000 – Rp 100.000.000
- Condo 2 BR Rp 85.000.000 – Rp 140.000.000
- Condo 3 BR Rp 120.000.000 – Rp 210.000.000
- Contact:
- Danny 0899 833 9996
- Edo 0856 999 9932
- WhatsApp: 08998339996
Sewa Apartemen M-Town Residences Serpong Tangerang – 2 BR 65 m2 Fully Furnished Lantai 12
- Apartment Name: M-Town Residences
- Location: Jl. Gading Serpong Boulevard, Pakulonan Bar., Kec. Kelapa Dua, Tangerang, Banten 15810
- Tower/Floor/View: Franklin/12/Pool and City
- Size: 65 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully Furnished
- TV
- 3 Unit AC
- Kitchen Set
- Meja Makan
- Lemari Baju
- Ranjang
- Sofa
- Facility:
- Swimming pool
- 24-hours security
- Jogging track
- etc
- Additional Info: Call for details
- Rental Price: Rp 42.000.000/Tahun
- Contact: 0821 6223 4028
- WhatsApp: 082162234028
- E-mail: nextgenrealestateindonesia@gmail.com
Disewakan Apartemen Pluit Sea View Jakarta Utara – 3 BR Fully Furnished
- Apartment Name: Pluit Sea View
- Location: Jl. Muara Baru Raya, Rt. 5 / Rw. 3, Penjaringan, Jakarta Utara 14440
- Tower/Floor/View: Maldives / 12th Floor / Kota
- Size: 56 m2
- Bedroom: 3
- Bathroom: 2
- Condition: Fully furnished
- Facility: Kolam renang & gym
- Additional Info:
- 4 menit berkendara atau 15 menit berjalan menuju Rumah Sakit Pluit
- 10 menit berkendara menuju Bandara Internasional Soekarno-Hatta
- 10 menit berkendara menuju Pluit Entrance
- 11 menit berkendara menuju Jembatan 1 Entrance
- 12 menit menuju JIEXPO Kemayoran
- 15 menit berkendara Angke entrance
- 15 menit berkendara menuju Trisakti University dan UNTAR
- Recreation Around:
- 7 menit berkendara menuju Emporium Pluit Mall
- 10 menit berkendara menuju Pluit Village
- 12 menit berkendara menuju Taman Impian Jaya Ancol atau Mutiara Beach
- 15 menit berkendara menuju area PIK
- 20 menit berkendara menuju Mangga Dua Square
- 25 menit berkendara menuju Kelapa Gading Boulevard area
- Rental Price: Rp 37.000.000/tahun
- Contact: Hubungi Hery Oei : 0878 8000 9033
- E-mail: Jeriorlando@yahoo.com