Apartment Name: St Moritz Puri indah (Royal, Ambassador, President)
Location: Puri Indah CBD, Blok U1, Jl. Puri Indah Raya, Kembangan, Jakarta Barat 11610
Tower/Floor/View: low-high floor
Size: 80-175 m2
Bedroom: 2-4
Bathroom: 2-3
Maid Room: 1
Maid Bathroom: 1
Dilengkapi dengan private lift
View menghadap ke Utara-Timur
Akses langsung ke mall
Cocok untuk investasi atau tempat tinggal
St Moritz merupakan hunian yang mewah dengan fasilitas yang lengkap, seperti kolam renang, area jogging, tempat bermain anak, danau, serta pusat perbelanjaan untuk kebutuhan sehari-hari.
Equipped with a private lift
facing North-East view
Direct access to the mall
Suitable for investment or residence
St Moritz is a luxurious residence with complete facilities, such as swimming pool, jogging area, children’s playground, lake, and shopping center for daily need
St Moritz Apartment is very well-rented by expatriates with a high rental price
Security 24 Jam
Kartu akses penghuni
Free akses parkir
Akses langsung ke Mall
Kolam renang
Gym / Fitness Center
Dekat dengan Kawasan Bisnis, rumah Sakit Pondok Indah-Puri Indah
Sekolah (Sekolah Pelita Harapan, Notre Dame, IPEKA, Sekolah Bina Bangsa, Global Sevilla)
Close to the Business District Pondok Indah-Puri Indah Hospital Schools (Pelita
Harapan School, Notre Dame, IPEKA, Bina Bangsa School, Global Sevilla) Shopping Center (Lippo Mall Puri, Puri Indah Mall, Hypermart, Carrefour, Ranch Market) Close to the Toll Gate
Additional Info:
Apartemen St Moritz sangat diminati oleh ekspatriat dengan harga sewa yang tinggi
St Moritz Apartment is very well-rented by expatriates with a high rental price
Selling Price: Rp 1.800.000.000 – 3.500.000.000 (with private pool)
Fasilitas Apartemen: CCTV, security 24 jam, lobby, private lift, kolam renang, gymnastium, akses ke Mall, Free akses parkir 1 unit, lapangan tennis, lapangan basket, Jogging Track, Tempat bermain Anak
Fasilitas Sekitar: Dekat dengan berbagai Cafe dan Restaurant, Rumah Sakit (Brawijaya, Kemang Medical Care), Sekolah (Sekolah Pelita Harapan, Australian International School, Netherland International School, Mentari School), Akses Tol (JORR, TB Simatupang, Pondok Indah, Cipete)
Additional Info: **Terima titip Unit untuk Dijual atau Disewakan
Apartment Name: Kalibata City – Kalibata Residence
Location: Jl. Taman Makam Pahlawan No. 1, Kalibata, Pancoran, Jakarta Selatan
Tower/Floor/View: Kemuning / Lantai 2
Size: 32 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 1
Condition: Full furnished.
2 AC, kulkas, TV LCD 32″, sofa, meja makan, dispenser, kompor Modena, kitchen set, ranjang utama 180×200 cm, ranjang anak 100×200 cm, meja rias, lemari pakaian besar di kamar utama dan kamar anak.
Rapi, bersih, nyaman.
Facility: Access card, Security 24 jam, Parkir Luas, Masjid, Lantai bawah langsung mall, Resto, Laundry, ATM center, Cafe 24 jam, Sport Centre Club, Lapang Basket, Joging Track, Farmers Market, Kalibata Mall dengan supermarket food court dan XXI Movies, Dekat dengan Rumah Sakit, Stasiun Kereta Api, Access Angkutan Umum.
Additional Info:
Sudah termasuk maintenance fee
Belum termasuk listrik dan PDAM
Belum termasuk kartu akses langganan parkir
Optional dijual
Sudah sertifikat Strata Hak Milik
Selling Price: Rp 425.000.000 Di luar biaya jual beli (AJB dan Notaris)
Rental Price:
Bulanan = Rp 3.500.000/bulan + Deposit Rp 2.500.000
Triwulan = Rp 10.000.000/3 bulan + Deposit Rp 2.500.000
Semester = Rp 19.000.000/6 bulan + Deposit Rp 2.500.000
Tahunan = Rp 37.000.000/tahun + Deposit Rp 2.500.000
Apartment Name: My Home – The Residences Ciputra World 1
Location: Prof. Dr. Satrio, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12940
Tower/Floor/View: High Floor / City view
Size: 123 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 2
Maid Room: 1
Condition: Furnished
Connecting to Lotte Shopping Avenue Mall
24-hour security & CCTV
Premium and luxurious facility
Swimming pool
Kids playground
Gym & fitness center
Tennis court
Basketball court
Badminton court
BBQ area
Concierge service
Parking Space
Additional Info:
Strategically located in the heart of Jakarta’s Central Business District, directly connected to an upscale shopping centre, Lotte Shopping Avenue and an ArtPre-neur Centre (museum, art gallery and theatre).
Easy access to main roads : Jalan Jendral Sudirman, Jalan Gatot Subroto & Jalan Rasuna Said.
Walking distance to many cafes / restaurants
Apartment with hotel grade amenities and professional services. Including : (Wi-Fi and TV Cable, Washing Machine, Kitchenware & Dinnerware, Soap & Shampoo, Towel)
Rental Price:
USD 3,000/month (including : cleaning, utilties, service charge)
USD 2,700/month (without : utilities and cleaning)
Outdoor facilities: tennis, Basket Ball, Swimming pool, children pool, BBQ Area
Indoor facilities: Solarium, Lounge, Libarary, Children Playground, Salon & spa, Clinic
Additional Info: Ready another listing Direct to Owner or primary unit. The Pakubuwono Residence, view, house, Signature, Spring & The Pakubuwono Menteng
Selling Price: Rp 16.500.000.000 (Harga Termurah)
Contact: For showing & visit unit: Robby 081296041987 (Call or Whastapp)
Location: Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.52-53, RT.5/RW.3, Senayan, Kby. Baru, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12190
Tower/Floor/View: High Floor
Size: 94 m2
Bedroom: 2
Bathroom: 2
Condition: Fully furnished
Facility: Keamanan 24 Jam dengan Kartu Akses, Kolam Renang, Private Lift, Separate Maid Entrance and Lift, Balcony Yang Nyaman, 1 Free Parking Lot, Fitness Centre, Internet and TV Cable, Spacious Gym Centre, Sauna, Ruang Serba Guna, Play Ground, Perpustakaan dengan akses Wifi
Additional Info:
Terletak di Area Strategis, Menjadikan Sudirman Mansion Residence yang Sempurna untuk Orang-Orang yang Tidak Memiliki Banyak Waktu Karena mereka terjebak kemacetan.
Sangat Dekat dengan Pusat Perbelanjaan, Jakarta Stock Exchange dan Gelora Bung Karno dan Pacific Place, FX lifestyle Mall, Plaza Senayan Mall, Senayan City Mall
Dekat dengan Driving Range Golf, Supermarket, Pusat ATM dan Bioskop
Hanya 10 menit Berkendara ke Jalan Tol dan 30 Menit ke Bandara