- Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside PIK 2
- Location: PIK 2
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower Edogawa / Lt 32-09 / Playground, open space parking lot
- Size: 36 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: New, Unfurnished
- Facility: Playground, Foodcourt, Market, Club House
- Additional Info: Free IPL / Maintenance until March 2023
- Rental Price: 12 Mil IDR / year
- Contact: 0821 7497 7337 – Jetvin
- WhatsApp: 082174977337
- E-mail: jetvin13@gmail.com
Dijual Over Kredit Apartemen Tokyo Riverside PIK 2 – Unit Unfurnished, Belum Handover
- Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside PIK 2
- Location: Tangerang
- Tower/Floor/View: Ginza/09/view taman
- Size: 21 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Unit dijual apartemen tokyo riverside pik 2
- Unit unfurnish, belum handover
- Masih cicilan ke developer
- Tower ginza lt 09 view taman
- Bayar ke pmilik rp 175juta netto
- Sisanya cicil ke developer rp 5,8juta x 36
- Facility:
- Ada tokyo hub, tempat kuliner dan resto terkenal
- Ada supermarket dan minimarket
- Ada pasar modern
- Additional Info:
- Developer terkemuka agung sedayu dan salim grup
- Sedang dibangun sekolah katolik international
- Akan dibangun prasetya mulya
- Market rental akan bagus nanti setelah semua progress selesai dibangun
- Selling Price:
- Bayar ke pemilik Rp 175.000.000 netto.
- Sisa cicil Rp 5,8juta x 36 ke developer
- Contact: 081388988295
- WhatsApp: 081388988295
- E-mail: sharone_pink@yahoo.co.id
Jual Rugi Termurah Apartemen Tokyo Riverside PIK2, TIPE STUDIO, 2BR, dan CONNECTING
- Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside PIK2
- Location: PIK2
- Tower/Floor/View: Akihabara, Beppu, Chikusei, Dotonbori, Edogawa, Fuji, Ginza, Izikawa
- Size: 21m2, 36m2, 38m2, 40m2, 57m2
- Bedroom: 1-3
- Bathroom: 2
- Condition:
- Unfurnished
- Full Furnished
- Facility:
- Swimming pool Olympic Size with Onsen Club House
- Japanese garden Theme Park
- Floral garden, Sunken Garden, Butterfly Garden, Leisure Garden
- Fitness center & Outdoor Gym
- Reflexology path
- Basket Ball court
- Food court
- Community Plaza
- Supermarket
- Jogging track, Tai Chi & Yoga Lawn, Koi Fish Pond, BBQ Pit Areal
- Sun deck lounge & Party Deck
- Dekat dengan Universitas Prasetya Mulia
- Dekat dengan Sekolah Katolik no 1 di Indonesia St John Berchmans School Jakarta
- Akan dibangun Sekolah Pelita Harapan
- Additional Info:
- View :
- Garden
- City
- Pool
- Sea
- Selling Price:
- Studio Rp. 250.000.000,-
- 2 BR Rp. 450.000.000,-
- Connecting Rp. 750.000.000,-
- Rental Price:
- Studio Rp. 12.000.000,-
- 2BR RP. 20.000.000,-
- Contact: Untuk Informasi dan Survei silahkan Hub:
HP: 0877.8711.9587
WA: 0878.847.000.26
Agent Property
MaPro Pantai Indah Kapuk
Menerima TITIP JUAL, BELI, SEWA PROPERTY - WhatsApp: 087884700026
- E-mail: Shinta.mapro@gmail.com
Disewakan Termurah Apartemen Tokyo Riverside PIK 2 – Type 2BR Kosongan (Sudah Ada 2 AC) !
- Apartment Name: Apartemen Tokyo Riverside PIK2
- Location: PIK2
- Tower/Floor/View: –
- Size: 36 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Kondisi Unit : Standard Developer (Unfurnished)
- Lantai Rendah
- Brand New
- Disediakan 2 AC
- Uk 36m2
- Siap Huni
- Facility:
- Area Balai Warga
- Fitness & Sport Centre (terpisah)
- Sun Deck Lounge & Party Deck
- Minimart
- Hawker Food market
- Terdapat juga akses ke area tempat jualan makanan seperti Mall & Foodcourt
- Community Plaza
- ATM Center
- Minimarket, Library, Laundry
- Parkir Basement & Gedung dengan sistem keamanan secure parking
- Petugas keamanan 24 jam & CCTV
- Additional Info: –
- Rental Price: Rp 18 juta/tahun Exc IPL
- Contact: 0853-2828-8838
- E-mail: Jovantan08@yahoo.co.id
Sewa Apartment PIK 2 Tokyo Riverside – Studio Full Furnished
- Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside PIK 2
- Location: Jl.Marina Indah Raya no 1, Pantai Indah Kapuk
- Tower/Floor/View: Chikusei / 12
- Size: 21 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Fully furnished
- Kitchen set furnished kompor dan hood
- Brand New
- Good Price
- Interior baru
- Smart TV
- Smart Door Lock
- Kulkas no frost
- AC Low Watt
- Microwave Low Watt
- Murphy Bed
- Tinggal bawa koper saja
- Facility:
- Swimming pool Olympic Size with Onsen Club’House
- Japanese garden Theme Park
- Floral garden, Sunken garden Butterfly Garden, Leisure Garden
- Fitness center and out door gym
- Basketball court
- Food Court Tokyo hub beraneka ragam restoran
- Jogging track, BbQ, Yoga lawan
- Sun deck lounge and Party Lounge
- Additional Info:
- Dekat universitas Prasetya Mulya
- Dekat Sekolah katolik St Jhon Berchmans School Jakarta
- Dekat Universitas Binus
- 5 menit ke Stadium International Mata Elang
- Dekat dengan Kavling Komersil Hits La Rivera PIK 2
- Posisi Central PIK 2
- Dekat dengan Rumah sakit TzuChi dan PIK 1
- Apartemen dekat dengan tempat wisata di PIK 2
- Pantjoran kuliner bernuansa Tionghoa yang terletak dekat dengan pasir putih
- Cove at Batavia PIK menawarkan pemandangan indah tepi laut yang indah
- Urban Farm PIK
- Lariviera berlatar bangunan berkonsep arsitektur Eropa
- Rental Price: IDR Rp 3.600.000 / month (boleh bayar bulanan)
- IPL Rp 338.000 / month
- Deposit Rp 6 Juta
- Kontrak 1 tahun
- Contact: 0813-8890-8215 (LANGSUNG OWNER)
- WhatsApp: 081388908215
- E-mail: Vansohedi@gmail.com
Sewa Apartemen Tokyo Riverside PIK 2 Jakarta Utara – Studio Unfurnished
- Apartment Name: Tokyo River Side PIK 2
- Location: Jln. Marina Indah Raya No. 1, PIK 2
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower Tokyo / Lantai 7 / Hadap Pool
- Size: 21 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Unfurnished, 1 AC
- Facility:
- Swimming pool setiap tower
- Swimming pool Olympic Size with Onsen Club House
- Japanese garden Theme Park
- Floral garden, Sunken Garden, Butterfly Garden, Leisure Garden
- Fitness center & Outdoor Gym
- Reflexology path
- Basket Ball court
- Food court
- Community Plaza
- Supermarket
- Jogging track, Tai Chi & Yoga Lawn, Koi Fish Pond, BBQ Pit Areal
- Sun deck lounge & Party Deck
- Additional Info:
- Dekat dengan 100 Chineese Restaurant
- Dekat dengan Pasar Raksasa
- Dekat dengan 4 Asian Market Terbesar di PIK
- Dekat dengan Universitas Prasetya Mulia
- Dekat dengan Sekolah Katholik no 1 di Indonesia
- Dekat dengan Mata Elang
- Dekat dengan Kavling Komersil
- Posisi Central di PIK 2
- Rental Price: Rp 10 Juta
- Contact: +62 812-8863-1631
- WhatsApp: 6281288631631
Dijual Apartement Tokyo Riverside PIK 2 Studio – 2BR Unfurnished – 3BR Connecting Pantai Indah Kapuk Jakarta Utara
- Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside
- Location: PIK 2
- Tower/Floor/View: Akihabara, Beppu, Chikusei, Dontonbori, Edogawa, Fuji, Ginza, Izikawa
- Size: 21m2, 36m2, 38m2, 40m2, 57m2
- Bedroom: 1-3
- Bathroom: 1-2
- Condition:
- Unfurnished
- Full Furnished
- Facility:
- Swimming pool Olympic Size with Onsen Club House
- Japanese garden Theme Park
- Floral garden, Sunken Garden, Butterfly Garden, Leisure Garden
- Fitness center & Outdoor Gym
- Reflexology path
- Basket Ball court
- Food court
- Community Plaza
- Supermarket
- Jogging track, Tai Chi & Yoga Lawn, Koi Fish Pond, BBQ Pit Areal
- Sun deck lounge & Party Deck
- Additional Info: View
- Garden
- City
- Pool
- Sea
- Selling Price:
- Studio Rp. 245.000.000, – Rp. 250.000.000,-
- 2 BR 36m2 Rp. 430.000.000,- Rp. 450.000.000,-
- 2 BR 38m2 Rp. 490.000.000,- Rp. 500.000.000,-
- 2 BR 40m2 Rp. 500.000.000,- Rp. 550.000.000,-
- Connecting Rp. 680.000.000,- Rp. 750.000.000,-
- Rental Price:
- Studio Rp. 15.000.000,- RP. 35.000.000,-
- 2BR RP. 20.000.000,- RP. 45.000.000,-
- Contact: 087759800900
- WhatsApp: 087759800900
- E-mail: homylandproperty@gmail.com
Jual Cepat – Super Murah, Apartmen Tokyo Riverside PIK 2, 2 Bedroom Fully Furnished
- Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside PIK 2
- Location: Jl.Marina Indah Raya no 1,Pantai indah kapuk
- Tower/Floor/View: Chikusei
- Size: 36 m2 m2
- Bedroom: 2BR
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully Furnish beserta elektronik
- Kamar utama:
- Ranjang 160+ matras
- Meja Rias
- Lemari 3pintu sleding
- Hordeng
- Panel tv dan tv Sharp 32i
Kamar anak:
- Lemari
- Meja rias
- Sofa satu dudukan
- Hordeng
Living room
- Kitchen set atas bawah ,rak piring
- Kompor listrik
- Cocer hood teka
- Meja makan 4kursi
- Elektronik
- 2 AC merek sharp
Water heater ariston
Tv Sharp 32inch
Coker hood teka
Kompor listrik
- 2 AC merek sharp
- Sudah termasuk biaya biaya
- Listrik 1300watt
- Ipl perbulan 546 rb
- Unit Baru, Interior Baru, Elektronik Baru
- Kamar utama:
- Facility:
- Swimming pool Olympic Size with Onsen Club’House
- Japanese garden Theme Park
- Floral garden Sunken garden Butterfly Garden Leisure Garden
- Fitness center and out door gym
- Reflexology Path
- Basketball court
- Food Court
- Community plaza
- Supermarket
- Jogging track, Thai chi and yoga lwan ,Koi Fish Pond,BbQ pitAreal
- Sun deck lounge and Party deck
- Dekat dengan Universitas Prasetya Mulya
- Dekat dengan Sekolah katolik no 1 di Indonesia Sy Jhon
- Berchmans School Jakarta
- Akan dibangu sekolah pelita harapan
- Additional Info:
View City ,Pool ,Sea
- Selling Price: Rp 500.000.000 nego tipis
Jual karena BU - Rental Price: Rp.32.000.000/tahun
- Contact: 089650693556 Rita
- WhatsApp: 089650693556
- E-mail: duomaximum.property@yahoo.com
Disewakan Apartemen Tokyo Riverside PIK 2 – Fully Furnished, Unfurnished
- Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside PIK 2
- Location: PIK 2, Jakarta Utara
- Tower/Floor/View: Any Tower / Any Floor
- Size: 21,36,38,40 m2
- Bedroom: 1,2,3
- Bathroom: 1,2
- Condition: Fully furnished/ Unfurnished
- Facility:
- Swiming pool Olympic Size with Onsen Club House
- Japanese Garden Theme Park
- Floral Garden, Sunken Garden, Butterfly Garden, Sunken Garden, Leisure Garden
- Fitness center and Outdoor Gym
- Reflexology path 7
- Basket Ball court
- Food Court
- Community Plaza
- Supermarket
- Jogging track, Tai Chi, Yoga lawn, Koi Fish Pond, BBQ Pit Areal
- Sun dect lounge &Party Deck
- Additional Info:
- The location is very strategic at PIK, has a PIK interchange (direct toll road access).
- The most complete Water Front City concept on the coast of Jakarta, super complete and exclusive facilities.
- Has a Water Treatment Plant, so tap water can be drunk directly like in foreign countries.
- Close to Tzu Chi School, Pertamina, Shell, PIK Mall, Fresh Market, Water Boom, business and culinary areas.
- Close to 1000 Chinese food restaurant
- Close to Giant Market
- Close to the 4 biggest Asian Markets in Pik
- Close to Prasetya Mulia University
- Close to the number 1 Catholic School in Indonesia
- Close to Eagle Eye
- Close to commercial plots
- Central Pik 2 position
- Selling Price: Ask me for detail
- Rental Price:
- Studio : Rp. 15.000.000,-
- Studio Furnished : Rp. 25.000.000,-
- 2BR : Rp. 25.000.000,-
- 2BR Furnished : Rp. 35.000.000,-
- Contact:
- 085718889903 (Yanti)
- 085717375348 (Telly)
- WhatsApp: 085718889903
Apartemen Tokyo Riverside PIK 2 Disewakan – New STUDIO Langsung Pemilik NEGO SAMPAI JADI
- Apartment Name: TOKYO RIVERSIDE
- Location: PIK 2 ? Jalan Marina Indah Kapuk No.1, Pantai Indah Kapuk Rt 07 Rw 02, Kamal Muara Kec. Penjaringan, Kota Jakarta Utara
- Tower/Floor/View: AKIHABARA/LT 26/ View Taman
- Size: 21 m2
- Bedroom: STUDIO
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside
Location: PIK 2
Size: 21 m2
Bedroom: Studio
Bathroom: 1
Best price
Shower with water heater
Gorden + VitraseFacility:
Swimming pool Olympic size with Onsen Club House
Japanese Garden Theme Park
Floral Garden, Sunken Garden butterfly Garden, Leisure Garden
Fitness center and outdoor gym
Basketball court
Food Court Tokyo hub beraneka ragam restaurant
Secure parking member bulananAdditional Info:
Nearby Prasetya Mulya University
Nearby St John Berchmans Catholic School Jakarta
Nearby Binus University
5 minutes to International Stadium Mata Elang
Nearby La Riviera PIK 2Rental Price:
Rp.10.000.000 / year
Deposit/Uang Jaminan
Contact: 087771818959 - Facility:
- Additional Info:
- Rental Price:
- 12juta nego sampai jadi
- Contact: 087771818959
- WhatsApp: 087771818959