Location: Jalan Raya Boulevard No. 18 RT 18/RW 8, Kelapa Gading Barat, Jakarta Utara, DKI Jakarta -14240
Tower/Floor/View: San Fransisco Bay, Manhattan Bay, Santa Monica Bay, Miami Bay, Hawaian Bay
Size: 35 m2, 37 m2, 45 m2
Bedroom: 1, 2
Bathroom: 1
Study Room: 1
Maid Room: 1
Maid Bathroom: 1
Condition: Full furnished, desain interior luxs. 3 AC, lcd/led tv, kabel TV, water heater, kamar mandi, kulkas, sofa, kompor, kitchen set dan peralatan masak yang sudah lengkap, rice cooker,mesin cuci.
Facility: Keamanan 24 jam, kartu akses, CCTV, kolam renang, bola basket, lapangan tenis, jogging track, gym, squash, taman bermain anak, area parkir 4 lantai, dekat dengan pusat perbelanjaan, pendidikan, usaha, wisata kuliner.
Additional Info: Akses langsung ke Mall of Indonesia, dekat Artha Gading Mall, Mall Kelapa Gading, Ancol, Dufan, ITC Cempaka Mas, ITC Mangga Dua, IBI University, RS Mitra Keluarga, dan akses tol ke bandara Soekarno Hatta.
Selling Price: Call for Detail
Rental Price: SPECIAL PROMO!
Sewa Harian Rp. 450.000/Hari (Minimal 5Hari Sewa)
Sewa 1 minggu Rp. 3.000.000 UNIT PROMO TERBATAS! – Type 35 m2 / 37 m2 – 1 kamar/studio: 1 bulan= Rp 4.500.000 – Rp 5.500.000 1 tahun= Rp 40.000.000 – Rp 45.000.000 – Type 45 m2 – 2 kamar: 1 Hari= Rp 550.000 – Rp 650.000 1 minggu = Rp 3.500.000 – Rp 4.000.000 1 bulan = Rp 5.000.000 – Rp 7.000.000 1 tahun= Rp 45.000.000 – Rp 70.000.000
Harga sewa disesuaikan dengan kondisi unit.
Sewa harian dan mingguan belum termasuk parkir dan deposit, include maintenance, listrik, air.
Sewa bulanan dan tahunan belum termasuk deposit, maintenance, listrik, air, dan parkir.
Tersedia unit jual/ bisa titip kunci, informasi langsung kontak.
Contact: Agus Pramb 087811211951 (WA/Telpn) 087884381110 (WA/Telpn)
Private Access to Culinary Area Wiro Sableng, Sari Sanjaya, Korea Mart, JAC School, Alfamart, dll.
Additional Info:
Mal: Mal Artha Gading & Diamond Supermarket, Mal of Indonesia, Mal Kelapa Gading, Tradisional Market KG, AllFresh, Total Fruit, Jakarta Fruit, McDonald’s,
Hospital: Gading Pluit & Mitra Keluarga,
School: SMAK Penabur, SIS, SMA Yakobus, Taiwan School, SMA A Azhar.
Location: Jl. Boulevard Barat, Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara
Tower/Floor/View: Sanfransisco bay, Manhattan bay,santamonica bay, Miami bay, Hawaiian bay
Size: 35 m² – 37 m² – 45 m² – 83 m² – 85 m² – 95 m² – 105 m² – 115 m²
Bedroom: Studio, 2 bedroom, 3 bedroom
Bathroom: 2, 3
Study Room: 1
Maid Room: 1
Maid Bathroom: 1
Condition: Full furnished computing minimalis design style Ferry comfortable and memorable unit bedroom set with wardrobe 3 unit AC sofa dining tablet and chairs LCD TV wachine kitchen set dispenser refrigrator rice cooker microwave bathroom with water heater.
Facility: 24 house scurity parking area swimming pool fitness center children Playground jogging track Indomaret salon and spa Carrefour IXX businees and store complex internet and tv cable provider.
Additional Info: Dekat dengan pusat perbelanjaan mall kelapa gading mall Artha Gading mall MOI ITC Cempaka mas ITC mangga dua square Ancol Duvan acara direct tol Sukarno Hatta and Sunter Podomoro etc.
Selling Price: Rp 650.000.000 – 750.000.000
Rental Price:
1 hari Rp 550.000 / 600.000
3 hari Rp 1.550.000
1 Minggu Rp 3.000.000 / 3.500.000
2 Minggu Rp 4.500.000 / 5.500.000
3 Minggu Rp 6.000.000 / 6.500.000 (Include listrik air dan maintenance)
1 bulan Rp 4.500.000 / 5.000.000 / 5.500.000 / 6.000.000 / 6.500.000 / 8.000.000
3 bulan Rp 15.500.000 / 16.500.000 / 18.000.000 / 20.000.000
6 bulan Rp 28.000.000 / 30.000.000 / 33.000.000 / 36.000.000 / 38.000.000 /
1 tahun Rp 45.000.000 / 50.000.000 / 55.000.000 / 60.000.000 / 65.000.000 / 68.000.000
Location: Jl. Boulevard Barat, Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara
Tower/Floor/View: San Fransisco Bay, Manhattan Bay, Santa Monica Bay, Miami Bay, Hawaiian Bay
Size: 35 m² – 37 m² – 45 m² – 83 m² – 85 m² – 95 m² – 105 m² – 115 m²
Bedroom: Studio, 2 bedroom, 3 bedroom
Bathroom: 2, 3
Study Room: 1
Maid Room: 1
Maid Bathroom: 1
Condition: Full furnished computing minimalis design style Ferry comfortable and memorable unit bedroom set with wardrobe 3 unit AC sofa dining tablet and chairs LCD TV wachine kitchen set dispenser refrigrator rice cooker microwave bathroom with water heater.
Facility: 24 house scurity parking area swimming pool fitness center children Playground jogging track Indomaret salon and spa Carrefour IXX businees and store complex internet and tv cable provider.
Additional Info: Dekat dengan pusat perbelanjaan mall kelapa gading mall kelapa gading mall Artha Gading mall MOI ITC Cempaka mas ITC mangga dua square Ancol Duvan acara direct tol Sukarno Hatta and Sunter Podomoro etc.
Selling Price: Rp 650.000.000 – 750.000.000
Rental Price:
1 hari Rp 550.000 / 600.000
3 hari Rp 1.500.000
1 Minggu Rp 3.000.000 / 3.500.000
2 Minggu Rp 4.500.000 / 5.000.000
3 Minggu Rp 5.500.000 / 6.000.000 (Include listrik air dan maintenance)
1 bulan Rp 4.500.000 / 5.000.000 / 5.500.000 / 6.000.000 / 6.500.000 / 8.000.000
3 bulan Rp 15.500.000 / 16.500.000 / 18.500.000 / 8.000.000
6 bulan Rp 28.000.000 / 30.000.000 / 33.000.000 / 36.000.000 / 38.000.000
1 tahun Rp 45.000.000 / 50.000.000 / 55.000.000 / 60.000.000 / 65.000.000 / 67.000.000
Location: Jl. Sedayu Boulevard Raya no.1, Sedayu City @ Kelapa Gading, Jakarta 13920
Tower/Floor/View: Any Floor / City ? Pool View
Size: 28, 31, 37, 40, 60, 65, 77, 83 m2
Bedroom: studio, 1 / 2 / 3
Bathroom: 1 / 2
Study Room: Depend On Size
Maid Room: Depend On Size
Maid Bathroom: Depend On Size
Condition: Semi Furnished with Excellent Condition
Swimming Pool
Children Pool
Children Playground
Jogging Track
Meeting Room
Function Room
Rezeky fresh market
Coffee shop
Additional Info:
The New Residential & Commercial Area Premium with “Living Beyond green” concept, bebas banjir dengan luas -+85 Ha.
Dikembangkan oleh Developer Real Estate Ternama PT. Agung Sedayu Group.
Sedayu City suites Apartemen Melbourne Tower dengan pemandangan kota, keamanan yang terjamin, area parkir yang luas, dan akses yg mudah.
Memiliki Fasilitas yang sangat lengkap seperty ClubHouse, Swimming Pool, Children Playground, Jogging Track, Gym, Hospital, Showroom mobil, dan dekat dengan berbagai pusat wisata kuliner seperty Old Shanghai, Gading Festival, Kampoeng Seafood, Korean Town & Japan Town.
Residential :
Cluster Fully Furnished
Apartemen Semi Furnished
Commercial :
Rukan 4lt & 3lt
Kavling Komersial (Big Box)
*Harga Jual sudah termasuk PPN 11%, listrik 4400 watt, dan Jaringan PAM.
*Harga Jual belum termasuk biaya Pemecahan Sertifikat, Akte Jual Beli, BPHTB, atau Pajak Susulan dari Pemerintah.
Dapatkan Promo Istimewa Sekarang !
Selling Price: Rp 930.000.000 – 2.600.000.000 (Cash keras / KPR)
Rental Price: Hubungi langsung ke Ane
Contact: Untuk informasi lebih lanjut / butuh informasi property lainnya silakan hubungi Aneke Marketing Executive Sedayu City di nomor 081511026649