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Apartment Name: Essence Dharmawangsa
Location: Jl. Darmawangsa X No. 86, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan 12160
Tower/Floor/View: any
Size: 83 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Available 2 br (2 unit) for sale
Fitness Centre
Reflecting Pool
Swimming Pool Eminence tower
Swimming Pool South tower
Tennis Court
Business Centre
Farm to Table
Lobby South tower
Meeting Room
Cafe + Restaurant (nice coffee), et
Additional Info:
Available unit Essence Dharmawangsa, Kemvil, Kempinski, Basura, Kencana Pondok Indah, Pondok Indah Residence, Gandaria Height, Andamaya,etc
We also welcome for owners who want to sell or rent their properties via us
Selling Price:
2BR price Rp 1.6 M nego SHM
Your trusted agent Lyazuardi 085881569997
WhatsApp: 085881569997
Apartment Name: Bassura City
Location: Jl. Jendral Basuki Rahmat No.1 Komplek Apartemen Basura City Jakarta Timur
Tower/Floor/View: H/20/kota
Size: 28 m2
Bedroom: 1
Bathroom: 1
AC 1
Meja dapur besar 4 laci
Card acses Lift
Kolam renang anak/dewasa
Tempat Sauna
Tempat fitnes
Lapangan Basket/Futsal
Teman Bermain Anak
Jogging Track
Area parkir yang luas
Security 24 jam
Mall @Bassura City
ATM Center
Food Station
Additional Info: –
Rental Price:
Sewa per tahun Rp 24 juta (termasuk biaya maintenance)
Sewa 6 bulan Rp 12 juta (termasuk biaya maintenance)
Note: untuk perabotan bisa dibicarakan
WhatsApp: 0818921773
Apartment Name: The H Residence
Location: Cawang, Jakarta
Tower/Floor/View: 8
Size: 46 m2
Bedroom: 1
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Semi Furnished
Keamanan 24 Jam
Parkir Basement
Kolam Renang
Tempat Bermain Anak
Kartu Akses Pribadi ke Unit Apartemen
Tempat Makan
Additional Info:
5 menit ke Akses Gerbang Tol (ke Bandara Soekarno-Hatta, ke Semanggi dan dekat akses Tol ke Bekasi & Bandung)
6 menit ke Bandara Halim Perdanakusuma
Akses mudah dan dekat ke lokasi di Cawang, Kramat Jati, MT Haryono, dan Gatot Subroto.
Akses mudah ke Busway dan Stasiun Kereta (Commuter Line)
Dekat dengan Rumah Sakit (RSU UKI, RS Pusat Otak Nasional).
Dekat dengan Mall (Lippo Plaza Kramat Jati, Mall Basura City).
Dekat dengan Universitas Paramadina dan UKI
Selling Price: Rp 850.000.000,-
Contact: Prama 0812-9013-3893 (Call/Whatsapp)
WhatsApp: 081290133893
Apartment Name: Bassura Apartment
Location: Basura city mall
Tower/Floor/View: –
Size: 53 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
2 kamar ada jendela
Tipe di hook / corner
Additional Info:
Viewing by appointment only by email or wa to 08164848478
Selling Price:
Harga jual Rp 850 juta nego
Nimas 08164848478
Rully 081586500805
WhatsApp: 08164848478
Apartment Name: Apartemen Bassura City
Location: Jl. Basuki Rahmat, Jakarta Timur
Tower/Floor/View: All Tower
Size: 21 / 28 / 34 / 48 m2
Bedroom: Studio, 1BR, 2BR, 3BR
Bathroom: 1
Study Room: 1
Maid Room: 1
Maid Bathroom: 1
Condition: Unfurnish / Fully Furnished
Kolam Renang
Arena Bermain
Lapangan Basket
Mini Market
Mall Basura
ATM Center
Comercial Area
Additional Info: Free Mintenance
Rental Price:
Studio Rp 3,5 juta / bulan – Rp 10 juta /3 bulan
1BR Rp 4 juta / bulan – Rp 11 juta /3 bulan
2BR Rp 4,5 juta / bulan – Rp 12 juta /3 bulan
3BR Rp 6,5 juta / bulan – Rp 18 juta /3 bulan
Contact: 08881220604
WhatsApp: 08881220604
Apartment Name: Basura City
Location: Jl Jendral Basuki Rahmat no.1 Komplek Apartemen Bassura City Jakarta Timur
Tower/Floor/View: H/20/kota
Size: 28 m2
Bedroom: 1
Bathroom: 1
AC 1
Meja dapur besar 4 laci.
Kolam renang anak/dewasa
Tempat Sauna
Tempat fitnes
Lapangan Basket/Futsal
Teman Bermain Anak
Jogging Track
Area parkir yang luas
Security 24 jam
Mall @Bassura City
ATM Center
Food Station
Additional Info: –
Rental Price:
Sewa pertahun Rp 24 juta (termasuk biaya maintenance)
Sewa 6 bulan Rp 12 juta (termasuk biaya maintenance)
Contact hp/wa 0818921773.
Contact: 0818921773
WhatsApp: 0818921773
Apartment Name: Apartemen Bassura City
Location: Jakarta Timur
Tower/Floor/View: E/29/BK
Size: 34 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Full furnished
Security 24 jam
Receptionist 24 jam
Parkir bawah tanah
Atm canter
Conecting mall basura
Akses card dipintu lift dan loby
Kolam renang
Lapangan basket
Ruang fitnest
Ruang sauna
Acces Pendukung
15 menit ke CBD Kuningan
15 menit ke kawasan bisnis sudirman
15 menit ke st. Kereta api
10 menit ke kampung melayu
5 menit ke rs. premier jakarta
Mau Titip-Jual-Sewa juga bisa tersedia juga untuk type studio, 1BR, 2BR, 3BR, Unfurnished / fully furnished di?Jln. Basuki Rahmat No. 1A Kel. Cipinang Besar Selatan Kec. Jati Negara Jakarta Timur
Additional Info: Disewakan 2 kamar Apartemen Bassura City
Unit full furnished ready kapan saja ditempati unit bagus interior mewah tower Edelweis, lantai 29
Tersedia 2 slot parkir 1 mobil, 1 motor
Untuk mobil Rp 200.000/bulan untuk motor Rp 75,000/bulan
Untuk awal biaya kartu Rp 75 ribu/kendaraan
Harga tertera harga sewa per 1 tahun
Bisa bayar perbulan (kontrak sewa 6 bulanan)
Sudah free maintenance selama sewa
Penyewa hanya bayar listrik, air dan Wifi
Unit ready ditempati kapan saja
Fasilitas Apartemen
Terdapat kolam renang sauna dan gym, laundry, Aqua dan gas bisa diantar
Security 24 jam
Dekat dengan Mall Bassuranya
Tersedia Superindo untuk kebutuhan bulanan
Minimarket buka 24 jam
Kios Makanan buka 24 jam
Menyewakan juga type lain studio, 1 kamar, 2 kamar dan 3 kamar baik kosongan, semi Furnish atau full furnished
Terima Titip Sewa Atau Jual
Selling Price: Rp 40.000.000
Contact: 082246089882
WhatsApp: 082246089882
Apartment Name: Bassura City
Location: Jl. Jend. Basuki Rahmat No 1A. Jakarta Timur 13410
Tower/Floor/View: Tower Alamanda/16/football park
Size: 34m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Furnished
Spring Bed
Kitchen Set, dll
Shuttle ke Bandara Soetta
Swimming Pool
Gym and Spa
Parkir gedung & basement
Outdoor playground
Klinik kesehatan dan gigi
Akses langsung ke Mall
Additional Info:
Tepat diatas mall, lantai rendah, pemandangan bagus
Akses langsung menuju Kampung Melayu-Casablanca, dekat dengan Bypass dan akses Gerbang Tol Dalam Kota.
Selling Price: Rp 870,000,000,- (negotiable)
Contact: Ms Henny (owner) 0811974342
WhatsApp: 0811974342
Apartment Name: Bassura City
Location: Jl. Basuki Rahmat (samping Pasar Gembrong) Jakarta Timur
Tower/Floor/View: A/30/Sunrise
Size: 34 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Full furnished, TV, 2AC, Kulkas, Sofa, Full Kitchen set, Spring bed kamar utama 160 x 200, kamar anak 100 x 200 , Lemari 2 pintu di tiap kamar, rak sepatu.
Facility: Main lobby, Kolam renang, Security 24 jam, Fitness center
Additional Info: Kondisi unit rapi & bersih, interior bagus, tinggal huni.
Rental Price: Rp 4.400.000 per bulan
Contact: 08111805171
WhatsApp: 08111805171
Apartment Name: Basura City
Location: Jl. Basuki Rahmat, Jakarta Timur
Tower/Floor/View: A-J/1-32/City
Size: 21-48 m2
Bedroom: Studio, 1 BR, 2 BR, 3 BR
Bathroom: 1
Study Room: 1
Condition: Furnished
Fire Exhaust
Kitchen Set
Additional Info: Free Maintenance
Rental Price: Rp 3.500.000/bulan
Contact: 08881220604
WhatsApp: 08881220604