- Apartment Name: Menteng Park
- Location: Jl. Cikini Raya No. 79, Cikini, Jakarta Pusat 10330
- Tower/Floor/View: Emerald / City View
- Size: 62 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Unfurnished
- Facility:
- Private Lift
- 24-Hour Security
- Lifestyle Arcade and Food
- Supermarket Food
- ATM Center
- Infinity Pool
- Rooftop Sky Park
- Mezzanine Lounge
- Fitness Center
- Luxurious Grand Lobby
- Children Playground
- Garden With Jogging Track
- Mini Market
- Jacuzzi
- Cafe and Restaurant
- Additional Info:
- Located in Menteng Jakarta, Next to Taman Ismail Marzuki Arts and Theater Center and Hotel Formula 1. It is 10 minutes Away from Thamrin, Sudirman and Kuningan which means the Area is Surrounded by the Best Schools, Hospitals, Office Buildings, Entertainment Centers and more.
- In Addition, this Property is in a Flood-Free Area to Provide Comfort for the Inhabitants.
- This is a Combination of Office, Condotel and Apartments with 5 Star Facilities.
- Selling Price: Menteng Park, Tower Emerald
Uk. 62 m2 dengan Private Lift, City View
2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom
Jual di bawah modal Rp 2.500.000.000, nego
Modal Rp 2.800.000.000 - Contact: Lins : 087783262006
- E-mail: listinganccg@gmail.com
Dijual 1 BR Full Furnished Atas Mall Rp 480 Juta All in Lantai Rendah Apartment Bassura City
- Apartment Name: Bassura City
- Location: Jl Basuki Rahmat No.1A, Jakarta Timur
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower: Cattelia/floor : 11/view : City
- Size: 28 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Kondisi yang dijual dalam kondisi full furnished.
- Fully furnished: Tempat tidur, sofa, meja makan, kitchen set, 1 TV (di living room), kulkas, AC, lemari, exhaust fan, curtain, bed set, accessories such lamps, Intercom, MATV, sprinkle, smoke detector, Alarm, Speaker for information, Sanitairs. Dll
- Facility:
- Bassura City merupakan superblock yang memiliki kelengkapan fasilitas sebagai berikut: Access card, TV kabel, parkir basement, swimming pool, fitness center, children playground, jogging track, food court.
- Fasilitas shoopping yang dekat dengan Mall Bassura City, minimarket Alfamart / Indomart di dalam apartemen. Dekat dengan akses tol Jatinegara, Kampung Melayu, Tebet, Banjir Kanal Timur, Cipinang dan Kuningan.
- Lokasi strategis, sekitar 300 meter dari Jalan Toll Dalam Kota (arah Tanjung Priok). Dekat kampus, pomp bensin, Pasar Gembrong. Tidak jauh dari Airport Halim PK. Sekitar 15 menit ke Mega Kuningan dan Jl. Sudirman, sekejap ke Stasiun KA Jatinegara dikelilingi universitas MPU Tantular, STMT Trisakti, STIE Nusantara, RS Duren Sawit, RS Premier Jatinegara, RSIA Hermina Jatinegara
- Additional Info: Unit yang Dijual 1BR Fullfunis Di atas Mall
- Apartemen Bassura City
- Tower : Cattelia
- Lantai : 11
- Luas : 28 mtr
- Harga Jual : Rp. 480 Jt Allin
- Harga jual beli Sudah Termasuk Biaya biaya
- Untuk Jual Beli Harus Cash Keras tidak Bisa KPA
- Selling Price: Kami Juga Mempunyai Stok unit Jual Beli di Tiap Tower
- Studio Unfurnished: Rp 330 – 400 Jt
- Studio Full furnished: Rp 350 – 450 Jt
- 1 BR Unfurnished: Rp 375 – 500 Jt
- 1 BR Full furnished: Rp 450 – 550 Jt
- 2 BR Unfurnished: Rp 420 – 600 Jt
- 2 BR Full furnished: Rp 480 – 700 Jt
- 3 BR Unfurnished: Rp 600 – 900 Jt
- 3 BR Full furnished: Rp 650 – 1.6 M
- Kios Flamboyan Rp 850 Jt
- Harga termasuk biaya-biaya pengalihan, notaris, dll. Cara bayar hanya bisa HARD CASH, tidak bisa KPA
- Rental Price:
- Studio Unfurnished: Rp 2.6 Jt/bulan atau Rp 24 Jt – 26 Jt/tahun
- Studio Full furnished: Rp 3.7 Jt – 4 Jt/bulan atau Rp 37 Jt – 40 Jt/tahun
- 1 BR Unfurnished: Rp 2.8 Jt/bulan atau Rp 27 Jt/tahun
- 1 BR Full furnished: Rp 3.8 Jt – 4.5 Jt/bulan atau Rp 37 Jt – 45 Jt/tahun
- 2 BR Unfurnished: Rp 3.3 Jt/bulan atau Rp 28 Jt – 33 Jt/tahun
- 2 BR Full furnished: Rp 4.5 Jt – 5.5 Jt/bulan atau Rp 45 Jt – 55 Jt/tahun
- 3 BR Unfurnished: Rp 4 Jt/bulan atau Rp 38 Jt– 42 Jt/tahun
- 3 BR Full furnished: Rp 6.7 Jt – 7,5 Jt/bulan atau Rp 67 Jt – 73 Jt/tahun,
- Note: Harga sewa tergantung tower dan lantai (unfurnished -furnished), free maintenance
- Jatah Kendaraan
- 1 Mobil 200 Rb/bln
- 1 Motor 75 Rb/bln
- akses Card 75 Rb
- Contact: Kami menerima Titip Jual Beli Sewa Apartemen Properti, Ayoo ayoo langsung liat unitnya dan langsung Beli dan sewa Unitnya. Rasakan kenyamanan tinggal di apartemen Bassura City, minat langsung hubungi: Andry Mohamed, Hp & WA: 081285226588 & 081806060703
- WhatsApp: 081285226588
- E-mail: andrimohamadkodir@gmail.com
Kebutuhan Mendesak Jual Cepat Harga Termurah Apartemen Bassura City Atas XXI Jakarta Timur
- Apartment Name: Bassura City
- Location: Jl. Basuki Rahmat No.1, Cipinang, Jakarta Timur.
- Tower/Floor/View: Cattleya (atas mall). hanya 390jt sdh termasuk Biaya Pengalihan PPJB. Jual cepat 3kmr Hoek / Double View, Luas 48m2, view Pool / Selatan. Hanya 635jt sdh termasuk Biaya Pengalihan PPJB. Jual cepat 2kamar, Lt.30 View Timur/Kompek / Studio Tower Cattleya (atas mall). Luas 34m2. Hanya 490jt sdh termasuk Biaya Pengalihan PPJB.
- Size: 24 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Furnished: Full of furniture. Tempat tidur, sofa, meja makan, kitchen set, 1 TV (di living room), kulkas, 2 AC, lemari, exhaust fan, curtain, bed set, sanitair, accessories,.
- Unfurnished: Intercom, MATV, sprinkle, smoke detector, Alarm, Speaker for information, sanitairs
- Khusus Investor: Unit dijual dalam kondisi tersewa. Unfurnished plus terpasang 2 unit AC, Exhaust dinding hisap.
- Facility:
- Bassura City merupakan superblock yang memiliki kelengkapan fasilitas sebagai berikut: Access card, TV kabel, parkir basement, swimming pool, fitness center, children playground, jogging track, food court.
- Fasilitas shoopping yang dekat dengan Mall Bassura City, minimarket Alfamart / Indomart di dalam apartemen. Dekat dengan akses tol Jatinegara, Kampung Melayu, Tebet, Banjir Kanal Timur, Cipinang dan Kuningan.
- Lokasi strategis, sekitar 300 meter dari Jalan Toll Dalam Kota (arah Tanjung Priok).
- Dekat kampus, pomp bensin, Pasar Gembrong. Tidak jauh dari Airport Halim PK. Sekitar 15 menit ke Mega Kuningan dan Jl. Sudirman, sekejap ke Stasiun KA Jatinegara dikelilingi universitas MPU Tantular, STMT Trisakti, STIE Nusantara, RS Duren Sawit, RS Premier Jatinegara, RSIA Hermina Jatinegara
- Additional Info:
- Potensi kenaikan harga jual dan sewa menunjukan indikasi dan trend positif.
- Pembangunan infrastruktur di sekitar Bassura dalam tahun ini akan rampung dan menjadikan area di sekitar Bassura menjadi rapih dan tertata dengan baik.
- Pembangunan area komersial dan hunian di depan Bassura City akan mendongkrak harga nilai tanah dan bangunan yang menjadikan harga apartemen Bassura akan ikut naik.
- Semakin sulit untuk mencari unit-unit yang sesuai dengan keinginan sebagai dampak bahwa semakin susah untuk memperoleh unit second market.
- Unit jual murah semakin terbatas, jual harga tinggi terbuka lebar
- Selling Price:
- Jual cepat Tower Cattleya lt. 20 View Timur Rp 490.000.000
- Studio Hoek unfurnished mulai Rp 390.000.000
- 2 BR Unfurnished mulai Rp 450.000.000
- 2 BR Furnished: Rp 500.000.000
- 3 BR Unfurnished mulai Rp 650.000.000. Harga unit tergantung tower dan posisi lantai.
- 3 BR Furnished mulai Rp 650.000.000.Hanya 1 unit.
- Harga termasuk biaya-biaya pengalihan dan notaris.
- Cara bayar hanya bisa Hard Cash, tidak bisa KPA
- Kami Menerima titip jual – beli – sewa dan Desain Interior dan furniture.
- Rental Price:
- Studio Unfurnished mulai Rp 25.000.000/tahun
- Studio Full furnished: Rp 38.000.000/tahun
- 2 BR Unfurnished mulai Rp 30.000.000/tahun
- 2 BR Furnished: Rp 54.000.000/tahun
- 3 BR Unfurnished mulai Rp 45.000.000/tahun
- 3 BR Furnished mulai Rp 78.000.000/tahun
- Harga sewa furnish tergantung kondisi interior tower, minimal sewa 3 bulan bayar dimuka (untuk tipe tertentu).
- Harga sewa sudah termasuk IPL
- Harga sewa di luar deposit sewa
- Contact: Bess Properti – 081283921717
Tower Flamboyan Lt.Dasar Apartemen Bassura City jam 09.00 s.d 18.00.
Jual / Sewa Properti di Apartemen Lainnya - E-mail: bessproperti@gmail.com
Dijual Apartemen Sudirman Suite – 3 BR (Size 62,42 Sqm) TERMURAH 2,6 MILYAR SEBELUM TERJUAL
- Apartment Name: Sudirman Suite
- Location: Jalan Jendral Sudirman Kav. 36, Jakarta Pusat
- Tower/Floor/View:
- Size: 62,42 Sqm m2
- Bedroom: 3
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Unfurnished
- Air Conditioner
- Water heater
- Brand New
- Balcony
- Facility:
- Prestigious & Exclusive Apartment View
- Glamour City Light Panoramic
- 5 stars Hotel Services
- Indoor Leisure Swimming Pool
- Jacuzzi
- Fitness Center
- Exotic Sauna
- Tropical Garden
- Roof Garden
- BBQ Terrace
- CCTV 24 hours
- Commercial Area
- Japanese Restaurant
- Near In Front MRT Station Bendungan Hilir
- Busway
- Additional Info:
- Prestigious and Premium location on Sudirman street, South Jakarta. Exotic Living and Work Near from your Bussiness area. CBD Kuningan. In front MRT Station Bendungan Hilir
- Kami menerima jasa “Design & Build” untuk unit Apartemen dan Office Anda, dengan waktu pengerjaan dan kualitas yang dapat diandalkan.
- We sell all size in Sudirman Suites: 40 Sqm, 42 Sqm, 60 Sqm, 64 Sqm, 72 Sqm, 95 Sqm, 122 Sqm
- Rental Price: USD 1.800/Month. Minimum Rental 1 Year
- Contact: Charles Susanto Lim
Call / Whatsapp: 081377765768 – 087778899910
E-mail: prestigescbd@gmail.com
Prestige SCBD Property
Treasury Tower Office District 8 Level 7F
Office 15 Level 15D Menara Imperium KuninganMilion Dolar Listing Jakarta – Sell It Like Charles
- WhatsApp: 081377765768
- E-mail: prestigescbd@gmail.com
Jual Apartemen Bellagio Residence – 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 BR Any Condition, Hot Deal
- Apartment Name: Bellagio Residence
- Location: Jl. Mega Kuningan Barat No. 3, RT. 5 / RW. 2, Kuningan, Kuningan Timur, Setia Budi, Jakarta Selatan 12950
- Tower/Floor/View: A, B / Low, Middle & High / City & Pool View
- Size: 56, 84, 104, 108, 168, 200 m2
- Bedroom: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
- Bathroom: 1/ 2 / 3 / 4
- Study Room: Optional
- Maid Room: Optional
- Maid Bathroom: Optional
- Condition:
- Full furnished
- Semi furnished
- Unfurnished
- Facility: 24-hour security, swimming pool, gym and sauna, tennis court, children playground, function hall, basement parking space, cafe, resto, food court, beauty salon, mini market, 24-hour ATM, laundry, taxi pool, TV cable and high speed internet access.
- Additional Info: Kami adalah agen resmi untuk Apartemen Bellagio Residence. Kunjungi website kami : jualsewaapartemenjakartaselatan.net
- Selling Price:
- 1 – 2 Bedroom (56 sqm) : harga mulai Rp 1.600.000.000
- 2 – 2+1 Bedroom (84 sqm : harga mulai Rp 1.800.000.000
- 3+1 Bedroom (108 sqm) : harga mulai Rp 2.600.000.000
- 3+1 Bedroom (168 sqm) : harga mulai Rp
- 3 – 4 Bedroom (200 sqm) : harga mulai Rp 4.500.000.000
- Contact: 0852 14045 789 (Call/WA). Verly Iproper (Spesialis Apartemen Bellagio Residence)
- E-mail: verly_jn@yahoo.com
Jual HARGA MIRING Apartemen Casa Grande / Casagrande Residence Phase 2 – Luas 129m2 3+1BR UF, 4M View Bagus Luas 88m2, 2BR Unit UF Rp 2.9 M & Tahap 1 Luas 80m2 FF 2BR Parkit, 2.7M (Nego) di Jakarta Selatan (Need Pic Direct Contact Me)
- Apartment Name: Casagrande / Casa Grande Residence
- Location: Jl Kasablanka Raya, Kav 88, Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Angelo/Bella/Cianti/Montreal/Mirage
- Size: 67/76/88/129 m2
- Bedroom: 2 / 3 / 3+1 / 4
- Bathroom: 2 / 3
- Study Room: 1
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Kosongan (unfurnished) & fully furnished dilengkapi dengan AC, TV LCD, perlengkapan dapur, dispenser, lemari pendingin, microwave, kompor gas, mesin cuci, dll
- Facility:
- Perpustakaan
- Kolam renang
- Kolam anak
- Jogging Track
- Taman bermain anak
- Fitness center
- Spa and Sauna
- Water Feature Outdoor Party Terrace
- Kolam Ikan
- Yoga
- Lobbi Besar
- Keamanan 24 jam dengan kamera CCTV
- Kartu akses ke mall, dan masih
- Additional Info:
- Located in Central Business District (Kuningan and Sudirman).
- Superblock concept (Apartment, Mall + Waterpark and Office Tower).
- Direct access to Kota Kasablanka shopping Mall from the Apartment (private access card)
- Selling Price:
- 2 BR phase 1 Rp 2.7 M,
- 2 BR 80 sqm phase 2 Rp 3.150 M,
- 3 BR phase 2 Rp 4 M (dari Rp 5 M)
- Casagrande Phase 1 (Tahap1)
- 1 Bedroom: Rp 1.600.000.000 – 1.800.000.000
- 2 Bedrooms: Rp – 2.400.000.000
- 3 bedrooms: Rp – 3.300.000.000
- Contact: +62812 81797895 (WA/call) for Seriously Buyer..Others apartment SCBD/Ciputra World 1-2/Verde/Kuningan City Denpasar Residences – 1 BR 49m2 1.55 M Nett / 2BR 60m2 2M Nego / 2BR 85m2 2.65 M Nett / 3BR+1 Kosongan 135m2 3.65M Nego, BISA KPA & Furnished/Botanica 225sqm 3Br+1 semi furnished 9 M & 288 sqm 3br+112 M Nego/ Resident 8/District 8/Capital/1 park avenue/Sky garden/Kemang Village/Kemang /Simprug teras PET FRIENDLY Mansion/Casagrande Phase 2 88Sqm 2br UF 3.2M & 129sqm 3br+1 UF 4 M /Taman Sari Semanggi/Kuningan or South Jakarta “We also accept Apartment/Landed house/Commercial Ruko/Office Tower/Land listing for Buy/Sell/Rent/Invest.” (TITIP KUNCI)
- E-mail: conquere_b@yahoo.com
Sewa dan Jual Apartemen Nine Residence – Best Unit, Best Price, All Type
- Apartment Name: Nine Residence
- Location: Jl. Warung Buncit Raya No. 12, Duren Tiga, Pancoran, Jakarta Selatan 12760
- Tower/Floor/View: All Tower / Any Floor / Any View
- Size: 38, 44, 67, 76, 88 m2
- Bedroom: Studio / 1 / 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully Furnished / Semi Furnished / Unfurnished
- Facility:
- 24-Hour Security
- Swimming Pool
- Children Playground
- Commercial Area
- Parking Lot
- Restaurant
- Rooftop Garden
- Cafe
- Hypermart
- Cinemaxx Theatre
- Additional Info:
- Nine Residence is Located Between Warung Buncit, Mampang and Kemang Utara. Its Strategic Location Makes it Easily Accessible From Business Area in Jakarta, Such as SCBD, Kuningan, Sudirman, and Thamrin.
- This Apartment is Surrounded by Malls, Entertainment Centers, Cafes and other Eating Places.
Other Strategic Location :
- Besides that the Apartment is Also Close to Hospitals and International Schools.
Other info :
- Nice Interior & Furniture
- Very Suitable for Single, Couple, Small Family
- Best Price
- Selling Price: Call For Detail
- Rental Price:
- Studio Room Starting : IDR 6.000.000/month
- 1 Bedroom Starting : IDR 8.000.000/month
- 2 Bedroom : IDR 12.000.000/month
Noted :
- All Price are Negotiable
- Minimum Rent For 6 Month*
- Contact:
- Sava Jakarta : 0811876776 (Call / WA)
- Website : www.savajakarta.com
- E-mail: info@savajakarta.com
Sewa Apartemen Casa Grande Residence di Jakarta Selatan – 1 / 2 / 3 BR Fully Furnished – Special Low Price
- Apartment Name: Casa Grande Residence
- Location: Jl. Casablanca Raya, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: Any/Any/City
- Size: 48 / 50 / 52 / 78 / 80 / 99 / 117 / 163 m2
- Bedroom: 1 / 2 / 3
- Bathroom: 1 / 2 / 3
- Maid Room: 1
- Maid Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Fully furnished & unfurnished
- Facility:
- Aerobic room
- Basketball court
- fitness center
- function room
- jacuzzi
- olympic swimming pool
- jogging track,
- laundry/dry cleaning,
- minimarket,
- sauna,
- Squash,
- kidsroom,
- mailbox,
- CCTV 24 hours,
- video phone,
- massage room,
- coffee shop.
- Additional Info: Full 5-stars facility, gym, olympic size swimming pool. Located above Kota Kasablanka Shopping Mall.
- Rental Price: We have units available at PHASE I & PHASE II
- 1 Bedroom start from US$ 700/month
- 2 Bedroom start from US$ 1000/month
- 3 Bedroom start from US$ 1300/month
- 2 Bedroom + Private elevator from US$ 1400/month
- 3 Bedroom + Private elevator from US$ 1600 – 3000/month
- PHASE II (New tower
- 2 Bedrooms Start From $ 1500/Month
- 3 Bedrooms Start From $ 2100/Month
- 3 Bedrooms Start From $ 2400/Month (Private Lift)
- All price is negotiable with minimum rent for 12 months
- Contact: 08592151559 (Call, SMS, Whatsapp) Brian
- E-mail: great.mrday@gmail.com
Jual Murah Apartemen Kalibata City – 2 BR Full Furnished Sudah Bersertifikat
- Apartment Name: Kalibata City
- Location: Jl Raya Makam Pahlawan Kalibata, Jakarta Selatan
- Tower/Floor/View: eboni/16/taman
- Size: 33 m2
- Bedroom: 2
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition: Full furnished
- Facility: Dekat Stasiun Kereta Api Kalibata, Kampus STEKPIP, access Tol Pancoran, RS Tria Dipq dan RS Budi Asih, Perkantoran segitiga emas kuningan, Gatot Subroto dan Sudirman, PGC, Giant, Carrefour MT Haryono, Bank lengkap (Mandiri, BCA, BNI, BRI dan Danamon).Mall, Bioskop Cinemaxx, Resto dan Cafe 24 Jam, Laundry, ATM Centre, Rumah Sakit/Klinik, Farmers Market, Money Changer, Lapangan basket, Lapangan tennis, Internet WIFI, Cafe 24 Jam, Mesjid & Gereja, Sekolah TK & SD.
- Additional Info:
- Harga belum termasuk pajak dan biaya balik nama. Kalau berminat NEGO SAMPAI JADI
- keterangan lebih lanjut bisa langsung di tanyakan ke penjual
- Selling Price:
- Ebony/16/2BR Furnished Harga 390jt
- Borneo/01/2BR(Hook) Furnished Harga 335jt
- Damar/10/2BR Unfurnished Harga 325jt
- Ebony/10/2BR Furnished Harga 380jt
- Ebony/05/Studio Unfurnished Harga 270jt
- Flamboyan/02/2BR Unfurnished Harga 345jt
- Gaharu/08/2BR Unfurnished Harga 340jt
- Gaharu/06/2BR semi furnish Harga 335
- Gaharu/16/2BR Unfurnished Harga 385
- Contact: 0818385223 / 0811102933
Dijual Studio Full Furnished Apartemen Bassura City Jakarta Timur – Hanya Rp 355 Juta All in
- Apartment Name: Bassura City
- Location: Jln Basuki Rahmat No. 1A, Jakarta Timur
- Tower/Floor/View: Tower : Edelweise/floor : 28/view : City
- Size: 20 m2
- Bedroom: 1
- Bathroom: 1
- Condition:
- Unit terpasang AC, kitchen set, bed set, TV, Kulkas
- Spesifikasi standard gedung = intercom, MATV, sprinkle, smoke detector, Alarm, speaker, Sanitairs. Bassura memberikan fasilitas MATV yang terhubung dengan beberapa channel TV berbayar seperti HBO, FOX, Fox Sport, Disney. Ini semua gratis untuk Anda penghuni Bassura City
- Facility:
- Fasilitas shoopping yang dekat dengan Mall Bassura City, minimarket Alfamart / Indomart di dalam apartemen. Dekat dengan akses tol Jatinegara, Kampung Melayu, Tebet, Banjir Kanal Timur, Cipinang dan Kuningan.
- Lokasi strategis, sekitar 300 meter dari Jalan Toll Dalam Kota (arah Tanjung Priok). Dekat kampus, pomp bensin, Pasar Gembrong. Tidak jauh dari Airport Halim PK. Sekitar 15 menit ke Mega Kuningan dan Jl. Sudirman, sekejap ke Stasiun KA Jatinegara dikelilingi universitas MPU Tantular, STMT Trisakti, STIE Nusantara, RS Duren Sawit, RS Premier Jatinegara, RSIA Hermina Jatinegara
- Additional Info: Dijual Studio full furnished termurah Apartemen Bassura City
- Tower : Edelweise
- Lantai : 28
- Luas : 20 mtr
- View : City
- Listrik : 900 Watt
- Harga Jual : Rp. 355 Jt Allin
- Sudah Termasuk Semua Biaya2
- Biaya Pajak pengalihan dan Fee Agent (harga Jual Beli dalam bentuk PPJB)
dan masih tersedia unit jual Studio, 1 BR, 2 BR, dan 3 BR full furnished dan unfurnished - Kami juga menyediakan Unit Sewa lainnya dan menerima Titip Jual Sewa Apartemen dan Properti lainnya, Kami Juga Mempunyai Stok unit Jual Beli di Tiap Tower
- Selling Price:
- Studio Unfurnished: Rp 330 – 400 Jt
- Studio Full furnished: Rp 350 – 450 Jt
- 1 BR Unfurnished: Rp 375 – 500 Jt
- 1 BR Full furnished: Rp 450 – 550 Jt
- 2 BR Unfurnished: Rp 420 – 600 Jt
- 2 BR Full furnished: Rp 480 – 700 Jt
- 3 BR Unfurnished: Rp 600 – 900 Jt
- 3 BR Full furnished: Rp 650 – 1.6 M
- Kios Flamboyan Rp 850 Jt
- Harga termasuk biaya-biaya pengalihan, notaris, dll. Cara bayar hanya bisa HARD CASH,
- Belum bisa KPA
- Rental Price:
- Studio Unfurnished: Rp 24 Jt – 26 Jt/tahun
- Studio Full furnished: Rp 3.8Jt – 4 Jt/bulan atau Rp 37 Jt – 40 Jt/tahun
- 1 BR Unfurnished: Rp 27 Jt/tahun
- 1 BR Full furnished: Rp 4.5 Jt/bulan atau Rp 38 Jt – 45 Jt/tahun
- 2 BR Unfurnished: Rp 3.3 Jt/bulan atau Rp 28 Jt – 33 Jt/tahun
- 2 BR Full furnished: Rp 4.5 Jt – 5.5 Jt/bulan atau Rp 45 Jt – 55 Jt/tahun
- 3 BR Unfurnished: Rp 4 Jt/bulan atau Rp 38 Jt– 42 Jt/tahun
- 3 BR Full furnished: Rp 6.8 Jt – 7,5 Jt/bulan atau Rp 67 Jt – 73 Jt/tahun,
- Note: Harga sewa tergantung tower dan lantai (unfurnished -furnished), free maintenance
- Contact: Ayoo ayoo langsung liat unitnya dan langsung Beli dan sewa Unitnya. Rasakan kenyamanan tinggal di apartemen bassura city, minat langsung hubungi
Andry Mohamed (Hp & WA) : 081285226588 & 081806060703 - WhatsApp: 081285226588
- E-mail: andrimohamadkodir@gmail.com