- Apartment Name: Margonda Residence III, IV & V
- Location: Depok, Margonda
- Tower/Floor/View: Lobby III, IV & V
- Size: 25 m2
- Bedroom: Studio with Queen Size Bed
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Tipe kamar ukuran studio 24m2 dan 25m2
- Bed queen size 160×200
- Tv, AC, Kulkas , Dispenser, Galon (Aqua)
- Disiapkan Handuk, Sabun Mandi (cair), Lemari geser, Cermin lebar
- Area dapur beserta kompor dan alat masak, Sendok + garpu + piring dan gelas, Kopi + Gula + Teh, serta meja dan kursi
- Free Wi-Fi
- Facility:
- Fasilitas yang Anda dapatkan berupa kartu akses
- Free swimming pool, Area parkir, Keamanan 24 jam. ATM center, Laundry kiloan, Kantin, Dll.
- Additional Info:
- Sewa Apartemen Harian Murah di Margonda Depok Residence terletak di Jl. Raya Margonda Kav. 88 Beji – Depok (Terletak di seberang Ace Hardware , belakang D’Mall atau Hotel Santika). Tempatnya sangat strategis, tidak jauh dari Universitas Indonesia (UI), Universitas Gunadarma, perbelanjan seperti Mall Margo City, ITC Depok. Akses transportasi 24 jam, 5 menit ke Stasiun KA Depok Baru, akses mudah ke Tol JORR dan Lenteng Agung.
- Penginapan harian / Hotel Murah di Depok.
- Untuk melakukan reservasi caranya sangat mudah:
- Tentukan tanggal Anda menginap dan berapa lama.
- Konfirmasi ke saya apakah room nya tersedia.
- Ke : Tlp only : 081388529700 / Whatsapp : 087784612096
- Kirim data diri Anda berupa foto KTP melalui WhatsApp dan Nomor yang bisa dihubungi.
- Apabila roomnya available, Transfer uang DP sebesar Rp 50.000/hari/room (dikali berapa hari sewa) ke rekening yang tersedia.
- Pastikan Anda mengirim ke nomer rekening yang tepat sesuai dengan yang tertera.
- DP Hangus Apabila cancel.
- Pada saat hari H, pelunasan sisa sewa (total sewa – DP) cash , saya akan beritahu prosedur pengambilan kunci.
- Pelunasan pembayaran dilakukan saat serah terima kunci.
- Cek in paling cepat jam 1 siang. Cek out paling lama jam 11 siang. ( untuk transit sudah tidak ada )
- Bila check out diatas jam 11.00, dikenakan overtime charge Rp 50.000/jam (mohon diinfokan terlebih dahulu).
- Dan Untuk pembayaran cash/cod dikenakan biaya tambahan Rp 5.000
- Pada saat cek out konfirmasi kembali kepada saya.
- Dilarang membawa atau merusak fasilitas yang ada di kamar
- Jika sudah melakukan booking DP dan tidak ada kabar sampai batas waktu yang saya berikan, maka booking dianggap CANCEL. Dan uang tidak bisa kembali.
- Rental Price:
- Harga Sewa Fullday Mares 3 – 4 – 5 :
- Senin – Kamis : Rp 200.000 – 250.000
- Jumat – Minggu : Rp 250.000 – 350.000
- Harga Sewa Mingguan / 7hari : Rp 1.500.000 – 1.850.000
- Harga Sewa Bulanan : Rp 3.500.000 (di luar listrik)
- Harga Sewa Fullday Mares 3 – 4 – 5 :
- Contact:
- Untuk format booking respon cepat Tlp / Whastapp :
- Nama, Tanggal Booking, Berapa Lama.
- Contoh: Faki, selsa 18 juni, 3hari
- Contact:
- Whastapp admin : 087784612096
- Tlp : 081388529700
- Untuk format booking respon cepat Tlp / Whastapp :
- E-mail: D.oneroomapartemen@gmail.com
Jual Apartemen D’Lofts Kemanggisan, Jakarta Barat – 1+1 BR 54 m2 Fully Furnished
- Apartment Name: D’Lofts
- Location: Kemanggisan, Jakarta Barat
- Tower/Floor/View: 1/2/Outside
- Size: 54 m2 (2 Lantai – Loft Unit)
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Study Room: 1
- Condition: Fully Furnished
- Lantai Atas
- Kasur dan Divan seperti digambar
- Lemari Pakaian
- Meja Belajar
- Meja Serbaguna Dekat Kasur
- AC 2 PK
- Lantai Bawah
- Sofa 3 seat
- Meja TV
- Kitchen Set
- AC 1 PK
- Water Heater
- Dekat dengan Universitas BINUS (Jalan Kaki Kurang lebih 5 menit) , 5 menit menggunakan kendaraan dari Slipi, Palmerah, dan ke toll.? Selain sebagai tempat tinggal, banyak juga dari para pembeli yang merupakan investor. Karena lokasinya yang dekat dengan Binus University, Dlofts apartment merupakan suatu investasi yang menguntungkan. Hal ini disebabkan oleh kebutuhan tempat tinggal bagi para mahasiswa yang cukup tinggi. Para pembeli juga dapat menitipkan kamarnya kepada management untuk disewakan kembali bagi para tenant yang berminat.
- Lantai Atas
- Facility: Access card, dua lift, swimming pool indoor, minimarket, lobby, 24 hours security system, cleaning service (free 1x seminggu), parking area (basement).
- Additional Info: 2 lantai, kamar di atas. Kamar mandi, dapur dan toilet di bawah.
- Selling Price: Rp 400.000.000
- Contact: 081318398460
- E-mail: blackvenom991@gmail.com
Jual Murah Apartemen Grand Asia Afrika di Pusat Kota Bandung – 1 BR Furnished, Siap Huni & Disewakan
- Apartment Name: Grand Asia Afrika Residence
- Location: Jalan Karapitan No. 1 Bandung
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower C / Lantai 1 / View Utara – La Plaza
- Size: 22 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full furnished : AC ½ Pk, TV 32″, kitchen set, kompor tanam Domo + cooker hood, kulkas, water heater, tempat tidur utama (queen size), lemari, sofa bed, dispenser+Aqua
- Facility: Restaurant, convention hall, meeting room, CCTV, 24-hour security, access card, fitness center, swimming pool di setiap tower, pusat bisnis & lifestyle, jogging track, cafe, resto, and lounge.
- Additional Info:
- Apartemen Grand Asia Afrika Residence Bandung, merupakan apartemen yang sangat strategis yang berada di pusat kota Bandung, dekat area central bisnis jalan dan bersejarah yaitu Jalan Asia Afrika, di mana banyak area perkantoran dan kantor pusat pemerintahan kota Bandung. Sangat strategis karena dilalui oleh kendaraan umum 24 jam, dekat dengan Trans Studio Mall, pusat perbelanjaan & Factory Outlet Dago, Cihampelas dan Setiabudhi, dan wisata Lembang.
- Tersedia type: studio 22 & 25 m2, 2 BR 36 / 40 / 42 / 56 m2, 3 BR 74 m2 & ruko / area komersial 2 lantai
- Keunggulan lokasi:
- Lokasinya yang sangat strategis, berada di kawasan central area bisnis / perkantoran Jalan Asia Afrika
- Dekat akses via Buah batu, Moh Toha & Tol Pasteur / Pasupati, Stasiun KAI Kiara Condong, Stasiun Kota Bandung
- Berada dekat Pusat Perbelanjaan Trans Studio Mall, Clik Square Mall, Alun-Alun Kota Bandung, Yogya Dept Store, Kings Store, Bandung Electronik Center, Bandung Indah Plaza, Dago & Factory Outlet
- Berada dekat Kawasan Pendidikan : SMA 7 Bandung, SMA 5, SMA 3, SMA 2 Bandung, SMA BPI, Universitas Pasundan, UNLA, Likmi Ganesha, STIE Muhammadiyah.
- Selling Price: Rp 320.000.000, nego (exclude biaya balik nama & PPJB baru)
- Contact: More info, survey lokasi, please call or WA :
Radit Property : 081395064009 - E-mail: Raditproperty.Bandung@gmail.com
Disewakan Apartemen Green Palace Kalibata City – 2 BR 33 m2 Fully Furnished, Tower Lotus Lantai 7
- Apartment Name: Green Palace – Kalibata City
- Location: Jl. TMP Kalibata Raya No. 1, Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Lotus/07, AR
- Size: 33 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully Furnished, LED TV, Saluran TV Kabel, Jaringan Internet WiFi (Penyewa Berlangganan Sendiri), Kulkas, 2 AC, Kitchen Set, Kompor Gas + Tabung Gas, Cooker Hood, Sofabed, Master Bed, Single Bed, Lemari Pakaian Tiap Kamar, Kamar Mandi, Unit Dekat Dari Lift.
- Facility: Keamanan 24-jam, CCTV, Access Card, Kolam Renang, Fitness Room, Children Playground, Jogging Track, Shopping Mall Kalibata City Square, ATM, Bank, Food Court, Laundry, Apotik, Indomaret, Alfamart, Sekolah.
- Additional Info:
- Tersedia parkir mobil/motor berlangganan.
- Transportasi umum 24 jam.
- Dekat Stasiun Kereta Api Commuter Duren Kalibata.
- Rental Price:
- Rp 4.500.000 per bulan, minimal sewa 6 bulan bayar dimuka
- Deposit Rp 3.000.000 akan dikembalikan selesai masa sewa
- Contact: 08111777420
- E-mail: hilda307@gmail.com
Disewakan Apartment The Boulevard 1 Bedroom Fully Furnished – Easy Access to Thamrin and Sudirman with Easy Payment
- Apartment Name: The Boulevard
- Location: Jl. KH Fachrudin No. 5 Kampung Bali, Tanah Abang, Jakarta Pusat 10250
- Tower/Floor/View: City View
- Size: 45 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully furnished with complete electronic (air conditioning, microwave, water heater, water dispenser, refrigerator)
- Facility:
- Apartment is very secured
- Exclusive and luxurious, only 1 tower
- Very comfortable for residence
- Indoor swimming pool
- Kids pool
- Playground
- Sauna
- Gym
- Tennis court
- Office
- ATM centre
- Indomaret
- Restaurant
- Parking area
- Additional Info:
- Apartment The Boulevard is very strategic location, nice place for living
- Few minute for big shopping Tanah Abang
- 5 minutes from BI
- 10 minutes from Monas
- Strategically located, suitable for working man / woman as its only few minutes away from Sudirman-Thamrin.
- Big shopping Malls can also be reached easily e.g. Plaza Indonesia, Grand Indonesia, EX and Sarinah.
- Rental Price: Rp. 7.500.000,- per month
- 6 months plan:
- Disc 5%
- Free electricity up to 250.000 per month for 3 months
- Free parking for 6 months
- 12 months plan:
- Pay 11 months for a total of 12 months
- Free electricity up to 500.000 per month for 3 months
- Free parking for 12 months
- All the above payment including maintenance fee and periodically AC services
- 6 months plan:
- Contact: Willy
- 0819 3225 1718 (Call)
- 0838 9474 8849 (WhatsApp)
- E-mail: willysteven@abdiproperti.co.id
Disewakan Apartment Denpasar Residence at Kuningan City – Best Price Furnished
- Apartment Name: Denpasar Residence – Kuningan City
- Location: Jl. Prof Dr Satrio, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Kintamani & Ubud
- Size: 1 BR: 60m2, 2 BR: 75m2, 84m2, 94m2, 3 BR: 125m2 & 135m2
- Bedroom: 1/2/3
- Bathroom: 1/2/3
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Furnished
- Facility: Private access to Kuningan City Mall, Balinese resort swimming pool for adults and kids, sauna, gym, Tennis & Basketball court, jogging track, child care, children playground, BBQ and picnic area, meeting room, library lounge, mini market, laundry, 24/7 security services with CCTV and walking distance to offices, Embassies, ATMs, Banks and Hospitals.
- Additional Info: 5 minutes away from Pancoran and near to business district (Sudirman, Rasuna Said, Kuningan, Gatot Subroto, Tebet & MT Haryono), easy access to public transportation (train and bus). Security 24 jam, shuttle Bus Mega Kuningan.
- Selling Price: Ask for detail
- Rental Price:
- 1 BR: Start from Rp 11.000.000 / month
- 2 BR: Start from Rp 14.000.000 / month
- 3 BR: $ 1,600 / month
- Contact: 087880702424
- E-mail: fivie.juffriy@yahoo.co.id
Disewakan Apartemen Pakubuwono View di Jakarta Selatan – 2+1 BR Fully Furnished
- Apartment Name: Pakubuwono View
- Location: Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda No. 12 Kebayoran Lama, Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower Redwood / Low Floor
- Size: 149 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 2
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully furnished
- Facility: 24-hour security and CCTV, private and comfortable lobby, private lift and private balcony available, access card to unit and facility, and security video call. Swimming pool, gym and fitness centre, yoga corner, tennis court, basketball court, jogging track surrounded by tropical garden and aerobic space. Mall connected, Avenue of the star, Cinema XXI Lippo mall kemang. Restaurant Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Ethnic restaurant connected to the area.
- Additional Info:
- Located in South Jakarta, very strategic location which is can be accessed from various directions.
- Kemang was called as second Bali at Jakarta, surrounded by fully entertaining places like bars, cafes, restaurants, etc.
- Just 15 minutes of driving to international school.
- 10 minutes to international hospital, and 30 minutes to foreign country embassies.
- Rental Price: Rp 33.000.000/month (minimum rent for 1 year)
- Contact: Cynthia 08161430702 / 08118188015 or klik goo.gl/N3nbzW
- E-mail: cynthia.hartayo@gmail.com
Dijual Apartemen Akasa Pure Living BSD – Full Furnished, Siap Huni – Ready 2 Unit Studio
- Apartment Name: Akasa Pure Living
- Location: BSD – Tangerang Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Kirana / 11 / View Kolam
- Size: 22.48 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Unit Langka. Twins unit studio (bersebelahan). Kondisi persis dengan foto
- Tower Kirana. Dijual 2 unit studio bersebelahan (boleh beli 1 unit atau 2 unit, harga nego jika membeli 2 unit sekaligus)
- View favorit menghadap pool (view bagus)
- Unit bagus terletak di lantai 11, sudah full furnished. SIAP HUNI TINGGAL BAWA PAKAIAN DAN PERLENGKAPAN PRIBADI.
- No Unit angka FAVORITE: 8 dan 7 (bersebelahan)
- Investasi Yang Sangat Bagus, Baik Untuk Disewakan Atau Dijual Kembali Mumpung Belum Ramai Penghuni (Baru Saja Selesai Untuk Kios Usaha; Di Apartemen Akasa Lebih “Bagus” Karena Akan Ada Cafe + Mall) dibanding project sejenis di BSD. (Sinar Mas)
Siapa Cepat Dia Dapat
- Facility: Thematic Swimming Pool (kolam renang luas), Shopping Arcade, Jogging Track, Children Playground, Gymnasium, Function Room, Sky Garden, BBQ area, Nursery Park, Digital Park, Discovery Park, Reflexology Park, Olympic Park, Balcony, Shophouses, dan sistem pengamanan security 24 jam.
- Additional Info: Tower Kirana – Akasa Pure Living By: Sinarmas Land
- AKASA Pure Living Apartemen kembali meluncurkan tower kedua yaitu KIRANA Tower.
Berlokasi strategis di pusat kota BSD City, hunian modern ini merupakan pilihan tepat bagi Anda yang bergaya hidup urban dan dinamis. Di lengkapi dengan beragam fasilitas lengkap layaknya kawasan hunian - Lokasi super strategis:
- Mall / hiburan : Modern Market, teras kota, BSD Square, Giant, BSD Plaza, BSD Junction, ITC BSD, oceanpark, BSD indah Golf, AEON Mall
- Kampus / Sekolah : Santa Ursula, Ora At Labora, Al Azhar School, IULI, IPEKA, Swiss Germany University, Presetiya Mulya, Atmajaya
- Pusat Komersial : Auto Part, Sunburst Office Park, CBD BSD Commersial Park, BSD Green Office Park, Convention Hall, Foresta business loft
- Dekat dengan jalan toll JORR BSD – Pondok indah. Coming soon exit toll BSD – Kunciran alam sutera airport.
- Kesempatan Terbatas!!!
Beli Property? Lihatlah Developernya terlebih dahulu.
Sinarmas Land terjamin dan terpercaya..!!!
- AKASA Pure Living Apartemen kembali meluncurkan tower kedua yaitu KIRANA Tower.
- Selling Price: Rp 400.000.000/unit (full furnished), nego
- Contact: 081802618818 (Serious Buyer Only)
Sewa Apartemen Anandamaya Residence Sudirman Jakarta Pusat – 2+1 BR 148 m2 Fully Furnished
- Apartment Name: Anandamaya Residence
- Location: Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. Kav. 5, RT. 10 / RW. 11, Karet Tengsin, Tanah Abang, Jakarta Pusat
- Tower/Floor/View: Middle
- Size: 148 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 2
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully Furnished
- Facility: 24-hours International Security Services Security System, CCTV, access card, passenger lift, 24 Hours Reception Service Desk, Laguna Swimming fool, Infinity Swimming pool 50meter, indoor swimming pool Jogging area, Gazebo Bali Style, Fitness Centre with very High Standard, Jacuzzi, Whirlpool and Sauna, Tennis Court, Badminton Court, 3 of Magnificent Function Room, Garden, playground for kids Outdoor and Indoor Playground, 24-hour Taxi Service, laundry service
- Additional Info:
- Enjoy the ultimate luxury lifestyle along Jalan Sudirman, just a heartbeat away from the conveniences and pleasures of the city. Take advantage of the potential capital appreciation and solid rental yields that come from this prime location.
- Close to both work and entertainment, every advantage is yours.
- Rental Price: $ 2600/Month
- Contact: Magda – 085146017411
- WhatsApp: 085146017411
- E-mail: Kalalomagdalena@gmail.com
Disewakan Apartment 1 BR Apartment The Boulevard – Free Maintenance Fee, Parking, Electricity
- Apartment Name: The Boulevard
- Location: Jl. KH Fachrudin No. 5 Kampung Bali, Tanah Abang, Jakarta Pusat 10250
- Tower/Floor/View: 23/City View
- Size: 45 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully furnished with complete electronic (air conditioning, microwave, water heater, water dispenser, refrigerator)
- Facility:
- Apartment is very secured
- Exclusive and luxurious, only 1 tower
- Very comfortable for residence
- Indoor swimming pool
- Kids pool
- Playground
- Sauna
- Gym
- Tennis court
- Office
- ATM centre
- Indomaret
- Restaurant
- Parking area
- Additional Info:
- Apartment The Boulevard is very strategic location, nice place for living
- Few minute for big shopping Tanah Abang
- 5 minutes from BI
- 10 minutes from Monas
- Strategically located, suitable for working man / woman as its only few minutes away from Sudirman-Thamrin.
- Big shopping Malls can also be reached easily e.g. Plaza Indonesia, Grand Indonesia, EX and Sarinah.
- Close to Stasiun Tanah Abang
- Rental Price: Rp 7.500.000 per month
- 6 months plan:
– Disc 5%
– Free electricity up to 250.000 per month for 3 months
– Free parking for 6 months - 12 months plan:
– Pay 11 months for a total of 12 months
– Free electricity up to 500.000 per month for 3 months
– Free parking for 12 months - All the above payment including maintenance fee and periodically AC services
- 6 months plan:
- Contact: Farida +62818710645 (Call/WhatsApp)
- E-mail: farida@abdiproperti.co.id