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- Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside PIK 2
- Location: JL. Otista-PIK2, Tangerang.
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower Dotonburi / 5th Floor / Street View
- Size: 36 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Good, Unfurnished
- Facility: AC, Security Card Access, parkir, restoran, jalur telpon, CCTV, Kolam Renang, playing Garden,
- Additional Info: –
- Rental Price: Rp. 20.000.000 / tahun
- Contact: Sajuti 081519227030
- WhatsApp: 081519227030
- Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside Apartment
- Location: Lemo, Teluknaga, Tangerang Regency, Banten 15510
- Tower/Floor/View: Edogawa/21/City
- Size: 21 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Brand new & Unfurnished
- Facility:
- Japanese Garden Theme Park
- Fitness Center & Outdoor Gym
- Reflexology Path
- Lapangan Bola Basket
- Deck Lounge
- Floating Deck
- Kolam Renang olympic size
- Akses direct Mall & Foodcourt
- Community Plaza
- Playground
- ATM Center
- Parkir Basement & Gedung dengan sistem keamanan secure parking
- Petugas keamanan 24 jam , Access Card & CCTV
- ATM Center
- Clubhouse
- Additional Info:
- Tower Edogawa paling dekat ke area pasar
- Walking distance (under the apartment). Wheelchair friendly
- Restaurants (Sushi Go, Gokana, Platinum, Bakso, etc)
- Alfamart/ Indomart convenience store
- Supermarket Farmers Market
- Food Court
- Barber & Salon
- ATM Center
- Daycare
- Clinic
- Laundry
- Cafe & coffeeshop
- Clean Market (Pasar Bersih)
- Selling Price: Rp 450 juta
- Rental Price: Rp 10 juta/tahun. Harga sewa belum termasuk IPL, listrik, air & ada deposit
- Contact: 081996261982 (Adarooms)
- WhatsApp: 081996261982
- Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside PIK 2
- Location: Jln. Marina indah Raya No.1, PIK2
- Tower/Floor/View: Akibahara dan Bepu, Edogawa
- Size: 40 m2, 36 m2
- Bedroom: Studio, 2BR
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- 2BR Luas 40m2 = kosong, 2 AC dan gorden
- 2BR Luas 36m2 kosongan
- Studio luas 21m2 : kosongan Ac
- Studio luas 21m2 : kosongan
- Facility:
- Minimart
- Pharmacy
- Clinic
- Coffee shop
- Restaurants
- Cafe
- Billiards
- Dental Clinic
- ATM center
- Play ground
- Londry
- Shuttle Bus
- Hawker food
- etc
- Additional Info: Tahunan
- Selling Price: Studio Rp 245.000.000
- Rental Price:
- 2Br Luas 40m2 (2Ac +gorden) : Rp 19.000.000 pertahun
- 2BR kosongan 36m2 : Rp 15.500.000 pertahun
- Studio AC Rp.12.OOO.OOO pertahun
- Studio Semi 15jt ,AC ,ranjang ,kulkas , lemari
- Studio kosongan Rp.8.500.000 pertahun
(semua diluar IPL listrik air)
- Contact:
- Rita 089650693556
- Ivan 085890500889
- WhatsApp: 089650693556
- E-mail:
- Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside PIK 2
- Location: Jln. Marina Indah Raya No. 1, PIK 2
- Tower/Floor/View: Akibahara, Chikusei, Dontobori, Fuji
- Size: 36 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Ranjang Queen size (kamar utama)
- Single Bed Lemari full plafon
- Meja Rias dan kursi
- Kitchen set
- Kulkas
- Kompor dan hood
- Sofa
- AC 2unit
- Tv
- Water heater
- Meja makan dan kursi
- Gorden
- Facility:
- Minimart
- Pharmacy
- Clinic
- Coffee Shop
- Restaurants
- Cafe
- Supermarket
- Billiards
- Dental klinik
- Hawker food
- Tokyo market
- Barber shop
- Reflexology
- ATM center
- Laundry
- Play groud
- etc
- Additional Info: Pertahun
- Selling Price: Dijual studio 235 juta
- Rental Price:
- 2br Full furnished: mulai dari harga Sewa Per tahun Rp. 35.000.0000
- 2br kosongan AC gorden ; luas 40m2 Rp. 19.000.000 pertahun
- Studio full furnished 21.000.000 pertahun
- studio kosongan +ac=Rp. 12.000.000 pertahun
- Studio Semi 6bulan AC ,lemari ,ranjang Rp.8.000.000
- studio Semi Ranjang ,AC ,kulkas ,tv Rp.15.5 JT pertahun
- 2br kosong tanpa AC Rp. 15.000.000setahun
- harga semua diluar Ipl
- Contact: Rita 089650693556 Ivan 085890500889
- WhatsApp: 089650693556
- E-mail:
- Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside PIK 2
- Location: Lemo, Kec. Teluknaga, Kabupaten Tangerang, Banten 15510
- Tower/Floor/View: Dotonburi / Lt 5 / City
- Size: 21 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully furnished
- Facility:
- Free Commuter PIK2 (Jam Operasional Pk 05:00 – Pk. 22:00)
- Japanese Garden
- Basketball Court
- Children Playground
- Sport Facility
- 24 Hours Security and CCTV
- Minimart
- Pharmacy
- Clinic
- Coffee Shop
- Restaurant
- Cafe
- Supermarket
- Billiard
- Dental Clinic
- Hawkers Food
- Tokyo Market
- Barbershop
- Reflexology
- ATM Centre
- Laundry
- Playground. etc
- Additional Info:
- Lokasi sangat strategis di PIK, memiliki interchange PIK (akses langsung jalan Tol).
- Konsep Water Front City terlengkap di pantai Jakarta, fasilitas super lengkap dan ekslusif.
- Dekat dengan Tzu Chi School, Pertamina, Shell, PIK Mal, Fresh Market, Water Boom, area bisnis dan kuliner.
- Dekat dengan 1000 Chineese food restaurant
- Dekat dengan Pasar Raksasa
- Dekat dengan 4 Asian Market terbesar di Pik
- Dekat dengan Universitas Prasetya Mulia
- Dekat dengan Sekolah Khatolik no 1di Indonesia
- Dekat dengan Mata Elang
- Dekat dengan kavling komersil
- Posisi Central PIK 2
- Selling Price: Rp. 375.000.000,-
- Rental Price:
- 1 bulan Rp. 3.500.000,-
- 3 bulan Rp. 10.000.000,-
- 6 bulan Rp. 20.000.000,-
- 12 bulan Rp. 30.000.000,-
- Include : Free Internet / Wifi 30 G per month
- Exclude : IPL, Electricity, Water, Club house, Parking.
- Deposit : Rp. 3.500.000,- (Refund after check out with no damage of the property).
- Contact: Rose 081286580038
- WhatsApp: 081286580038
- Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside
- Location: PIK 2
- Tower/Floor/View: Dotonburi, City View
- Size: 21 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Study Room: 1
- Condition:
- Full Furnished
- Floor Vinyl
- Facility:
- Pharmacy
- Laundry
- Supermarket
- Tokyo Market
- Barbershop
- Reflexology
- Billiard
- Cafe 24 hours
- ATM Centre
- Security Guard 24 hours
- etc
- Additional Info: Weekly, Mounthly and Yearly Rental Available
- Rental Price:
- Weekly : contact directly
- Mounthly: Rp 3.000.000
- Yearly : contact directly
- Exclude : Maintenace Fee, Electric, Water, Parking & Internet
- Contact: Please Contact or Wa for Details : +628111141858
- WhatsApp: 628111141858
- Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside
- Location: PIK 2
- Tower/Floor/View: Beppu/10/Pool
- Size: 38 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full Furnished :
- Queen Size Bed (Master Room)
- Single Size Bed (Second Room)
- Wardrobe
- Vanity
- Kitchen Set
- TV
- AC 2 Unit
- Dining Table + Chair
- Water Heater
- Gas Stove + Cooker Hood
- Refrigerator
- Facility:
- Minimart
- Pharmacy
- Clinic
- Coffee Shop
- Restaurant
- Cafe
- Supermarket
- Billiard
- Dental Clinic
- Hawkers Food
- Tokyo Market
- Barbershop
- Reflexology
- ATM Centre
- Laundry
- Playground
- etc
- Additional Info: Daily, Monthly and Yearly Rental Available
- Rental Price:
- Daily : contact directly
- Monthly : Rp. 4.800.000,–
- Yearly : contact directly
- Exclude : Maintenance Fee, Electric, Water, Parking & Internet
- Contact: For more information & info other units, please contact or WA : +6283198088688
- WhatsApp: 6283198088688
- Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside PIK 2
- Location: PIK 2
- Tower/Floor/View: All Tower / View
- Size: 21 m2
- Bedroom: Studio
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full Furnished
- Facility:
- AC
- TV
- Tempat Tidur
- Sikat Gigi
- Air Mineral
- Sabun
- Handuk
- Additional Info:
- Parkir Berbayar (ke apartemen)
- Kolam Renang & Gym Berbayar (ke apartemen)
- Rental Price: HARGA PROMO!
- Senin – Kamis: Rp. 250.000,-
- Jumat, Minggu: Rp. 275.000,-
- Sabtu: Rp. 300.000,-
- Contact: Cheapinn Customer Service (24 jam)
- 0817259335
- Instagram:
- Web:
- WhatsApp: 0817259335
- E-mail:
- Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside PIK 2
- Location: Lemo, Kec. Teluknaga, Kabupaten Tangerang, Banten 15510
- Tower/Floor/View: –
- Size: 40 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full furnished
- Facility:
- Free Commuter PIK2 (Jam Operasional Pk 05:00 – Pk. 22:00)
- Japanese Garden
- Basketball Court
- Children Playground
- Sport Facility
- 24 Hours Security and CCTV
- Minimart
- Pharmacy
- Clinic
- Coffee Shop
- Restaurant
- Cafe
- Supermarket
- Billiard
- Dental Clinic
- Hawkers Food
- Tokyo Market
- Barbershop
- Reflexology
- ATM Centre
- Laundry
- Playground. etc
- Additional Info:
- Lokasi sangat strategis di PIK, memiliki interchange PIK (akses langsung jalan Tol).
- Konsep Water Front City terlengkap di pantai Jakarta, fasilitas super lengkap dan ekslusif.
- Dekat dengan Tzu Chi School, Pertamina, Shell, PIK Mal, Fresh Market, Water Boom, area bisnis dan kuliner.
- Dekat dengan 1000 Chineese food restaurant
- Dekat dengan Pasar Raksasa
- Dekat dengan 4 Asian Market terbesar di PIK
- Dekat dengan Universitas Prasetya Mulia
- Dekat dengan Sekolah Khatolik no 1di Indonesia
- Dekat dengan Mata Elang
- Dekat dengan kavling komersil
- Posisi Central PIK 2
- Selling Price: Rp 600 juta
- Contact: +62 821-4794-3427
- WhatsApp: 6282147943427
- Apartment Name: Tokyo Riverside PIK 2
- Location: Jln.Marina indah Raya No. 1, PIK 2
- Tower/Floor/View: –
- Size: 40 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- 2 br luas 40m2 (Semi Furnished)
- AC
- Kasur latex
- Kasur 1mx2
- Kulkas
- Gorden
- 2br kosongan 40m2
- Studio 21m2 : Kosongan +AC
- Facility:
- Minimart
- Pharmacy
- Clinic
- Coffee shop
- Restaurants
- Billiards
- Dental Clinic
- Hawker
- ATM center
- Playground
- Tokyo market
- Additional Info: Pertahun
- Selling Price: Studio kosong Rp. 235.000.000
- Rental Price:
- 2br luas 40m2 Semi : kasur latek, gorden, kulkas : Rp 22.000.000 pertahun
- 2br luas 40m2 : kosongan 2 AC goreng Rp 20.000.000 pertahun
- Studio kosong AC + kasur Rp 13.000.000 setahun
- Contact:
- Rita 089650693556
- Ivan 085890500889
- WhatsApp: 089650693556
- E-mail: